Rancho Mirage House隐秘绿洲,一场现代与沙漠的对话 首
2024-11-21 10:18
Rancho Mirage地区的Rancho Mirage House是一座文艺复兴风格的现代主义住宅,与被誉为沙漠中的建筑艺术宝地Palm Springs(棕榈泉)地区仅咫尺之遥——后者以中世纪现代建筑、设计元素、艺术文化场景和娱乐活动而闻名。
Located in the Rancho Mirage area on the edge of the California desert, the Rancho Mirage House is a Renaissance-style modernist home, Just a stones throw from the Palm Springs area, known as the architectural treasure of the desert - known for its mid-century modern architecture, design elements, arts and cultural scene and entertainment.
Rancho Mirage地区拥有悠久的历史传统,自20世纪以来成为好莱坞明星的度假胜地。为了体现其独特的文化底蕴和名人效应,在尊重场地历史的同时,通过创新设计保留现代主义的核心价值,注入当代元素,赋予住宅独特的魅力。
The Rancho Mirage area has a long historical tradition and has been a resort for Hollywood stars since the 20th century. In order to reflect its unique cultural heritage and celebrity effect, while respecting the history of the site, the innovative design retains the core values of modernism and infuses contemporary elements to give the house a unique charm.
设计师Harrison Soll和Studio AR D工作室对Rancho Mirage住宅进行了重新改造,既保留了原始的建筑形式,又在此基础上融入21世纪的审美风格和元素,满足当代人们的日常生活需要,使住宅焕发出新的生命力。
esigner Harrison Soll and Studio AR D have reimagined the Rancho Mirage house, retaining its original architectural form while incorporating 21st century aesthetic styles and elements to meet the daily needs of contemporary people and bring new vitality to the house.
Unique expertise in antique display and fine art,
It makes his design style difficult to define, but very recognizable.
Rancho Mirage House不仅再只是一座住宅,更是对曾经辉煌岁月的一种纪念,并在赋予其新的文化符号和确立地位。
Their entire design concept is a tribute to the golden age of Hollywood, making Rancho Mirage House not only a residence, but also a memorial to the glory days, and giving it a new cultural symbol and status.
内设计师Harrison Soll的设计初衷是意在空间中强调简洁之美与现代感,精心布置的家具、装饰兼具美观和舒适性,于细节中体现业主高雅的生活品味
The original intention of interior designer Harrison Soll was to emphasize the beauty of simplicity and modernity in the space, and the carefully arranged furniture and decoration are both beautiful and comfortable, reflecting the elegant lifestyle of the owner in the details.
Harrison Soll将内敛的黑白色与彩色相融合,如流行于20世纪70年代的暖棕色和黄色,客厅里的羊驼色,柠檬绿色桌布与Zak Fox的绿色纺织品,以及棕色皮革扶手椅。
In the space, Harrison Soll blends discreet black-and-whites with colors such as warm browns and yellows popular in the 1970s, alpaca in the living room, lemon green tablecloths with green textiles from Zak Fox, and brown leather armchairs.
Harrison Soll看来,这座住宅是上世纪20-30年代好莱坞风华岁月的真实写照,居住者可以享受沙漠的迷人风景和永恒的现代魅力。他曾深情地说:“这座住宅体现了一个经典的加州梦,它的开放性、与大自然的联系以及独特的地理位置深深地吸引着我。”
In Solls view, the house is a true reflection of the Hollywood glamour of the 1920s and 1930s, where residents can enjoy the deserts stunning scenery and timeless modern charm. This house embodies a classic California dream, he said fondly. Its openness, connection to nature and unique location appealed to me.
Every detail of the house has been carefully designed to emphasize aesthetics while ensuring daily practicality, making this house a unique and tranquil refuge in the desert.
筑结构低矮而开阔,与周围的沙漠共同营造一种宁静与简洁的美感,让居住者能够完全地沉浸于自然之中。Studio AR D在外部景观设计中采用了大量本地沙漠植物,不仅可以软化建筑主体,还强化与自然的深度融合,在荒漠中构建无限绿意。
The structure is low and open, creating a quiet and simple aesthetic with the surrounding desert, allowing the occupants to fully immerse themselves in nature. Studio AR D uses a large number of native desert plants in the external landscape design, which can not only soften the main body of the building, but also strengthen the deep integration with nature, creating infinite green in the desert.
Natural materials such as wood and stone are interwoven to form a textured and tactile surface texture. Outside, a lush garden of native plants complements this, adding a natural vibrancy to the houses terrace and pool area.
The retro atmosphere, low building, flat roof, wide pool and lush palm landscape played a major role in the design, which not only resonates with the desert homes of yesteryear, but also captures the charming scene when the tamarisk trees were in bloom.
Rancho Mirage住宅成功的将历史与现代完美结合,创造出既符合当代审美,又保持了原有的经典设计元素,让居住其中的人能够感受到一种穿越时光的奇妙体验。
The Rancho Mirage House successfully combines history with modernity, creating a contemporary aesthetic while maintaining the original classic design elements, allowing residents to feel a magical experience through time.