新作|JUMA Architects 比利时极简住宅,自由而灵动 首
2024-11-11 22:25
Villa HA是比利时一座新建的建筑,寂静的坐落在一片平缓而广阔的草地之上,由于其所处位置的
特殊性,JUMA Architects有意将新建的部分设置为一层。目的是为了使住宅能够与周围融为一体,同时尽可能地减少对环境的影响。
The Villa HA, a newly built house in Belgium, sits quietly on a gentle expanse of grass. Due to its unique location, JUMA Architects deliberately set the new part of the house on one floor. The aim was to enable the house to blend in with its surroundings while minimizing its impact on the environment.
JUMA Architects采用了合理的工作方法,让充满激情的设计师和追求功能的建筑师协同合作,从最初的规划到材料和家具设计的所有细节都充分考虑到了客户的需求,最终建造出低成本、高效益和具有个性化的住宅。
During the design process, JUMA Architects adopted a rational working method, allowing passionate designers and functional architects to work together, from the initial planning to the materials and furniture design, all details were fully considered to the needs of the client, and the final result was a low-cost, cost-effective and personalized home.
Our design style is modern and simple,
从远处看,Villa HA住宅两根体量巨大的烟囱矗立于屋顶之上,彰显出建筑独特的魅力。它们的垂直性与设计中占主导地位的水平线条形成鲜明而有趣的对比,Petersen品牌的标志性长砖则进一步体现了空间的开阔。
Seen from a distance, Villa HAs two huge chimneys stand on the roof, highlighting the unique charm of the building. Their verticality provides a sharp and interesting contrast to the horizontal lines that dominate the design, while Petersens signature long bricks further reflect the openness of the space
The house is filled with elegant, natural space atmosphere. In order to avoid a strong sense of contrast between the inside and the outside, the studio continued the external brick into the interior, making it a harmonious organic whole.
The ground floor serves as the main living space, containing the living room, dining room, kitchen and bedroom. Although they are both on the ground floor, they have different volumes and height levels. The living room and kitchen have a net height of 3.1m, while the dining and sleeping areas are relatively low, with a net height of 2.6m.
When you step into the room, you will see a spacious and bright living room, different materials of furniture and ornaments enrich the space, warm materials form a soft contrast, together to create a warm home environment. In winter, the fireplace lit a crackling, friendly fire.
The exquisite living and dining rooms are located next to the living room, and the unique material texture and several different chandeliers enrich the level of the space. Almost all doors and partitions in the interior are in the form of shutters, which not only form an unobstructed independent space, but also allow a certain degree of privacy between them.
The outdoor view is introduced into the bedroom by a floor-to-ceiling glass window, giving a holiday experience of being in nature. A seemingly random art painting is displayed on a locker opposite the bed, its red, green, blue and brown colors responding to the rich colors inside and outside, thereby enhancing the interaction and connection between inside and outside.
When you are in the outdoor seating area, the high wooden walls gently wrap you like a warm cocoon, where you can also see the outdoor sheep grazing.
“流动性”,其合理的行径路线,饶有趣味的景观视野,以及半透明的推拉门设计使Villa HA创造了有趣的居住体验。穿行其中,居住者不仅可以亲近自然,还赋予了空间一种自由的灵动之感。
After careful construction, the entire space presents a certain fluidity, its reasonable routes, interesting landscape views, and translucent sliding doors make Villa HA create an interesting living experience. Through it, residents can not only get close to nature, but also give the space a sense of freedom.