业余建筑工作室丨杭州国家版本馆 首
2023-11-09 17:37
The Song Dynasty Garden, with a total building area of 100,000 square meters, is derived from the atmosphere and charm formed by numerous Song Dynasty paintings. It has been ingeniously transformed by architects. The main building is inspired by Ma Yuans and the classic Three Distances Method of Song Dynasty painting can be seen throughout the garden. You can also witness a live version of on-site.
面对残破露出山脊的枯瘦崖壁,隐匿其中的大山之相神似范宽《溪山行旅图》中的主峰。摄影 ©林半野
The site is a propitious coupling of a mountain with bodies of water. Having been articulated and intensified by the buildings, the two now, retrospectively, appear to have provided the project with its primary structure. There is hardly a more productive association in Chinese art and thought, shan shui: a strong vertical against an equally resilient horizontal, with virtue evident in the first, likely pleasure in the second. But mountain and water are not exactly opposites; instead, they are sibling contraries that possess shared attributes without renouncing their individual qualities. Some quantity of moisture exists in soil and stone, some measure of tangibility in water. Viewed more closely, or, better, over time, mountains and waters share something that is more profound than what distinguishes them: an irrepressible capacity for change.
杭州国家版本馆又称文润阁,这里山、水、草木、鸟鸣都是建筑“润”的注脚。摄影 ©Dinz坚
走入杭州国家版本馆,就像走进了宋代的山水画。摄影 ©Dinz坚
风从山巅吹过,原本生长在山上的松树,如万马齐鸣,恰似一幅《万壑松风图》。摄影© Dinz坚
Movement along the lines where hills meet pools binds together the several buildings that make up the National Archives. Lines such as these are often blurred by rising mists or low clouds in the Song dynasty landscape paintings these architects study so closely. Here, paths are enclosed by a hybrid form, half-encaved and half-panoramic, with a platform, roof and wall adhering to the hill and a colonnaded frame opening onto lawns or water. Close proximity to the rock face is sometimes revealed through cuts in its enclosing wall, while the colonnade’s regular intervals measure the water’s expanse. Shadows and sunshine come together along this line, encouraging inward focus and outward orientation, against and in support of one another.
水阁,多种材料相互穿透。全部在现场按1:1试样反复做,直到达到王澍的要求。摄影© Dinz坚
马远的《华灯侍宴图》画中的建筑,晚上门扇全部打开,演变成了版本馆设计中的青瓷屏扇。摄影© Dinz坚
用柱子支撑起来的漂浮在空中的结构,强化了空间的深度,让人产生有一种探索的感觉。摄影© Dinz坚
杭州版本馆有着诸多第一,其中第一次将国宝龙泉青瓷大规模用在了建筑上形成的青瓷屏扇。摄影© Dinz坚
中国传统的木构也被用在屋顶,王澍自主研发的钢木混合结构——小料大作,形成大尺度的结构体系。摄影© Dinz坚
水阁无边框的玻璃安装是整个馆中技术难度最大的挑战之一。摄影© Dinz坚
龙泉青瓷板按照预设的色彩系统编排,对应安装系统中铜的颜色。摄影 ©林半野
The more one spends time in and around these buildings, the more common conceptions of “nature” seem inadequate. These buildings don’t so much fit into natural terrain as reveal the tensions and affinities that give the landscape its unexpected richness and dynamism: wet stone, hard water, diagonal views from straight paths, and so on. Some forms recall precedents, but it is the creative interpretations that invite consideration. In the walks that recall the paths of classical gardens, for example, a double colonnade has been used, one line of columns inside the guardrail, another outside it. Why the atypical doubling? Scaling, I think. Inside, intervals give pace and measure to passage, while the lengthier intervals of the outer line are scaled to the hillside and the whole body of the building. The wall-side windows widen an already wide prospect, and the path’s zigzag plan alternately guides one’s feet forward and eyes in every other direction. Lastly, construction labour has left traces on the surfaces we see. Traditionally, paint and polish concealed building technique.
这里的门与苏州园林的太湖石尺度相似,透过这个门可以看到后面的山石。摄影© Dinz坚
延续千年的龙泉青瓷在建筑史上首次如此大量使用于建筑上,如一片片龙鳞。摄影© Dinz坚
会呼吸的夯土墙像泛黄的宣纸,夯出10多米高的墙体,是国内夯土技术领域上的一个探索极致。摄影© Dinz坚
玻璃、木、混凝土,这是王澍作为建筑师的一种具体表达与叙事。摄影© Dinz坚
As one moves through this project’s several buildings, alternations of elements, materials and surfaces present themselves continually. A line of tall louvre-like panels clad in bright green tiles parallels one’s path towards a sombre grey wall. Antithetical characteristics also appear in the juxtaposition of the compressive and tensile supports of a suspended walkway. In these two cases and many others, a sense of vitality results from antithetical elements acting in response to one another. Repetition would render arrangements lifeless. If we accept the thesis put forward by the building – alternation everywhere and without end – we reach the startling conclusion that good architecture has no overall form. Discrete forms yes, but no form of the work as a whole.
高高的清水混凝土墙上超过头顶画框一样的窗将山体崖壁截取进来,像一幅天然的山水画。摄影© Dinz坚
“绕山廊”沿着山体的走向自然而然地构建,现场崎岖不平的地表测绘数据是走廊高低起伏的直接依据。摄影© Dinz坚
“绕山廊”如宋徽宗瘦金体的横、折、撇、捺,书房、阁楼是顿笔,自然而然中是对力量的控制,也是克制。摄影© Dinz坚
混凝土竹模肌理如印在墙面上的一片黑白竹林水墨画,写意、悠远。摄影© Dinz坚
王澍把混凝土的柱子做到规范最细的尺度,35公分,单排多柱的布局形成一种有趣的曲折变化形态。摄影© Dinz坚
斜柱让山,整体设计是基于山体起笔的。在建造过程中,也为留下山和树,数次现场改设计。摄影© Dinz坚
In traditional Chinese landscape paintings, atmospheric vapour often brings the sky down to earth, while rock and vegetation defy gravity’s pull. Displacement of levels also occurs in this project’s walkways, found variously at grade, bridge height or roof level, apparently interchangeable because of geometrical alignments and the use of a single material for different purposes. Complementarity between opposites can also be seen when the plans of passages are considered together, with vantage, arrival or departure points superimposed.
在王澍看来,迷路是中国园林的另一重特色,甚至隐含了人生基底。摄影© Dinz坚
Having freed itself from a dominant concept or royal principle, this building argues that continuity can be achieved through the interplay of contraries, a body reaching one way while turning its head another.With cataracts down a mountain face in mind, let’s conclude that elements with neither final purpose nor definitive form have one basic desire: to form successive contrasts that are not only animated and animating, like the natural world with which the architectural work joins step.
Amateur Architecture Studio
业余建筑工作室合伙创始人 / 王澍和陆文宇夫妇
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