Studio Co and Co丨独特的氛围 首
2024-08-13 17:39
Studio Co and Co 是一家位于澳大利亚墨尔本的多学科设计工作室,由一群富有创意的设计师和思想家组成。他们专注于创造具有故事性和情感联系的空间,将历史与现代设计美学巧妙融合。工作室的业务范围广泛,包括室内设计、建筑设计以及艺术指导等。Ineke Hutter 作为创始人之一,凭借其在影视布景领域的深厚背景,为工作室带来了独特的设计语言和创新视角。Studio Co and Co 的作品以其对细节的精致打磨和对用户体验的深刻理解而受到业界的高度认可。
在墨尔本的不伦瑞克韦斯顿,一家历史悠久的街角酒吧被重新构想成一个现代的款待空间——体育俱乐部酒店(Sporting Club Hotel)。这一转变由创新的设计工作室Studio Co and Co赋予生命,他们的愿景和专业知识创造了一个独特且诱人的氛围,既向场地的丰富历史致敬,又拥抱现代设计美学。
In Brunswick Weston, Melbourne, a historic corner bar has been reimagined as a modern hospitality space - the Sporting Club Hotel. This transformation has been brought to life by innovative design Studio Studio Co and Co, whose vision and expertise have created a unique and inviting atmosphere that both pays homage to the sites rich history and embraces modern design aesthetics.
体育俱乐部酒店,前身为查尔斯·韦斯顿酒店,是一家历史悠久的场所,如今在 Studio Co and Co 的精心打造下,焕发出全新的魅力。这家酒店的所有者包括威尔·本杰明、卡尔·希钦斯、瑞安·克里克、奥利·史密斯和盖伊·威尔斯,他们都是墨尔本酒店业的成功人士,也是一些热门酒吧背后的创意推动者。
The Sports Club Hotel, formerly the Charles Weston Hotel, is a historic venue that has taken on a whole new charm thanks to the meticulous work of Studio Co and Co. The hotels owners include Will Benjamin, Carl Hitchens, Ryan Crick, Ollie Smith and Guy Wells, all successful figures in Melbournes hospitality industry and the creative movers behind some of the citys most popular bars.
Studio Co and Co 对体育俱乐部酒店的设计独具匠心。他们的设计理念围绕着社区和联系,致力于创造一个既实用又美观,且能促进社交互动和归属感的环境。
Studio Co and Cos design of the Sports Club hotel is unique. Their design philosophy revolves around community and connection, aiming to create an environment that is both functional and beautiful, while promoting social interaction and a sense of belonging.
The interior design is unique. The central horseshoe shaped bar opens its front room and becomes a place for customers to gather and socialize. The spacious outdoor area is equipped with a dedicated bar and a retractable roof, making it a comfortable space for guests to enjoy all year round. The hotel is also pet-friendly and welcomes all guests, highlighting its inclusive nature.
在 Studio Co and Co 的创意引领下,体育俱乐部酒店经过深思熟虑的设计成为了一个既致敬过去又展望未来的场所,不仅在视觉上令人惊艳,更深深扎根于当地的本土精神,为人们提供了一个绝佳的款待空间。
Under the creative direction of Studio Co and Co, the well-thought-out design of the Sports Club Hotel is a venue that both pays homage to the past and looks forward to the future, is not only visually stunning, but also deeply rooted in the local spirit and provides a wonderful space for people to entertain.
项目名称PROJECT NAME : Sporting Club Hotel