Fabrizio Casiraghi丨设计师的家 首
2025-01-15 21:35
Fabrizio Casiraghi是一位杰出的室内设计师。他在多米尼克·佩罗(DOMINIQUE PERRAULT)的法国建筑工作室和米兰理工大学的历练中,形成独特的设计风格。擅长运用色彩和光线,创造出令人惊喜的混搭效果。设计融合历史与现代,将珍贵织物与工业树脂、古董家具与奢华植物巧妙结合,打造出既和谐又充满异国情调的空间,重新定义了自由的现代性。
Fabrizio Casiraghi,这位意大利出生、现居巴黎的室内建筑师,以其独特的设计风格和对细节的极致追求而闻名。他的作品遍布全球,每一个项目都展现了他对空间的深刻理解和对美学的独到见解。然而,最能体现他设计理念的,莫过于他自己的家——位于巴黎第九区蒙马特艺术区附近的一套40平方米的小公寓。
Fabrizio Casiraghi, an Italian-born interior architect based in Paris, is known for his unique design style and extreme attention to detail. His work spans the globe, and each project demonstrates his deep understanding of space and unique insight into aesthetics. But nowhere is his design philosophy more evident than in his own home, a small 40-square-metre apartment near Montmartre in the 9th arrondissement of Paris.
在如此紧凑的空间内,Casiraghi 运用了许多设计策略,使公寓显得宽敞且功能齐全。他通过分隔不同区域创造出层次感,比如用帷幔与玻璃隔断划分卧室和起居区。这种做法不仅保留了空间的流通性,还增加了私密性,体现了法国人对生活仪式感的重视。
Within such a compact space, Casiraghi employed a number of design strategies to make the apartment appear spacious and functional. He creates a sense of hierarchy by separating different areas, such as the bedroom and living area with valances and glass partitions. This approach not only retains the circulation of the space, but also increases the privacy, reflecting the French emphasis on the ritual sense of life.
The color palette of the apartment is understated and sophisticated. Casiraghi chose a soft neutral tone as the background, supplemented by rich accents such as dark blue and emerald green, which added depth to the space and showed a unique elegance. Through carefully selected furniture and artwork, he manages to blend contemporary and vintage elements to create a refreshing atmosphere.
Casiraghi 在材质选择上尤为用心,他通过不同材质的对比,提升了空间的质感。公寓内随处可见大理石台面、亚麻织物以及温暖的木质地板,这些材质彼此呼应,既传递出低调的奢华感,也为整个空间注入了一丝居家的温馨。
Casiraghi pays special attention to the selection of materials, and he enhances the texture of the space through the contrast of different materials. Throughout the apartment, marble countertops, linen fabrics and warm wooden floors echo each other, conveying a sense of understated luxury while injecting a touch of homely warmth into the space.
In addition, every detail of the apartment has been carefully designed. Casiraghis attention to detail and love of craftsmanship are evident in everything from custom recessed bookshelves to handcrafted light fixtures. He also cleverly used mirrors and lighting to further amplify the visual effect of the space, creating a bright and comfortable living environment.
For Casiraghi, the apartment is not only a living space, but also a design experiment. He is good at tapping the potential in the limited space, so that every inch can play its due function, while taking into account the artistic. He believes that the design of the space should be closely integrated with the lifestyle of the occupants, only in this way, can it truly become a warm home. This small apartment demonstrates Casiraghis deep understanding of the less is more philosophy. Through the exquisite control of proportion, light and materials, limited space is transformed into infinite possibilities, creating a home that is both functional and beautiful.
Fabrizio Casiraghi 的巴黎小公寓是极简主义与法式优雅的完美结合。体现了设计师对功能性与美感的敏锐把握,传递出一种生活哲学——无论空间大小,只要用心设计,都能创造出令人愉悦的生活环境。这间公寓为城市中小空间居住者提供了无数灵感,同时也让人感受到,设计的力量不仅改变空间,更能丰富生活本身。
Fabrizio Casiraghis small Parisian apartment is the perfect combination of minimalism and French elegance. It reflects the designers keen grasp of functionality and beauty, and conveys a philosophy of life - no matter the size of the space, as long as the heart is designed, you can create a pleasant living environment. This apartment provides countless inspiration for residents of small and medium-sized Spaces in the city, but also makes people feel the power of design not only to change the space, but also to enrich the life itself.
设计版权DESIGN COPYRIGHT : Fabrizio Casiraghi