ZERNI 自然的物象 首
2024-01-29 10:44
Whipbird栖息于Noosa Hinterland最令人惊叹的山脊线上。
Perched on the crest of the ridgeline of what could be Noosa Hinterland’s most breathtaking location lies Whipbird. Brutalist in style, yet simple in its T-shaped pavilion form, Whipbird is a home that adopts a deeply poetic response to the environment that cultivates a close, meaningful relationship between its inhabitants and the unique and natural surroundings.
Upon visiting the site for the first time, the Zerni team were enamoured by the location’s natural beauty, tranquillity and stunning outlook over the Noosa hinterland and coastline. The air felt clear, the whipbirds were humming, every sense was stimulated in the most calming, uncontrived way. The vision for them became clear; to create a secluded and private reprieve from the open surrounds of the hinterland, where nature’s beauty is accentuated and luxurious living is epitomised. The primary brief to Minnow Studio (Architects) was to create a brutalist architectural home atop the crest of the ridgeline, forming a complete juxtaposition to the thinking of rural architecture.
This five-bedroom home is located in two different wings of the building, with landscaped terraces connecting to the swimming pool, tennis court, bathhouse, parking lot and courtyard. One wing features a lounge, master bedroom and home office, all with plenty of sunlight and natural views to the north, while the other wing, facing the forest, has temporary bedrooms, bathrooms, guest rooms and a game room.
The spatial conception of the residence is both fluid and presents a unique character, while emphasizing the magnificent views of the area in a concise way. Upon entering the interior, the main landscape is intentionally hidden, directing the visitor towards other landscapes scattered in different ways throughout the space.
室内风格原始、坚固且耐磨,强调材料在纹理、图案、颜色和几何形状方面的触觉体验。海蓝色洞石源自意大利的一个采石场,由 Artedomos 采购,在厨房和起居区被大量运用。
The palate of the home is raw, robust and hardwearing with emphasis on the tactile experience of the materials with respect to texture, pattern, colour and geometry. Ocean Blue Travertine, originating from a single quarry in Italy and sourced by Artedomus, features heavily throughout the kitchen and living areas.
The aim here is for ‘visual silence’ in the bedroom and bathrooms spaces – removing superfluous, short-term visual effects and instead opting to focus on tangibility, tactile enjoyment and the ‘whole’. In a world almost polluted by visual stimuli, the bedroom and bathroom spaces in the home aim to provide a refuge – a refusal of all that is ‘showy’, spectacular and superficial. This allows the interiors to become an expression of honest design essence, abstraction and purity – authentic spaces that provide peace, intense simplicity and a harmonious visual balance for those that occupy them.