新作丨Shushan Vardanian 极简东方 首
2023-10-23 10:13
Shushan Vardanian
Shushan Vardanian是一名来自亚美尼亚设计师,是一位时尚达人,酷爱旅行,喜欢东方文化,并从中找到与西方美学的交织点,并将其融入到设计中。她非常注重材料舒适性,并运用天然材料,表达空间的气质与触感。
光影 自然 质朴
AUTUMN SCENERY是一处位于加拿大渥太华森林里的住宅,由Shushan Vardanian设计,这是一次新的尝试,在尽可能保护自然环境与当地风貌的情况下,进行房屋的搭建与设计 ,光影之间的相互作用赋予了该项目一种永恒的氛围,与外部可见的美景对话。
AUTUMN SCENERY is a residential building located in the Ottawa Forest, Canada, designed by Shushan Vardanian. This is a new attempt to construct and design the house while protecting the natural environment and local scenery as much as possible. The interaction between light and shadow gives the project an eternal atmosphere and dialogue with the visible beauty from the outside.
极简 东方 舒适
Shushan Vardanyan的新项目,位于波兰华沙134平米公寓,设计师将日式东方元素与极简主义手法融合,借助灯光烘托空间氛围,创造了一个简练而富有美感的室内。 Shushan Vardanyan's new project is located in a 134 square meter apartment in Warsaw, Poland. The designer combines Japanese Eastern elements with minimalist techniques, using lighting to enhance the spatial atmosphere and create a concise and aesthetically pleasing interior.