Pinko Store Fiumicino airport,意大利菲乌米奇诺机场

2024-07-29 15:02
External Reference captures the essence of the Pinko brand with a 3D-printed skin that dresses the new store at Fiumicino Airport
菲乌米奇诺机场新店采用 3D 打印皮肤,External Reference 抓住了 Pinko 品牌的精髓
The new shop is a space where the physical and digital dimensions merge to build an emotional landscape;


Based on the history with the brands iconic swallows and inspired by the textile fibres, a 3D printed skin has been created and wraps the interior of the shop;
以该品牌标志性燕子的历史为基础,并受到纺织纤维的启发,3D 打印的皮肤被创造出来并包裹着商店的内部;
The manufacture of the cladding uses a novel technique in which robots 3D print directly onto custom-made moulds;
覆层的制造采用了一种新技术,即机器人直接 3D 打印到定制模具上;


Iconic Italian fashion brand Pinko has commissioned External Reference, a Barcelona-based architecture firm led by Italian architect Carmelo Zappulla, to conceptualise and design its new 95 m2 shop at Romes Fiumicino airport. Pinko, a brand known for collections that stand out with a contemporary, eclectic and original style aimed on this occasion to go beyond the conventional notion of a shop; seeking to establish a new concept for the brand in a space where fashion, design and technology converge.
意大利标志性时尚品牌 Pinko 委托意大利建筑师 Carmelo Zappulla 领导的巴塞罗那建筑公司External Reference 为其位于罗马菲乌米奇诺机场的 95 平方米新店进行概念化和设计。Pinko 是一个以现代、不拘一格和原创风格脱颖而出的系列而闻名的品牌,旨在超越商店的传统概念;寻求在时尚、设计和技术融合的空间中为品牌建立新的概念。


The main source of inspiration for this project was the intricate weaving of the fabrics from which Pinkos designs are made and the iconic swallows in the brands logo. ‘We imagined them flying with outstretched wings, gracefully and deftly weaving the lines that form the walls of the shop, weaving the delicate branches together to form the nest. Only instead there were ingenious mechanical arms programmed to replace them,’ explains Zappulla.
该项目的主要灵感来源是 Pinko 设计所用面料的复杂编织以及品牌徽标中标志性的燕子。“我们想象它们张开翅膀飞翔,优雅而灵巧地编织形成商店墙壁的线条,将精致的树枝编织在一起形成巢穴。只是相反,有巧妙的机械臂被编程来取代它们,”扎普拉解释道。



Under the vision of Carmelo Zappulla and his team, this metaphor is reinvented and translated through the use of the latest computational tools into an intricate skin that envelops the shop, made through 3D printing. The arrangement of this skin as a cladding follows a sequence that is composed from two layers of overlapping ‘threads’, going from an initial simple and linear arrangement to then transforming into sinuous and complex patterns that give depth and textural richness to the space.
在 Carmelo Zappulla 和他的团队的愿景下,这个隐喻被重新发明,并通过使用最新的计算工具转化为通过 3D 打印制作的包围商店的复杂皮肤。这种表皮作为覆层的排列遵循由两层重叠的“线”组成的序列,从最初的简单线性排列,到后来转变为蜿蜒而复杂的图案,赋予空间深度和纹理丰富性。


These ‘threads’ are carefully interwoven with each other and, at the same time, with the structures of the display shelves: glass shelves highlight the bags, while, in the central area, coat racks mimic the colours of the threads and display the garments, culminating in the final part of the shop, where a large mirror creates a sense of spaciousness.

Upon entering, users are greeted by a display lit by a large theatrical lamp featuring the brands iconic pieces. This central element consists of an artistic reinterpretation of the brands logo evoking Pinkos iconic swallows in the form of giant threedimensional puzzles. Above it, an oval installation of reflective surfaces and LED screens creates a unique visual experience, forming what could be described as a ‘digital gateway to heaven’. On these screens, a selection of digital artwork captivates visitors and integrates a new digital dimension to the brand experience. In a result of the fusion of light and matter, the perfect backdrop is created to highlight the elegance of Pinkos garments.
进入后,用户首先映入眼帘的是一个巨大的剧场灯照明的显示屏,上面展示着该品牌的标志性作品。这一核心元素包括对品牌徽标的艺术重新诠释,以巨型三维拼图的形式唤起 Pinko 标志性的燕子。在其上方,椭圆形的反光表面和 LED 屏幕装置创造了独特的视觉体验,形成了“通往天堂的数字门户”。在这些屏幕上,精选的数字艺术品吸引了参观者,并将新的数字维度融入到品牌体验中。光与物质融合,创造出完美的背景,凸显 Pinko 服装的优雅气质。

Through the cladding, programmable luminous glass spheres are strategically incorporated to produce dynamic light effects, shaping a sophisticated atmosphere that transforms the shop into a refined and changing setting, an emotional landscape guided by the soft rhythm of the lights.
The choice of a monochromatic colour palette has been key to creating a versatile, neutral, and contemporary backdrop, which perfectly complements the garments of the renowned Italian brand and creates an elegant and contemporary atmosphere for the new space.

Given the complexity of the three-dimensional mesh, the production process involved creating prototypes using a novel technique in which robots 3D printed directly onto custom-made moulds. The material of choice was PIPG, - composed of 70% recycled PET-G and developed to address both environmental concerns and the need for high quality printable materials. External Reference, as in its long history of exploring new 3D printing technologies applied to design and architecture, has relied on the expertise of LaMáquina for this project.
考虑到三维网格的复杂性,生产过程涉及使用新技术创建原型,其中机器人直接 3D 打印到定制模具上。选择的材料是 PIPG,它由 70% 的回收 PET-G 组成,旨在解决环境问题和对高质量可印刷材料的需求。正如其探索应用于设计和建筑的新型 3D 打印技术的悠久历史一样,External Reference 在该项目中依赖于 LaMáquina 的专业知识。

The Pinko shop at Fiumicino has achieved a fundamental historical milestone in 3D printing by becoming the worlds first project of its kind to obtain BS1D0 classification, which guarantees that the materials used have the appropriate fire resistance certification for airport environments.
菲乌米奇诺的 Pinko 商店成为世界上第一个获得 BS1D0 分类的此类项目,实现了 3D 打印领域的一个重要历史里程碑,这保证了所使用的材料具有适合机场环境的适当防火认证。

External References innovative approach aligns with Pinkos philosophy in a new space where physical and digital dimensions merge to build an emotional landscape for customers to discover the latest collections reflecting the distinctive essence of the brand.
External Reference 的创新方法与 Pinko 在新空间中的理念相一致,在新空间中,物理维度和数字维度相融合,为顾客构建情感景观,让他们发现反映品牌独特精髓的最新系列。

Team: 团队:
Client: PINKO 客户:PINKO
Architects: External Reference
Project Director: Carmelo Zappulla
Project Managers / Coordinator: Sebastian Amorelli
项目经理/协调员:Sebastian Amorelli
Design Team: Anton Koshelev, Silvia Signorello, Daniel Sorial
设计团队:Anton Koshelev、Silvia Signorello、Daniel Soria
Photography: Germán Saiz


















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