西班牙Casa Gesso艺术的栖居,以当代设计重塑女性主义 首
2024-11-25 09:52
Viruta Lab设计了一个具有开创性的项目,即Casa Gesso住宅,将20世纪70年代西班牙先锋艺术家Ángela García Codoñer的革命性女权主义艺术转化为当代的建筑语言。
Spanish architecture and interior design studio Viruta Lab has designed a groundbreaking project, Casa Gesso House, that translates the revolutionary feminist art of 1970s Spanish avant-garde artist Angela Garcia Codoner into a contemporary architectural language.
Ángela García Codoñer是西班牙女权主义艺术重要的代表人物之一,她的作品挑战了传统女性在家庭和公共空间中的刻板形象,用大胆和具有批判性的方式探讨了社会对女性的期望与限制。在Casa Gesso住宅中通过建构的方式得到重新演绎,每一个空间都成为她作品的一种三维解读,凸显其艺术的批判性与社会意义。
Angela Garcia Codoner is one of the most important representatives of feminist art in Spain. Her work challenges the stereotypical image of women in the family and public space, and explores the expectations and limitations of society in a bold and critical way. In the Casa Gesso house, every space becomes a three-dimensional interpretation of her work, highlighting the critical and social significance of her art.
iruta Lab的创始人David Puerta和María Daroz,采用白色瓷砖对Casa Gesso的外立面进行装饰,其灵感来源于传统的盥洗室。它们在室内外之间形成视觉上的连续性,同时也呼应Ángela García Codoñer的作品主题,并对私人和公共空间进行了重新定义。
iruta Lab founders David Puerta and Maria Daroz used white tiles to decorate the facade of Casa Gesso, inspired by traditional lavatories. They create a visual continuity between interior and exterior while also echoing the theme of Angela Garcia Codoners work and redefining private and public Spaces.
Making architecture a medium for continuing
“可居住的空白画布”,旨在通过具体的建筑形式,为居住者提供功能性空间的同时,也为了解Ángela García Codoñer的艺术思想提供了一个沉浸式的场所。这种设计理念超越了传统住宅的边界,将居住空间转化为艺术与社会批评的媒介。
Conceived as a livable blank canvas, the house aims to provide a functional space for its occupants through concrete architectural forms, while also providing an immersive place to explore the artistic ideas of Angela Garcia Codoner. This design concept transcends the boundaries of the traditional house and transforms the living space into a medium for art and social criticism.
asa Gesso由两个体量组成,以适应不同功能区的需求并与周围建筑的比例协调。满足日间使用的空间位于较低的一层,内部包含客厅、厨房等公共区域,体现开放与互动的生活方式;而夜间使用的空间则位于二层,包含卧室和卫生间,满足动静分区,互不干扰。
asa Gesso consists of two volumes to accommodate the needs of the different functional areas and to coordinate with the proportions of the surrounding buildings. The space for daytime use is located on the lower ground floor and contains public areas such as the living room and kitchen, reflecting an open and interactive lifestyle. The space used at night is located on the second floor, including the bedroom and the bathroom, to meet the dynamic and non-interference zone.
Coffee Tables Blooms by NV Gallery
Ángela García Codoñer 的 “Labores ”系列(1975-1977 年)是起居室的视觉中心。这件作品探索了传统的女性手工艺制作方式,而Viruta Lab则将这些图案转化为当代的建筑语言。因此,起居室成为了一个视觉批判的场所,强调女性话语权和在家庭活动中的重要性,借此重新定义女性的工作,并将其融入到设计美学中。
Angela Garcia Codoners Labores collection (1975-1977) is the visual center of the living room. The work explores traditional ways of making feminine crafts, while Viruta Lab translates these patterns into contemporary architectural language. Thus, the living room becomes a place of visual critique, emphasizing the importance of womens voice and in family activities, thereby redefining womens work and integrating it into the design aesthetic.
Modular Sofa Kilhe by The Masie
Ferm Living的支柱基座,为空间增添了庄重感和怀旧感,中性色、赤土色的软垫和纹理强化了对空间温度与中性风格的思考,同时也柔化了线条美感,营造出一种令人沉思的亲密氛围。
The wood and natural wood furniture, as well as the Ferm Living pillar base on one side of the sofa, add a sense of gravity and nostalgia to the space, while the neutral and terracotta upholstery and texture reinforce the consideration of the spaces temperature and neutral style, while also softening the beauty of the lines and creating a contemplative and intimate atmosphere.
Viruta Lab设计的摇椅和地毯等细节体现他们对精湛手工技艺的追求,同时还加强了与自然和手工劳动的联系,显然这些也都是Ángela García Codoñer作品的主要特征。
Sculptural cave stone coffee table and imposing micro-cement table balance the harmonious relationship of the environment. Details such as the rocking chairs and carpets designed by Viruta Lab reflect their pursuit of exquisite craftsmanship, while also strengthening the connection with nature and manual labor, which are clearly the main characteristics of Angela Garcia Codoners work.
室内庭院是建筑的关键所在,提供采光,满足通风,也在起居室和餐厨间形成过渡。餐厅内陈设着Ángela García Codoñer的“Morfologías ”系列(1973 年)作品,以蜿蜒的形式挑战男性对女性身体的想象,表达艺术家对视觉定型观念的解构,以引发人们对西班牙社会性别观念演变的思考。
The interior courtyard is the key to the building, providing light, ventilation and a transition between the living room and the kitchen. Inside the restaurant is Angela Garcia Codoners Morfologias (1973) series, a meandering form that challenges the male imagination of the female body and expresses the artists deconstruction of visual stereotypes in order to provoke reflection on the evolution of gender concepts in Spanish society.
Lucia Table in microcement by Decowood
卧室则从“Misses ”系列(1974-1975 年)作品中汲取灵感,该系列揭露了选美活动中对女性的一种物化。由Viruta Lab设计的床头板采用了香奈儿风格的斜纹软呢图案,暗指与这些选美比赛相关的上流社会美学,唤起作为参赛者其公众形象只停留于肤浅的精致。
he master bedroom takes inspiration from the Misses series (1974-1975), which exposes a kind of objectification of women in beauty pageants. The headboard, designed by Viruta Lab, features a Chanel-inspired tweed pattern, alluding to the high society aesthetic associated with these pageants and evoking the superficial sophistication of the contestants public image.
The motifs also draw on the artists collage art, casting doubt on media-constructed images of women. Twill tweed became a visual allude to traditional patterns and cross-stitch, symbolizing the careful construction of the female image in the home and public space. The use of spotlights reminds people of the stage of beauty pageants, emphasizing the humaneness of this form of expression.
asa Gesso住宅的灵感大多来源于艺术家Ángela García Codoñer的艺术作品,Viruta Lab通过建筑将女权主义的艺术理念在空间中重新呈现,包括性别角色、劳动价值以及空间的意义,并探讨人与空间之间的互动。无论是曲线的运用还是对色彩的克制,设计都在不经意间流露出对原始艺术的尊重。
Casa Gesso House is mostly inspired by the works of artist Angela Garcia Codoner, Viruta Lab re-presents feminist artistic concepts in the space through architecture, including gender roles, labor values and the meaning of space, and explores the interaction between people and space. Whether it is the use of curves or the restraint of color, the design inadvertently exudes respect for the original art.
Viruta Lab创造的一个多层次的生活体验空间。在这里,艺术与建筑在对话中相互启发,形式与意义达到了完美的平衡,日常生活与艺术反思并存,展现建筑设计所能承载的文化价值,比一般的媒介更为深远。
This is not so much an ordinary house as a multi-level living experience space created by Viruta Lab. Here, art and architecture inspire each other in dialogue, form and meaning achieve a perfect balance, daily life and artistic reflection coexist, showing the cultural value that architectural design can carry, more profound than the ordinary medium.