Polina Ditsman 捕捉自然的宁静
2023-08-09 13:38
来自俄罗斯的Polina Ditsman是一位颇具才华的女性设计师,每个项目的主要愿望是创造一种高质量的产品,往往能为客户创造超乎想象的室内,她的设计有很强的个人属性,让她拥有了全世界许多的追随者。
Umace Villa 是位于印尼的一座极简别墅,由 Polina Ditsman 设计。虽然面积较小,采用开放式布局以及建筑语言建构空间,给人以更大的空间既视感。整个设计大量使用天然材料,如石膏、天然石材、金属和亚麻,营造质朴宁静的氛围。
Umace a minimalist Villa Villa is located in Indonesia, by Polina Ditsman design. Although the area is lesser, adopt the open layout and architectural language to construct space, give a person with both visual sense more space. The whole design extensive use of natural materials, such as gypsum, natural stone, metal, and flax, create a simple quiet atmosphere。
Design of unifinication of kitchen dining room, huge lamp act the role ofing and rough dining chair, cabinets and metope, ground USES the same material, the concise and unified.
ROCCIA VILLA是一处小型别墅项目,Polina Ditsman在设计空间时围绕建筑与自然环境的互连。减少了装饰与色彩元素,采用柔和的线条,中性的色调,和有机的材料 ,将公寓与景观结合,勾勒了一幅宁静与远离喧嚣的自然画布。整体追求简约优雅的设计风格,它旨在限制人造光的使用,充分利用大气和自然环境创造出和平与梦幻的景观。设计师用简约却不简单的细节,打造了一个呈现灵性的住宅空间。室内有条不紊的纹理细节得到完美的呈现,结合内饰的点缀,整体有了趋向完美的比例感,材质赋予了整个空间高级质感的体现。
ROCCIA VILLA is a small VILLA projects, Polina Ditsman around the building and natural environment in the design space interconnection. Reduced the decoration and color elements, using the soft lines, neutral tone, and organic materials, combines the apartment and landscape, draw the outline of a quiet and away from the hustle and bustle of natural canvas. Overall the pursuit of simple and elegant design style, it is designed to limit the use of artificial light, make full use of the atmosphere and the natural environment to create peace and fantastic landscape. Designers use contracted but not simple details, make a render spiritual residential space. Indoor orderly texture details of the perfect present, combined with interior ornament, overall have the tendency of perfect sense of proportion, the embodiment of the high quality material to the whole space.
位于意大利撒丁岛私人度假别墅,Polina Ditsman将侘寂美学与极简主义融合,借助自然光打造出古朴静谧的居所。
In Italy Sardinia private holiday villas, Polina Ditsman fused wabi-sabi aesthetic and minimalism, with the aid of natural light to make a simple quiet home..