美域高MIYUKO | 赋以生活诗意的烟火与安岚 首
2023-02-22 15:48
- - - 诗意, 是记录生活感知的媒介, 烟火是眼目, 安岚是体悟, 翻阅生活的每个瞬间, 定格每一帧如诗的人生画布。 Poetic, is a medium to record of life, fireworks is the eyes, an LAN is understanding, read every moment of life, freeze frame each poetic canvas of life.
- - - 设计师以生活的诗意为蓝本, 意图给出“烟火”与“安岚”的联袂感悟。 The designer takes the poetry the blueprint, and intends to give the joint“Fireworks” and“An LAN”.
- - - 深入探索空间场景与人的关系, 从而达到生活空间场景化,让时、空、人、物之间发生紧密的联系。 In-depth exploration of the relationship and people, so as to achieve the scene of living space, so that time, space, people, a close relationship between.
- 客 厅 Return to the bosom of the Earth 回归大地 的怀抱 -
- - - 生活的惬意永远在开合之间, 生命的年轮或许不再那么绽放夺目。 此时的生活需要一点诗意的阳光抚慰, 更需要一些质感的氛围疗愈。 The contentment between opening and closing, and the Rings of life may longer be in full bloom. At this time of life need poetic sunshine to soothe, but also need some texture atmosphere to heal.
- - - 室内空间通过对现代设计语言与现代材料的提炼与重置, 营造出一种兮兮共生的空间体验感。 By refining and rearranging design language and materials, the interior space creates a sense of space experience.
- - - 白色基底配以喜马拉雅棕系皮革点缀, 让整个空间的生命感油然而生。 White base with the brown leather embellishment, so that the whole space of life feeling arises spontaneously.
- - - 原木将大自然的温度带回到室内空间, 勾勒出生生不息和谐共生的意境。 The log brings the temperature to the interior space, outlining the artistic eternal harmony and symbiosis.
- - - 水墨纹的大理石背景墙让整个空间诗意、灵动, 强化空间视觉效果与空间层次感。 The marble background wall the whole、and strengthens the visual effect and sense of spatial level.
- 餐 厅 Return to the bosom of the Earth 都市烟火 生机盎然 -
- - - 打开生活之门, 移步易景, 步入更广阔轻松的场域, 温润闲远,恬淡优雅, 都市烟火,生机盎然。 Open the door to life, Step Yi Jing, into the broader field of ease, gentle leisure far, tranquil elegance, urban fireworks, full of vitality.
- - - 餐饮空间与客厅无缝衔接, 保持空间的整体统一与连贯。 Dining space and living link up, to maintain the coherence of the space.
- - 绿色皮革餐椅尽显生机与灵动, 将整个空间氛围烘托至温典雅睿。 Green leather dining vitality and agility, will set off the whole to warm and elegant Rui.
- - - 一餐一幕, 生活的点滴即是张弛之间的一瞬与感悟。 Every meal, every bit of life, is a moment between Zhang Chi and perception.
- - - 一食一隅, 对生活的渴望即是收放自如的一撇与体悟。 One corner of the food, the desire for life is to take in flash and understanding.
- 卧 区 The life of an LAN as elegant 生活的安岚 尽微致雅 -
- - - 主卧以套房的形式展现, 尽显主人的身份与尊贵。 Master bedroom in the form of suites to show the identity of the host and dignity.
- - - 敞开式的衣帽间与妆台的呼应将深得女主人的心意。 Open-style cloakroom and dressing table echo will be deep hostesss mind.
- - - 以温润的原木辅以大地色系的整体呈现, 将质感与质朴合二为一。 With the help of warm and moist logs of the earth color system, the texture and rustic into one.
- - - 生活的安稳源于心灵的栖息, 有效的空间表达让整个卧区温馨质朴, 历久弥新,一丝不苟, 勾勒出有温度的空间气韵。 The stability of life the soul of the habitat, effective space expression let the warm and simple, lasting, meticulous, outlined a temperature of the space charm.
- - - 亚麻与珊瑚绒等软装饰品的组合 将温馨与雅致尽显无疑。 The combination of soft ornaments such as flax and coral velvet will and elegance.
- - - 次卧的整体风格呼应主卧, 保持视觉效果的统一, 延续舒适的氛围与营造。 The overall style of the the master bedroom, to maintain the unity of visual effects, the continuation of a comfortable atmosphere and build.
- - - 儿童房以迪士尼经典童话为主题, 尽显童真与童趣。 Childrens room to fairy tale as the theme, all show innocence and childlike charm.
- 休 闲 A sense of ritual is also needed to an instant 拾光瞬间 也需要仪式感 -
- - - 生活的领地延展至更广阔的纬度, 让每一个拾光瞬间都能成为记忆的螺旋, 把生活的每一寸都赋予仪式与体面,秩序与气韵。 The territory of life a broader latitude, so that every pick-up moment can of memory, to every inch of life are given decency, order and charm.
- - - 足够的层高将空间不断的拉伸至无限的可能与想象。 Enough level height will continue to stretch the and imagination.
- - - 给生活的想象样本增加无限的可能, 让每一次闲暇都具鲜活之美。 To the life of the imagination of the infinite possibilities, so that every leisure has a fresh beauty.
- - - 硬朗的线条将仪式感井然有序的堆叠, 移步易景彰显生活的层次与角度。 Hard lines will be a sense of ritual orderly stacking, moving to highlight the layers of life and perspective.
- - - 极具现代感的艺术装饰赋予空间更多话语体系, 将生活推至深处。 The highly modern art the space with more discourse system, pushing the life to the depth.
- - - 生活如是, 把烟火与安岚秉承归一, 生活如漾, 唯有爱与自由不可辜负, 唯想生活, 温雅四季。 Life is so, the fireworks and an LAN adhering to the unity, such as life, only love and freedom can not be let down, only want to live, elegant four seasons. 【项目信息】 项目名称 | 东辰府 项目地点 | 四川南充 项目开发 | 中奥地产 室内设计 | 鲲誉设计 KUNYU-DESIGN 项目主理 | 程默 设计主创 | 潘淑坚 田艳 杨月秋 朱拓恺 陈设艺术 | 美域高MIYUKO 设计样本 | 别墅样板间 项目面积 | 287㎡ 项目摄影 | 罗生制片