Rhinoceros Roma丨古代与现代的交融,罗马的艺术之美

2024-04-02 13:41
罗马犹如一幅由艺术表现形式和文化财富拼成的马赛克画,古代遗迹、文艺复兴时期的辉煌、巴洛克式的活力与现代相互交织。这座城市不仅是艺术的观察者,更是艺术的生活者,充满活力的时代交流在这里得以实现。Rhinoceros Roma 是 Alda Fendi 当代艺术基金会 Fondazione Alda Fendi Esperimenti 的所在地,它以罗马“生活博物馆”的感性为根基,汇聚了 25 套公寓、一个艺术画廊和一家酒吧餐厅。这里是一座 17 世纪的宫殿,位于曾经的罗马帝国中心——Velabro。
Rome is a Mosaic of artistic expression and cultural wealth, with ancient ruins, Renaissance splendor, Baroque energy and modernity all intertwined. The city is not only an observer of art, but also a lifer of art, and the dynamic exchange of times is realized here. Rhinoceros Roma is home to the Fondazione Alda Fendi Esperimenti, Alda Fendis foundation for contemporary art. Based on the sensuality of Romes Museum of Life, Rhinoceros Roma brings together 25 apartments, an art gallery and a bar and restaurant. This is a 17th century palace in Velabro, once the center of the Roman Empire.

The six-story building, lovingly restored by renowned architect Jean Nouvel, is like a poem in praise of the passage of time. It combines historical features and ancient surfaces with modern interventions and state-of-the-art facilities. Nouvels design philosophy can be described as a useful dialogue between the past and the present, and this dialogue extends to the experimental spirit of the gallery, that is, the exchange between ancient and contemporary art and theatre, literature, music and performance. Exhibition Spaces are spread over six floors of the palace, including ventilation shafts that house visual and sound installations. Rhinos proud claim that guests can immerse themselves in art is not an overstatement.







The name rhinoceros brings to mind the Roman Empire, where miracles from distant lands were displayed. It is quoted from historian Suetonius Life of Caesar, which describes the emperor Augustus presenting a rhinoceros at Sapta, where Roman citizens gathered to vote. This animal, both terrifying and fascinating, embodied the empires ability to bring the wonders of the world to its center, captivating the Roman populace with unparalleled wonders. The same is true of modern rhinos, though they compete in art and design rather than as an endangered species. From the outside, the original features of the building have been carefully restored where possible, and there is no sign of revitalization of the interior Spaces. Nouvel has taken an archaeological approach, detailing the buildings various historical levels and contrasting them with contemporary elements, the most striking of which is the stainless steel volume used to subtly outline or conceal the kitchenette, bathroom and wardrobe.










Peeling plaster, loose bricks and worn decorative floor tiles have been deliberately left in a weathered state, evoking the storied history of the building and adding a lyrical touch to the room. Floor-to-ceiling panels further highlight the space before the renovation. Contrasting modern materials such as cement and steel create an industrial atmosphere, while a soft color palette and a handful of medieval and modern furniture convey a sense of understated elegance. The apartments are equipped with all the modern amenities that guests would expect, creating a unique living environment that artfully connects the past and present in an evocative way.


Rhinoceros 餐厅和酒吧的展览空间交织在住宿区域中,还可欣赏到罗马历史中心的 360 度壮丽景观。Rhinoceros 是一个鼓舞人心且引人深思的环境,适合那些渴望沉浸在罗马无与伦比的文化丰富性和全球魅力中的旅行者。
Exhibition Spaces for Rhinoceros restaurants and bars are interwoven into the accommodation area, which also offers stunning 360-degree views of Romes historic centre. Rhinoceros is an inspiring and thought-provoking environment for travellers who desire to immerse themselves in Romes unparalleled cultural richness and global charm.

犀牛画廊的最新展览,是由阿尔达·芬迪的女儿阿莱西娅·卡鲁索·芬迪首次举办的,这场展览展示了法国艺术家兼设计师罗南·布鲁莱克的个展。该展览与巴黎的 Galerie Kreo 合作,汇聚了未发表的艺术品和设计作品,展现了 Bouroullec 对各种媒介的色彩和形式的创造性探索,以及他对运动和有机形状的热爱。展出的有在日本多治见制作的花瓶、从未见过的浅浮雕、融合了陶瓷形式的阳极氧化铝框架、抽象图纸和新设计作品,包括由锻钢、玻璃和花岗岩制成的烛台和桌子。Bouroullec 的作品模糊了绘画、雕塑和设计之间的界限,巧妙地反映了支撑犀牛的Gesamtkunstwerk 概念。
The latest exhibition at the Rhino Gallery, presented for the first time by Alessia Caruso Fendi, daughter of Arda Fendi, presents a solo exhibition by French artist and designer Ronan Broulek. In collaboration with Galerie Kreo in Paris, the exhibition brings together unpublished art and design works that showcase Bouroullecs creative exploration of color and form in a variety of mediums, as well as his love of movement and organic shapes. On display are vases made in Tachimi, Japan, bas-reliefs never seen before, anodized aluminum frames incorporating ceramic forms, abstract drawings and new design works, including candlesticks and tables made of wrought steel, glass and granite. Bouroullecs work blurs the lines between painting, sculpture and design, subtly reflecting the Gesamtkunstwerk concept that underpins rhinos.





项目信息 / information
Rhinoceros Roma
Alda Fendi , Jean Nouvel













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