
2022-11-18 22:38
“ 暖色系住宅, 治愈感满分。 ”
设计师手记 带出城市的感觉 进入一个平静的中性色调 柔软家具和温暖纹理的海洋 根植于现代比利时设计的低调 色调将这种感觉凸显出来 为新的一天到来之前的 充电提供了空间
A Saramaga住宅



A Saramaga是位于葡萄牙Cartaxo的一个最小的住宅,由DC.AD设计。该项目是为一对年轻夫妇开发的,他们与艺术界有联系,离开首都是为了找一个隐蔽的地方居住,同时实施一个艺术居住计划。
A Saramaga is a minimal residence located in Cartaxo, Portugal, designed by DC.AD. The project was developed for a young couple, connected to the art world, who left the capital to find somewhere secluded to live and at the same time implement a program of artistic residencies.


The architectural features of the building were quite unusual, with exaggerated and disconnected elements and references, which resulted in a rather disjointed combination of the whole. The main challenge of the project was the quest to find an aesthetic, formal and functional coherence that would resignify the existing architectural setting.



On the outside, all secondary elements, such as low walls and paved walkways were eliminated, the openings were redesigned and the exterior flat surfaces were painted in textured shades of beige and white for an explicit identification of the different volumetric structures. The existing water mirror was transformed into a swimming pool and by manipulating the patio’s pavement levels, new platforms were created to allow different types of appropriations of the outdoor space.


Inside, the organisation of the spaces has generally been maintained. The entrance is on the west side, at a point that separates the social areas from the private areas. An open kitchen was positioned in the centre of the building, favourably placed in relation to the private and social parts of the house, to the exterior and to the swimming pool.

It is a functional transition area, offering an access through to the living room area. This main social area is generously proportioned and is the noble space of the house, notable for its high ceiling and the easy permeability with the exterior.


The wooden beams on the ceiling provide a more welcoming scale to the space and support the skylights that bring in the natural light. Below the skylights, a concrete platform with different levels incorporates a sitting area, a long coffee table and a plant pot to bring a touch of natural vegetation to the space – this feature also sets up the longitudinal organization of the room, in one simple gesture. A large table in natural red travertine stone was also designed, reaffirming the proportion of the space.


In the private wing of the house, the small patios to the south let light into the bedrooms and toilets. Each toilet is marked by the use of a different color, punctuated by the natural stone washbasins combined in exactly the same shade. The master suite is notable for combining a living and working area, in close proximity to the swimming pool, with a long white dressing room that includes dissimulated accesses to the separate toilet and shower area.

Inside, the use of continuous textured coatings, such as the beige and white of the walls or the cement on the floor match the logic used for the exterior surfaces. This helps to confer a uniformity on the whole, while offering a welcoming and immersive experience of the various spaces.
Home Tour - The Caramel House


As you step inside this reworked Melbourne townhouse, there is a sense of being transported out of the city and into a sea of calming neutrals, soft furnishings and warm textures.


An understated palette rooted in modern Belgian design brings this feeling to the fore, fashioning spaces to recharge before the new day.


贯穿始终的焦糖色调反映了客户的个性;他们喜欢这种调色板所散发出的平静感和它的细微差别。CJH工作室总监Cassie James-Herrick将这个调色板描述为 有意的一致 和 深思熟虑的约束,需要极大的控制和对细节的关注。
The thread of caramel tones throughout reflects the clients’ personalities; they love the sense of calm that the palette exudes and its nuances. CJH Studio director Cassie James-Herrick describes the palette as “intentionally consistent” and “thoughtfully constrained”, requiring great control and attention to detail.


Balancing warm textural elements – natural timbers and stones – with colder metals and glass creates a sense of depth heightened by tactile forms and soft furnishings. CJH Studio deliberately avoided harsh architectural lighting, opting for subtle wall lights and lamps, to ensure the spaces maintained their ambience even during the evenings.


What is more, they misunderstand the conception of exhibition space; most of the above mentioned projects have not selected the best solution for the problem of functioning and aesthetic characteristics for showroom projects – so they always make mistake in functioning, density in display, and lighting showcase.


Through research and careful consideration, MW archstudio gave a specific solution to overcome most of the above mentioned misconceptions as a specific example for this particular kind of projects.


此外,我们还澄清了 绿色建筑 概念的正确含义,即通过建筑实现保护环境的责任。
Also, we clarified the right meaning of green building” concept that actualizes the responsibility to protect the environment through architecture.

Through a technical solution arranging lighting interstice continuously on the roof, and 3 large atrium spaces in the layout. At night, LED Spotlight system is used to ensure functional requirements, aesthetic characteristics of the exhibition space, and also environmental friendly.
Vester Voldgade公寓
Vester Voldgade


哥本哈根的Vester Voldgade是这个城市最具代表性的街道之一,它穿过老城区,经过哥本哈根市政厅广场,到达海滨。在这里,你会发现大卫-图尔斯特鲁普最近的一个项目;一个150平方米的顶层公寓,为客户提供了一个明亮和宽敞的家。
Vester Voldgade in Copenhagen is one of the city’s most iconic streets, running through the old town, past Copenhagen City Hall Square to the waterfront. It’s here where you’ll find one of David Thulstrup’s most recent projects; a 150 sqm top floor apartment given a significant refresh for a client who specified a bright and spacious home.


By gutting the entire interior, including the attic above the previous home, David Thulstrup has paved the way for a contemporary, loft-like apartment with subtle references to the building’s past life.


Catering to the client’s specific request for a light-filled home, founder and creative director David Thulstrup transformed the attic space into a double-height living area, where exposed rafters are a nod to the home’s heritage.


“By opening up the volumes of the living spaces both vertically and horizontally and using quality materials, I reintroduced a feeling of calmness and balance into a space that was marked by low ceilings and limited natural light,” David explains.






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