CJH Studio丨营造温馨有条理的生活氛围 首
2024-09-12 21:19
在 Cassie 对细节的敏锐眼光以及对材料和空间安排的理解的指导下;CJH Studio 赞颂使用天然材料和柔软的形式。将材料的使用与深思熟虑的设计意图相结合,最终传达了一种温暖而诱人但又简约的设计方法。专注于对定制细节的热爱和敏锐的眼光。
CJH Studio的热情在于创造个性化的室内设计——永恒的、温暖的美丽空间,并根据每个客户的独特需求量身定制。CJH Studio从创造空间的各个方面都包含整体设计方法。平衡功能、美学和每个客户的个性。
北屋(North House)是一座位于墨尔本的宁静住宅,由 CJH Studio 与 Manna Architects 联合设计。其核心理念是在保留住宅原有的联邦风格魅力的基础上,通过精心挑选的材料实现现代化改造,从而更好地满足一个年轻家庭的需求。该项目旨在为忙碌的父母及其三个年幼孩子(包括一个新生儿)创造一个平静、和谐且功能性强的生活环境。
North House is a tranquil home in Melbourne designed by CJH Studio in collaboration with Manna Architects. The core idea was to preserve the homes original federal-style charm while modernizing it with carefully selected materials to better meet the needs of a young family. The project aims to create a calm, harmonious and functional living environment for busy parents and their three young children, including a newborn.
CJH Studio 以其富有创意的改造项目而闻名,“North House”亦延续了这一设计理念。在项目设计中,设计师充分尊重了原建筑的历史价值,将其精髓融入了现代化的扩建部分。工作室总监 Cassie James-Herrick 表示,许多原始建筑元素被保留并巧妙地运用于新设计中,确保了新旧元素的和谐过渡。
CJH Studio is known for its creative renovation projects, and North House continues this design philosophy. In the design of the project, the architects fully respected the historical value of the original building and incorporated its essence into the modern extension. Studio director Cassie James-Herrick said many of the original architectural elements were retained and cleverly applied in the new design, ensuring a harmonious transition between old and new elements.
材料的选择在设计中至关重要。CJH Studio 与客户密切合作,策划了一个经久不衰的材料调色板,旨在平衡美学与实用性。在整个空间中,WOODCUT 的 Limed Ash 地板为室内设计奠定了自然轻盈的基调。这种地板因其耐用性和多功能性而备受青睐,简洁的线条与精致的细节使其与其他材料完美协调。
The choice of materials is crucial in the design. CJH Studio worked closely with the client to curate an enduring palette of materials designed to balance aesthetics with practicality. Throughout the space, WOODCUTs Limed Ash flooring sets the tone for the interiors natural lightness. This flooring is highly prized for its durability and versatility, with clean lines and fine details that make it perfectly compatible with other materials.
墙壁和天花板选用了 Porters Paints 的经典法式水洗漆,增添了柔和的质感,与整体空间相辅相成。在浴室设计中,设计师选用了 Signorino 的石灰石粘土瓷砖和 Volakas Haemus 大理石,形成了优雅而实用的搭配。这些材质不仅美观而且经久耐用,特别适合有小孩的家庭。
Porters Paints classic French wash paint is used for the walls and ceiling, adding a soft texture that complements the overall space. For the bathroom, Signorinos limestone clay tiles and Volakas Haemus marble were chosen to create an elegant and functional combination. These materials are not only beautiful but also durable, especially suitable for families with small children.
Cassie James-Herrick 强调了美观与功能的平衡,特别是在家庭住宅中,设计需要同时满足视觉上的吸引力和生活中的实际需求。通过材料的选择和空间布局,North House 既是一个能够随着家庭成长而变化的居所,又避免了混乱感,营造出温馨而有条理的生活氛围。
Cassie James-Herrick emphasizes the balance of beauty and function, especially in family homes, where design needs to meet both visual appeal and practical needs in life. Through the selection of materials and the layout of the space, North House is a residence that can change as the family grows, while avoiding chaos and creating a warm and organized living atmosphere.
North House 是一个成功的住宅改造案例。通过 CJH Studio 和 Manna Architects 的设计智慧,以及精心挑选的优质材料,这座住宅展现了设计如何在保持历史特质的同时,为当代家庭的需求提供更好的解决方案。
North House is a successful case of residential renovation. Through the design wisdom of CJH Studio and Manna Architects, as well as carefully selected quality materials, the house shows how design can provide a better solution to the needs of contemporary families while maintaining its historical character.
项目名称PROJECT NAME : North House
位置LOCATION : Melbourne, Australia
设计DESIGN : CJH Studio , Manna Architects
版权 COPYRIGHT : CJH Studio , Manna Architects