心驰神往 质感而中性 首
2024-03-13 22:01
| Bund
Bund 在马德里的旗舰店体现了正式与流动、经典与随性之间的协同作用。它是 Jerónimos 独一无二的空间,以自己的经营方式为基础,传递着自己的品牌形象。
Toko utama Bund di Madrid mewujudkan sinergi antara formalitas dan keluwesan, klasisisme dan spontanitas. Ini adalah ruang yang unik bagi Jerónimos, berdasarkan caranya sendiri dalam berbisnis dan memancarkan citra mereknya sendiri.
For this reason, the project is conceived as a reception area composed of independent rooms connected to each other by a fluid circulation through the use of curved and mobile curtains. The waiting area and sales rooms are located at the entrance, following the chronological sequence of the brand itself in its sales process. Towards the end of the route is the set of test rooms, offering the possibility of joining them to create a large unified space that allows flexibility of specific uses.
| Suzukake
Suzukake 是一家和菓子店,总部位于福冈。利用店铺入口位于两侧的独特地块形状,设计目标是营造一个与日式甜点相协调的空间氛围。
The plan for the Azabudai Hills branch of “Suzukake”, a wagashi (Japanese sweets) store with its headquarters based in Fukuoka. Leveraging the distinctive plot shape with entrances on both sides of the store, the goal was to create a space where the atmosphere harmonizes with Japanese sweets.
Bristè 概念店
| Bristè
Bristè 是一家独一无二的概念店,从踏入 Bristè 的那一刻起,环境就将你带入了一个优雅而时尚的世界。中性色调搭配天然纹理和材料,营造出明亮温馨的氛围。
Bristè adalah toko berkonsep unik, sejak Anda melangkah masuk ke dalam Bristè, lingkungannya akan membawa Anda ke dalam dunia keanggunan dan gaya. Nuansa netral dengan tekstur dan bahan alami menciptakan suasana yang cerah dan ramah.