Maxim Maximov新作丨空间本色 首
2023-05-29 10:18
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Maxim Maximov
Maxim Maximov是一位来自俄罗斯的摄影师,他善于用镜头捕捉家的最美一面,对于设计的诠释与家的理解。与许多摄影师不一样,他反对通过摄影夸张的呈现空间,而是真实的呈现家的艺术格调,还原空间本色。
Maxim Maximov, a photographer from Russia, he is good at using camera to capture the home the most beautiful side, for the design of the interpretation and understanding. Unlike many photographers, he opposed by photography exaggerated rendering space, but the real present home art style, color reduction space.
Enter-ra apartment |
趣味的碰撞 | 俄罗斯·莫斯科
本案是设计师Anton Larionov设计的项目。位于莫斯科,Maxim Maximov希望通过镜头记录这里最动人的一刻。这个家没有设限,黑色、白色、米色、深木色、原木色都在这里汇集,碰撞出趣味性,设计师用最简练的设计语言,让这个家和谐而舒适。
This case is the designer Anton Larionov design project. Located in Moscow, Maxim Maximov hope through the lens to record the most moving moment here. This home without limits, black, white, cream-colored, deep color, the original wood color are all here together, creating interesting, designers use the most concise design language, make this family harmonious and comfortable.
| Enter-ra apartment |
家的艺术性 | 俄罗斯·圣彼得堡
Maxim Maximov将家的艺术格调呈现的淋漓尽致,构图充分结合设计师的出发点,自然的光影,质朴的材料,富有艺术感的陈设,都在彰显者屋主人的品位
This case stylist is Lyudmila Rozvodovskaya, st. Petersburg, it is a common city apartment, Maxim Maximov home art style show incisively and vividly, the composition is combined to the starting point of designer, natural light and shadow, plain material, the display of rich artistic feeling, reveal the house master grade.
图片版权 Copyright :Maxim Maximov