矩陣縱橫新作丨內奢於心 武漢新希望D10天元售樓處及會所

2023-02-22 13:43
New York

New York Design
#. 武漢新希望D10天元
Wuhan New Hope D10 Tianyuan


Under the double influence of traditional culture and international vision, Wuhan is capturing the new life style of contemporary people. The city is renewing, while D10 is just a starting point and space is just the carrier. The challenge for Matrixs design team is to focus design thinking on lifestyle itself.

Based on such thinking, the design team pays more attention to the scenes that may appear in the future space. Starting from the social interaction and lifestyle of young people, the design team has an insight into the phenomenon, and its behavior is separated and combined in the design, bringing the show into life, hoping to create an imaginative series of scenes.



接待前廳雙接待臺的對稱設計,以極具儀式的方式定位空間的格調。重構簡單的 “點-線-面”,設計希望用明與暗的對比挑起情緒湧動,循跡秩序的律動,用光的炙熱回應空間。星河漣漪,生活的情绪感随着动线蔓延流轉。
The symmetrical design of two reception desks in the reception front hall locates the space style in a very ceremonial way. Reconstructing the simple point-line-surface, the design hopes to provoke emotional surge with the contrast of light and dark, follow the rhythm of order, and respond to the space with the heat of light. Stars and rivers ripple, the emotional sense of life along with the moving line spread circulation.


燈的旖旎,隨走隨亮、因離而滅,光被融化在陰影中,隨著動態的敘述 ,感知層次也因此慢慢揭開。
The exquisite light, with the walk with light, because of away, the light is melted in the shadow, with the dynamic narrative, the level of perception is thus slowly unveiled.




Here is the interweaving of light and darkness. Following the corridor, flickering glimmer emerges in front of the eyes, leading people to the opening of the space. Natural light slowly diffuses from its perfection, and the secluded place connects the channel of self and social interaction.


Louis Kahn once said, The plan of the building should be understood as the harmony of space in light. Even a space that badly needs darkness should get enough light from some mysterious opening to tell us how dark it really is. Each space must be defined by its structure and features of natural light. 


Starting from the past, but also based on the present, the drama of the show of life focuses on the transition of space, the heart is born with hope and yearning.


The spiral ladder becomes the visual core of this space, and the longitudinal growth of the posture, its end point is bound to enrich the sensory. We use the natural texture of stone and the calm of the negotiation space, the collision expression, let people feel the free and exquisite life and the collection of restrained and wanton art.


Here, it is a social field between people. Connection is the basic attribute to understand the degree of integration between people and places. The ladder of the winding ladder is a channel connecting past and future, people and space, inner and social, leading people to the place of communication, open heart and release emotions.



The current flowing energy is like the shelter of the noisy world. The retro texture of the wall, the extended imagination of the black and white hanging paintings and the gloss of the sofa are interwoven together in the space, and the diverse perspectives in the discussion space become the gathering place of the wandering consciousness of the young people.




Baccara crystal chandeliers hover over the space, crisscrossing and dazzling light. The texture of the table surface echoes the texture of the front hall space and the spiral staircase. From entering, stepping up the stairs, and then sitting down here, the ritual sense of quality life has a coherent interpretation. People raise their glasses and talk, seeing deeper emotions through tipsy flirtation.



Design is purposeful. It handles the sense of atmosphere just right. It needs to create the long-termism of long-term social interaction, and everything is related to the texture of life. Want is to prefer this corner quiet, allow ordinary life will not settle.


Closely connected with the world and in close contact with the city, we in this era are pursuing independence but also eager for communication. The gentle orange color and the dizzy dye of the lights are like a journey into the sunset. The bright opening scene scatters the dense, eliminates the chill of the space and ignites the desire for social interaction.



Pantheon floor tile lines are integrated into the space to run through the core of retro and future. The block-type wood structure hangs on the wall on both sides of the passage, and the mirror top reflects the present moment. The light follows the order closely.



The private dining room is surrounded by the aggregation, the light yellow halo like the sunset, enveloping all the sources of power related to life. With the marble, porcelain bowls and wooden chairs filled with historical flavor, the hard shell is shed, and diners drink together to enjoy the moment, the faith of life becomes firm and gentle.





Freedom, mobility, contemporary young people yearn for the state of life. Outside luxury in the line, inside luxury in the heart, this is another expression of social life style.


項目名稱| 武漢新希望D10天元售樓處及會所
The project name | wuhan new hope D10 tianyuan floor and the club
業主單位| 武漢錦官置業有限公司
The owner unit | wuhan jin officer real estate co., LTD
項目地址| 武漢市江岸區二七濱江
Erqi riverside project address | silk in wuhan area
硬裝設計| 矩陣縱橫
Hard outfit design | matrix vertical and horizontal
軟裝設計| 矩陣鳴翠
Soft outfit design | matrix of emerald green
項目攝影| 釋象萬合
Photography project | release like us
設計面積| 2179㎡
Design | 2179 ㎡ area
主要材料| 黑域玫瑰 清水玉 宇宙星河 南極冰玉 超薄石材 藝術塗料 木飾面 古銅做舊不銹鋼蝕刻 藝術玻璃
Main materials | black jade domain rose water The Milky Way The Antarctic ice jade Ultra-thin stone art paint Wood veneer Bronze art do old stainless steel, glass
設計時間| 2021年
Design time | 2021















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