Emigration Creek Residence,美国犹他州盐湖城

2024-06-30 10:38
Sparano   Mooney Architecture is sought after for its limitless exploration of – and deep commitment to – the iterative process, a creative approach that has resulted in thoughtfully-innovative and award-winning contemporary design solutions throughout the American West. For founders Anne Mooney, FAIA, LEED AP, and John Sparano, FAIA, a shared passion for designing within the rugged western landscape has resulted in works across extreme topographies and many sectors, as well as at multiple scales, most notably landmark designs for arts and cultural facilities and stunning, sophisticated residential commissions.
Sparano   Mooney Architecture 因其对迭代过程的无限探索和深入承诺而备受追捧,这种创造性的方法在整个美国西部产生了深思熟虑的创新和屡获殊荣的当代设计解决方案。对于创始人 Anne Mooney(FAIA、LEED AP)和 John Sparano(FAIA)来说,对在崎岖的西部景观中进行设计的共同热情导致了跨越极端地形和许多领域以及多个规模的作品,最著名的是艺术和文化设施的地标性设计以及令人惊叹的复杂住宅委员会。


The firm’s latest residence, located in a quiet suburban neighborhood on the east bench of the Wasatch Mountain Range, emerged from a desire for intentional living, and to support aging in place. The team sought inspiration from two prominent natural features on the site, which held great potential to embed the architecture into the landscape. The first is Emigration Creek, from which the project draws its name, located adjacent to the property. The creek ingratiates the home’s occupants with the sound of running water year-round, and the design intent was to capture this sound and views of the creek through an “L” scheme configuration.
该公司的最新住宅位于瓦萨奇山脉东长凳上一个安静的郊区社区,源于对有意生活和支持就地养老的渴望。该团队从场地上两个突出的自然特征中寻找灵感,这些特征具有将建筑嵌入景观的巨大潜力。第一个是 Emigration Creek,该项目的名字来源于该物业。小溪一年四季都以流水的声音取悦着房屋的居住者,设计意图是通过“L”型配置来捕捉这种声音和小溪的景色。


The client also had a keen interest in designing the home to withstand any seismic activity, which is an important regional consideration. In fact, the site is located directly atop the Wasatch Fault – an active seismic zone and the second natural feature to help shape the design of this home – and the architecture and structural system were designed with this volatility in mind. A clear shift in the volume that delineates the public and private spaces along this axis was therefore integrated into the home as an acknowledgment of this force of nature. The fault is aesthetically manifested through the massing of the home and, notably, the structural design of the home was elevated to beyond the category of a school or hospital so that the residence could function as a safe harbor for the family.


The home’s carefully-considered exterior material palette includes vertical board-formed concrete for the base and vertical Kebony wood rainscreen cladding above. These selections intentionally celebrate the materials’ raw natural qualities, highlight their inherent beauty, and ensure a low-maintenance project. Furthermore, the thermally-modified radiata pine cladding does not contribute to deforestation, and the rapid-growth species was selected for its longevity and ability to patina and match the concrete over time. Interior elements, crafted in collaboration with Natasha Wallis Interior Design, include high-end appliances such as a Sub-Zero refrigerator, freezer, and wine cooler, as well as a Wolf cooktop and wall ovens in the kitchen. Artwork collected from emerging and established Utah artists adorns the home’s gallery-like walls.
该房屋经过精心考虑的外部材料调色板包括用于底座的垂直板成型混凝土和上方的垂直 Kebony 木质雨幕覆层。这些选择有意颂扬材料的原始自然品质,突出其内在美,并确保项目维护成本低。此外,经过热改性的辐射松覆层不会导致森林砍伐,并且选择快速生长的树种是因为它的寿命长,并且能够随着时间的推移而产生铜绿并与混凝土相匹配。与 Natasha Wallis Interior Design 合作打造的室内元素包括 Sub-Zero 冰箱、冰柜和酒柜等高端电器,以及厨房中的 Wolf 灶具和壁挂炉。从新兴和成熟的犹他州艺术家那里收集的艺术品装饰着家中画廊般的墙壁。


Important to the homeowners was an effort to be as sustainable as possible, and the passive design strategies integrated into the home have led to an 80% energy reduction and 55% water reduction from benchmark/baseline. The home includes a 10.6kWh photovoltaic array – designed to expand should the owners’ power needs increase – and two Tesla Powerwalls in the garage. A 160-gallon on-site water bank provides potable water during any potential interruptions to the municipal water supply. Additionally, the home’s orientation and fenestration ensure that the home is bathed in natural light year-round, while minimizing seasonal energy use. The home benefits from natural site ventilation through operable openings at key locations, thereby reducing the need for mechanical heating/cooling and increasing indoor air quality.
对房主来说,重要的是努力尽可能地实现可持续性,而集成到房屋中的被动设计策略已使基准/基线减少了 80% 的能源和 55% 的用水。该住宅包括一个 10.6kWh 的光伏阵列——旨在在业主的电力需求增加时进行扩展——以及车库中的两个特斯拉 Powerwall。一个 160 加仑的现场水库在市政供水出现任何潜在中断时提供饮用水。此外,房屋的朝向和开窗确保房屋全年沐浴在自然光中,同时最大限度地减少季节性能源使用。通过关键位置的可操作开口,房屋受益于自然通风,从而减少了对机械加热/冷却的需求,并提高了室内空气质量。




Uniquely, the method of deconstructive demolition was used to disassemble an existing structure on the property, and the salvaged building materials were re-used in the creation of this home. The flexible floorplan encourages long-term inhabitation of the residence. The lower level can be separated from the main level to accommodate future adaptability in the program. The architects worked with the client to design their home with a consideration of how it would age aesthetically and continue to evolve, just as the people living in the home will develop. The clients have now occupied their home through each season and report a great sense of well-being from the audible and visual cues of nature, as well as the home’s passive design. In recognition of the project’s design excellence, it was granted the 2022 AIA Utah Honor Award.
独特的是,解构拆除方法用于拆卸该物业的现有结构,而回收的建筑材料则被重新用于建造这座房屋。灵活的平面图鼓励住宅长期居住。下层可以与主层分开,以适应程序的未来适应性。建筑师与客户合作设计他们的房屋,并考虑了它如何在美学上老化并继续发展,就像居住在家中的人将发展一样。现在,客户在每个季节都占据了他们的家,并报告说,从大自然的听觉和视觉线索以及房屋的被动设计中获得了极大的幸福感。为了表彰该项目的卓越设计,它被授予 2022 年 AIA 犹他州荣誉奖。
























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