Betsy Brown丨宁静而优雅的伯明翰居所

2024-09-21 22:23
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Betsy Brown是一位以简约优雅和真实个性为设计核心的著名室内设计师。她的设计作品充满了宁静的力量,而位于阿拉巴马州伯明翰市的这座住宅正是她设计理念的完美诠释,这个住宅项目不仅展现了Betsy Brown对空间美学的深刻理解,也反映了她对客户需求的敏锐把握。
Betsy Brown is a renowned interior designer with simple elegance and authentic personality at the core of her designs. Her design work is imbued with the power of tranquility, and this Birmingham, Alabama home is the perfect illustration of her design philosophy, a residential project that not only demonstrates Betsy Browns deep understanding of the aesthetics of space, but also reflects her keen grasp of the needs of her clients.

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在这个项目中,Betsy Brown通过温暖的中性色调和复古风格创造了一个既舒适又真实的居住空间。她始终强调奢华并不意味着堆砌昂贵的装饰,而是真正为家庭生活服务的设计才具有持久的价值。她的设计追求永恒感,而不是短暂的潮流风格。
In this project, Betsy Brown created a living space that is both comfortable and authentic through warm neutral tones and vintage styles. She has always emphasized that luxury does not mean piling up expensive decorations, but the design that truly serves the family life has lasting value. Her designs seek a sense of permanence rather than ephemeral trends.

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对于Betsy Brown来说,成功的室内设计始于空间对居住者情感的影响。她认为,一个家应当让人感受到舒适和真实,远比追求奢侈更为重要。在这座伯明翰住宅中,这种理念通过每一个设计细节得到了完美的体现。居室内使用了大量的天然材料,如木材、石材和柔和的纺织品,色调以温暖的米色为主,营造出一种宁静的氛围。
For Betsy Brown, successful interior design begins with the impact a space has on the emotions of its occupants. She believes that a home should make people feel comfortable and real, far more important than the pursuit of luxury. In this Birmingham house, this philosophy is perfectly reflected through every design detail. Natural materials such as wood, stone and soft textiles are used in the rooms, which are dominated by warm beige tones to create a peaceful atmosphere.

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At the heart of this project is Betsys deep understanding of the clients needs. She worked closely with her clients to ensure that each design reflected the personality and lifestyle of its occupants. With the clients love for soft tones, Betsy cleverly blended beige from various materials to create a unique space that fits the clients aesthetic.

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Betsy Brown的设计巧妙地平衡了现代主义与古典元素。在这座伯明翰居所中,她将复古的家具与现代简洁的线条相结合,赋予空间深度与层次感。比如,石灰华Bellini餐桌与Robsjohn-Gibbings椅子的搭配就是一个经典的例子。餐桌的坚实感与椅子的精致感相辅相成,形成了视觉上的完美平衡。她还运用了古色古香的镀金吊灯作为点缀,使得整个空间在简约的同时不失精致与奢华感。这种对比性的设计手法,正是Betsy Brown创造永恒空间的秘诀之一。
Betsy Browns design cleverly balances modernism with classical elements. In this Birmingham home, she combines vintage furniture with modern clean lines to give the space depth and layers. For example, the travertine Bellini table paired with Robsjohn-Gibbings chairs is a classic example. The solidity of the dining table is complemented by the sophistication of the chairs, creating a perfect visual balance. She also used antique gold-plated chandeliers as embellishments, making the entire space simple but not yet sophisticated and luxurious. This contrasting design approach is one of Betsy Browns secrets to creating timeless Spaces.

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Betsy Brown深知细节在设计中的重要性。在这个项目中,除了家具和装饰品的精心挑选,灯光设计和物品的摆放也都体现了她的精湛技艺。她强调,真正让一个空间“感觉像家”的,既包括舒适的沙发和个性化的装饰品,也包括如何以一种有趣且美观的方式将这些元素组合在一起。例如,在餐厅设计中,Betsy特别注重光线的运用,使得整个空间显得温馨且充满生气。同时,她还定制了一些家具和灯具,确保每一件作品都与整体设计和谐统一。
Betsy Brown knows the importance of detail in design. In this project, in addition to the careful selection of furniture and decorations, the lighting design and the placement of objects also reflect her exquisite skills. What really makes a space feel like home, she stresses, is both comfy sofas and personalized decor, and how these elements are put together in a fun and aesthetically pleasing way. For example, in the design of the restaurant, Betsy pays special attention to the use of light, making the whole space appear warm and full of life. At the same time, she also customized some furniture and lamps to ensure that each piece is harmonized with the overall design.

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Betsy Brown不喜欢“奢侈品”这个词,她更倾向于“真实”的设计理念。她认为,无论一个空间是简约还是复杂,只要它能真正为居住者带来舒适和安宁,就达到了设计的最终目标。任何脱离了居住者实际需求的设计,哪怕再昂贵,也是不必要的。在这个伯明翰的住宅项目中,Betsy通过细腻的设计手法,将客户的需求、空间的功能性和美学完美融合,创造了一个充满个人特色、宁静而优雅的家居环境。
Betsy Brown doesnt like the word luxury and prefers authentic design concepts. She believes that no matter whether a space is simple or complex, as long as it can truly bring comfort and peace to the occupants, the ultimate goal of design has been achieved. Any design that is divorced from the actual needs of the occupants, however expensive, is unnecessary. In this Birmingham residential project, Betsy has used a delicate design approach to combine the needs of the client, the functionality and aesthetics of the space to create a peaceful and elegant home environment full of personal character.

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项目信息 / information
项目名称PROJECT NAME : Birmingham Abode
位置LOCATION : Birmingham, Alabama, USA
设计DESIGN : Betsy Brown
内容策划 / Presented
编辑 EDITOR :Frank











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