Ariana Ahmad设计,穿行与艺术与设计的家族居所 首
2025-03-29 22:06
在俄罗斯莫斯科的郊外,有一座由Ariana Ahmad设计的占地5000㎡的四口之家。在抵达主屋之前,首先经过的是种植着许多植被的庭院,当你置身于这片绿意之中时,一种度假感油然而生,所有的烦恼与压力皆抛之脑后,此刻只有宁静与放松。
n the outskirts of Moscow, Russia, there is a family of four that covers an area of 5,000 square meters. Before entering the main house, you first come to the courtyard planted with a lot of vegetation, when you are in this green, a holiday atmosphere arises, all the troubles and pressure are left behind, and only peace and relaxation are left.
设计师Ariana Ahmad与业主是长期的友好伙伴,这是他们合作的第六个项目。因为彼此之间的互相了解,让整个项目从设计到最终的落地推进的都非常顺利,并达到了他们认为的最好的成果。
Designer Ariana Ahmad has a long-standing professional relationship with the owners and this is the sixth project they have worked on together. Because of their mutual understanding, the whole project from design to the final landing process was very pleasant, and they achieved the best result.
This two-story residence with a loft covers a total area of 2,100 square meters. When you push open the heavy and steady entrance door and step inside, you are instantly surrounded by a quiet warmth. Soft beige, warm wood, and delicate light and shadow weave together a private and elegant atmosphere. Let this residence become a family sanctuary for generations and a space where art and design meet.
门厅处,一张由Christophe Delcourt定制的圆形桌,搭配Lasvit的金色吊灯轻柔洒落下的暖光,仿佛在欢迎着每一位到访者。通往起居室的走廊设计保持空间的连贯,立面的手工墙纸细腻而有质感,隐约透露出奶油色的光泽。
In the foyer, a circular table specially designed by Christophe Delcourt, with the warm light from Lasvits gold chandelier, seems to welcome everyone. The corridor leading to the living room maintains the continuity of the space, and the handmade wallpaper on the wall is delicate and textured, revealing a creamy gloss.
客厅舒展的布局让视线可以自然流动,每一处经过精雕细琢的细节共同营造出家的温度。一面独特的电视墙是客厅的焦点,由Christophe Delcourt专门设计,墙上悬挂着Zhu Hong的艺术装置“Drops”,水滴般的形态仿佛在诉说时间的故事。光透过大幅落地窗倾洒进来,使得立面的光影更加灵动。Hubert Le Gall的长凳,与Agostino Bonalumi的画作互为映衬,颇具趣味。
he extremely open layout of the living room allows the sight to flow naturally, and every detail is carefully crafted to create the temperature of the home. A unique TV wall, designed by Christophe Delcourt, is at the heart of the living room. Hanging on the wall is Zhu Hongs art installation Drops, a teardrop-like form that speaks to the flow of time. Sunlight pours in through the large floor-to-ceiling Windows, making the light and shadow on the walls more vivid. Hubert Le Galls bench is set against a painting by Agostino Bonalumi.
The dining room is located to the side of the living room, maintaining an open and independent relationship with it. A long table in warm wood colours contrasts with a metal chandelier in the ceiling, giving the space a more distinct hierarchy. The kitchen is a combination of practicality and aesthetics, with exquisitely designed cabinets and smooth counters that make cooking a pleasure. Although the space is dominated by low-key tones, it is rich and warm due to the subtle changes in materials.
主卧的墙面铺设了De Gournay的手工壁纸,点缀着刺绣与珠饰,每一寸都蕴含着匠心独运的艺术感,使二楼的宁静氛围愈加浓郁。衣帽间静立着一张白色缟玛瑙的长凳,那是Charles Kalpakian在CosMoscow展出的作品,在柔和灯光下散发温润的光泽。
The quiet atmosphere of the second floor is even more intense, and the wall of the master bedroom is covered with handmade wallpaper by De Gournay, embellished with embroidery and beading, every inch of which contains a sense of craftsmanship and art. In the cloakroom, a bench of white onyx, a Charles Kalpakian exhibit at CosMoscow, sits quietly, glowing in soft lighting.
儿童房充满了童趣和创造力,Pierre Yovanovitch的椅子与脚凳,搭配Dior限量版的镜子,使空间既富有设计感,又有着温馨感。Hubert Le Gall的灯具、花盆、坐墩,如艺术装置般点缀其中,让房间成为一个充满想象力的独立王国。
The childrens room is full of childrens fun and creativity, Pierre Yovanovitchs chair and footstool, with Dior limited edition mirror, make the space both rich in design and full of warmth. Hubert Le Galls lamps, flowerpots and pedestals are decorated like art installations, making the childrens room a place full of imagination.
Ascend the stairs to the attic, which is set up as a creative and athletic space for the family. Gym, study, childrens play area. There is also a separate dressing room in the corner, making the preparation before going out more leisurely and delicate. Large skylights bring in plenty of natural light, making the whole space full of life.
The basement holds another side of the home - the fusion of functionality and collection. The wine cellar contains precious wines, and details such as the fur storage room, laundry room and seasonal clothing storage area reflect the designers thoughtful consideration of practicality. This is not only a storage space, but also a carefully planned living system.
这座宅邸的核心是主人珍藏的艺术品,如Igor Chelkovski的雕塑、Simone Pheulpin的织物艺术、Wang Keping的木雕、Masao Yamamoto的摄影作品,每一件艺术作品都表达着业主对艺术的热爱,它不只是一个居住空间,更像是一座流动的美术馆,使其成为时间与艺术沉淀出的经典之作。
he core element of the house is the owners collection of artworks, such as Igor Chelkovskis sculpture, Simone Pheulpins fabric art, Wang Kepings wood carving, Masao Yamamotos photography, each of which expresses the owners love of art, It also makes the mansion more than a living space, more like a flowing art museum, making it a classic work of time and art precipitation.
he outdoor area has a spacious terrace, day or night, where families can sit and enjoy the beautiful garden view, look up at the sky, and enjoy the wonderful time of the seasons, bringing people closer to nature.