Rom Sangkavatana 丨曼谷老宅改造的艺术之家

2023-10-31 19:20
Rom Sangkavatana在他位于曼谷的家中 ©Chris Kanisorn
在罗姆·桑卡瓦坦纳的记忆中,他一直怀有创作的激情。罗姆·桑卡瓦坦纳是Rom Design的创意总监,也是Townhouse Space的创始人,后者是一家艺术家代理公司、概念店和画廊。创意总监罗姆·桑卡瓦坦纳表示:“从小的时候开始,我就想通过艺术和设计来表达自己。”对于那些出生在相对保守家庭的亚洲人来说,选择从事艺术职业通常不被鼓励。对于桑卡瓦坦纳来说,他的家庭在泰国从事房地产和航空业务,因此人们普遍期望他会选择传统的职业道路。
For as long as Rom Sangkavatana can remember, he always had a drive to create. “Since I was little, I wanted to express myself, and I did that mostly through art and design,” says the Bangkok-based creative director of Rom Design, who is also the founder of Townhouse Space, a talent agency, concept store and gallery.Any Asian from a conservative family can probably relate to the fact that a career in the arts isn’t always encouraged. For Sangkavatana, whose family is involved in property and aviation businesses in Thailand, there was an expectation that he would follow a traditional professional path.
“我认为我很幸运,他们支持我追求创意职业的决定,” 他谈到他的父母支持他选择追求创意职业时说。他的设计之旅正式开始于他作为伦敦中央圣马丁学院的学生,他在那里学习了平面设计。他还获得了巴特莱特学院(伦敦大学学院)的硕士学位,并在英国和法国工作了一段时间。在欧洲的生活是他生命中的一个关键时期,这种经历继续影响着他的工作和观点。
“I think I was lucky that they allowed me to go on this risky journey,” he says about his parents being supportive of his decision to pursue a creative career. His design journey started in earnest as a student at the prestigious Central St. Martins in London, where he studied graphic design. He also earned a Master’s Degree from The Bartlett, University College London, and spent some time working in the UK and in France. Living in Europe was a formative period in his life, and this experience continues to influence his work and outlook.
2011年回到曼谷后,罗姆·桑卡瓦坦纳决定在泰国的品牌行业处于萌芽阶段的时候专注于品牌塑造。他说:“设计是艺术和商业的产物,需要大量的逻辑思维。品牌通常涉及解决方案,而不仅仅是营销。” 他的同名公司提供从品牌识别到艺术指导和内容创作等一揽子服务。到目前为止,他已经参与了泰国清迈的One Nimman、日本的Amoma,以及最近的曼谷Soho House等项目。罗姆·桑卡瓦坦纳还是一位新晋音乐艺术家,于2022年发布了两首歌曲;他目前正在创作另一首将于今年发布的曲目。
Upon returning to Bangkok in 2011, Sangkavatana decided to focus on branding at a time when the industry was in its infancy in Thailand. “Design is the output of art and commerce—it requires a lot of logical thinking. Branding is often about solutions, not just marketing,” he says. His eponymous firm offers everything from brand identity to artistic direction and content creation. To date, it has worked on One Nimman in Chiang Mai, Amoma in Japan and, most recently, Soho House in Bangkok. Sangkavatana is also a newly minted music artiste who released two songs in 2022; he is currently working on another track to be launched this year.

住宅上方的玻璃窗增强了与花园的联系 ©Thanawatchu
All these varied experiences came into play in Sangkavatana’s most personal project—his home. He knows every square inch of the house having grown up in it and, in a way, both he and his mother had their whole lives to think about what to do to their abode before embarking on its transformation. “My mother [originally] wanted a U-shaped house with a pool, inspired by her time in California. When she came home from the US, my father had already built the house, so she had to live with this frame for a long time.”When the family decided it was finally time for a change, they consulted an architect to propose ideas on how to modernise the home. A design was finally agreed upon, which entailed knocking down the original structure and erecting a completely modern building.
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imely passing of his father, however, crystallised the next chapter. Instead of starting from scratch, both Sangkavatana and his mother decided to retain what his father had built and preserve its soul while refreshing it with new ideas. “It was too much change at one time, so we thought a renovation was more suitable.” Sangkavatana undertook all aspects of the renovation—the architecture, interior design, styling and even the art curation.

Chayanich Muangthai创作的一幅色彩缤纷、超有质感的画作在用餐区引人注目 ©Thanawatchu

一对裸露的混凝土桩为开放式厨房增添了粗犷的感觉,其中的岛台参考了原始天花板设计 ©Thanawatchu
The house is located in Ari, a neighbourhood that is equal parts hip and posh. “Ari is a bit like South Kensington in London. There are lots of politicians and aristocrats who live here, but at the same time it’s become gentrified so it also has sort of a Daikanyama feel,” he shares. Its proximity to the palace also ensures that no building can be over eight stories high, preserving the verdant and relaxed ambience of the area.

边几的局部特写 ©Thanawatchu

Starck Mi Ming椅子(Sangkavatana最喜欢的家具)©Thanawatchu
这已经成为他最喜欢的地方,他在那里享受il dolce far niente——意大利人所说的“懒散的甜蜜”。
This explains why the home has always felt like a hidden gem in the concrete jungle. Sangkavatana emphasised the importance of the garden, treating it like an extended living space by adding a fish pond that wraps around the home; much like a moat around a castle. This has become his favourite place, where he enjoys il dolce far niente—what the Italians call the “sweetness of doing nothing”. “It’s very calm and quiet here. I love sitting by the pond and looking out at the big trees in the garden at sunset.”

住宅保留了原来房屋的建筑外观,以纪念Sangkavatana已故的父亲 ©Thanawatchu两
In terms of interiors, Sangkavatana went for a pared-back approach to get that Bauhaus-inspired look his mother had desired all those years ago. He placed glass windows in targeted areas to bring in more natural light, and opened up the spaces to create a better flow inside. His improvements seamlessly blend with the original building such that it doesn’t look like much was changed at all. “It took m two years to slowly get everything together. I wanted it to be authentic to how we live and keep the stories within the walls,” he says.

Louis Poulsen PH 4/3吊灯为用餐区增添了复古气息 ©Thanawatchu

收藏的古董和现代饰品的有趣组合让起居区充满活力 ©Thanawatchu
The reinvigorated, minimalist shell makes for an ideal canvas for a thoughtful assemblage of furniture, art and heirlooms. The old dining table and rattan chairs from his childhood are juxtaposed with new lighting and art. An intricate piece featuring a mother-of-pearl inlay from his grandparents and an orange vase from his father also take pride of place in the house. This mix of old and new gives the space an effortless, lived-in look while representing Sangkavatana’s personal taste through the art.

客厅沙发和软装的细节 ©Thanawatchu

各种美丽的鲜花为家里增添了一抹玫瑰色 ©Thanawatchu
It’s no surprise that Sangkavatana is using his home as a platform for emerging artists and designers. “When I first came back from Europe, I noticed that most creatives in Bangkok stuck to the same closed group. At Townhouse, I want to create connections,” he says. Apart from exhibiting the work of new local talents, he is also helping them break into the international scene, and recently staged a show in Korea.

休闲室因其橙色的门和家具而充满活力,并配有艺术品,例如 Ten Pannatat的照片 ©Thanawatchu

钢琴上方悬挂着纽约泰国艺术家Pok Pairoj Pichetmetakul的肖像画 ©Thanawatchu
Townhouse Space和他自己的家之间的另一个相似之处在于它们都是经过改造的老房子。
他称之为House Museum,并表示这个计划将在今年晚些时候推出,将与他在Rom Design和Townhouse Space的工作相辅相成。
Another parallel between Townhouse Space and his own home is that they’re both old houses given a new lease of life. A point of difference, however, is that his home remains quite private—although perhaps not for long. A casual lunch with the director of Art Basel Hong Kong at his home sparked an idea: to create a small museum in the garden. He’s calling it House Museum, and he says this initiative will complement his work at Rom Design and Townhouse Space once it launches later this year. “The more people I bring here, the more I learn about space, which is strange because I’ve lived in this house my whole life. It made me realise that places of character like this should be shared, so I’m slowly opening its doors.”


ROM Design创始人兼品牌总监 /
Rom Sangkavatana是品牌和设计公司Rom Design的创始人,该公司在曼谷、香港、伦敦、巴黎和纽约都有业务,并为包括King Power和Vogue在内的客户提供服务。该公司还负责策划艺术展览,包括2019年的Spotlight,该展览重点展示了泰国创新的新兴艺术家。Rom还创立了Rom Now,一家数字营销代理公司,以及Townhouse,一个多品牌概念商店、画廊和活动场所。
Rom Sangkavatana is the founder of branding and design company Rom Design, which has a presence in Bangkok, Hong Kong, London, Paris and New York, and has served clients including King Power and Vogue. It is also responsible for art exhibitions including 2019’s Spotlight, which highlighted innovative new Thai artists. Rom also founded Rom Now, a digital marketing agency, and Townhouse, a multibrand concept store, gallery and event space.









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