新作丨植田 · 田之间建筑 × 朱祖谋 · 彊村词学馆 首
2022-11-18 09:17
朱祖谋·彊村词学馆 Design by: Ray-Emilio studio 项目类型 | 文化艺术空间 设计公司 | 植田 · 田之间建筑 项目视频 关键词:“中介”、“新宋韵”、“词学” 清代词学流派纷纭,名家辈出,其中以“彊村”声名最著。湖州市埭溪镇就是著名的“清末四大家”之一朱祖谋的故乡,埭溪人朱祖谋编选了广为人知的宋词选本《宋词三百首》,同时收录辑刻了词人最多的《彊村丛书》,并培养了众多词人并形成了“彊村词派”。本项目受湖州埭溪镇政府、湖州词学院及新华智云的委托,希望充分挖掘属地的历史人文资源,共同为朱祖谋打造一座词学专题馆,并将其命名为:彊村词学馆。 Key words: intermediary, New Song Rhyme and Ci Poetry In Qing Dynasty, there were many schools of Ci poetry, among which Qiangcun was the most famous one. Daixi Town, Huzhou City is the hometown of Zhu Zumou, one of the famous four famous poets in the late Qing Dynasty. Daixi native Zhu Zumou compiled the well-known anthology Three Hundred Song Ci Poems, and at the same time, collected the Qiangcun Series with the largest number of poets, and trained many poets and formed the Qiangcun Ci poetry exhibition hall. This project is entrusted by Daixi Town Government of Huzhou, Huzhou Ci Academy and Xinhua Zhiyun, hoping to fully tap the local historical and humanistic resources and jointly build a special museum of Ci for Zhu Zumou, and named it Qiangcun Ci poetry exhibition hall.
彊村词学馆位于浙江省湖州市吴兴区埭溪镇的古街上。在改造之初,我们对古镇现状及原有建筑的状况进行了评估:项目是对一座既有保留建筑的改造,建筑体量较小是一个480方左右的小型建筑;原建筑是一座框架结构的坡屋顶现代建筑,分为左右两个体量:一高一低、一大一小,中间有一处连廊;总体建筑高度和周围建筑相似,原建筑是一种分开的坡屋顶状态,以最直接的方式——坡屋顶来回应古街城市肌理,其体量与高度与小镇总体街道感受基本一致。 Qiangcun Ci poetry exhibition hall is located in the ancient street of Daixi Town, Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. At the beginning of the renovation, we evaluated the status quo of the ancient town and the original buildings: the project is the renovation of an existing reserved building, which is a small building with a small volume of about 480 square meters; The original building is a modern building with a sloping roof with a frame structure, which is divided into two volumes: one high and one low, one large and one small, with a corridor in the middle; The overall height of the building is similar to that of the surrounding buildings. The original building is a separate sloping roof, which responds to the texture of the ancient street city in the most direct way-sloping roof. Its volume and height are basically consistent with the overall street feeling of the town.
因此我们在设计策略上不希望过大地破坏既有建筑与街道的关系,希望通过植入式设计方式对既有建筑进行“补位”,以形成一个建筑新的“整体性”。 Therefore, we dont want to destroy the relationship between the existing buildings and the streets too much in the design strategy, and we hope to make up the existing buildings by means of implantable design, so as to form a new integrity of the buildings.
We embed a pure black installation box in the middle of two sloping roof buildings. The middle of the black box is an "internalized sloping roof" composed of crisscross steel structures, and the whole black box serves as an "intermediary" of sloping roofs. On the one hand, this "intermediary" body takes the "middle" position, and it is inserted between the two volumes, that is, the center of the building also forms a regional center, thus establishing new vitality and marking power for the whole street; At the same time, "Zhong" is also moderate in size, not higher than the original size, and not too oppressive to the streets. "Zhong" takes itself as the center to understand the surrounding environment, so as to harmonize the environment. On the other hand, this "intermediary" body gradually leads people from the city to the interior. With the reduction of scale, people enter the exhibition hall after being compressed to nearly the door height in the process of entering through this corridor. This whole process has gone through: people's perception of the city-people's perception of "intermediary" devices-people's perception of indoor space, and this process of change is warm and natural.
在这一“中介”体黑色的外框内部,所有的构架都被漆成了耀眼的朱红色,构架的间隔自身是有孔隙的,因此在构架的反面我们设置有天窗,来保障人向入口行进的过程中是向着光前行的,不会因身处夹缝而感到昏暗。 Inside the black outer frame of this intermediary body, all the frames are painted bright scarlet, and the intervals of the frames themselves are porous. Therefore, we have skylights on the opposite side of the frames to ensure that people walk towards the light in the process of marching towards the entrance, and will not feel dim because they are caught in the cracks.
Internal Exhibition Space
After entering the space of Ci-poetry Museum, designers hope that the overall environment will keep pure information display and space intuition, instead of repeating scenes and stacking decorations in the traditional display space design way. Due to the need of a large number of digital exhibitions inside, the light environment inside the exhibition hall needs to be contracted. Even so, some existing windows are not roughly closed off, but information is densely displayed at the height of the line of sight, and some natural light can still enter the room from the bottom or the reserved windows, which is also the "complement" of the existing space by the constant change of the form and height of the information layer.
On the one hand, the Song Ci in Ci School is an important carrier of Song rhyme culture, on the other hand, we also hope that space itself is a part of Song rhyme culture. We try to intervene in the whole renovation in a concise language, control the part of the renovation more accurately, and not reject the existing building environment. The "new" part of the spirit of "New Song Rhyme" in architectural renovation lies in a kind of transformation. On the one hand, the "intermediary" device at the entrance transforms the form of sloping roof inward; on the other hand, it transforms the way of exhibition outward, from information display to space. The transformation from explicit form to explicit form, and then to the application of a large number of digital interactive devices in the exhibition mode, all try to respond to the spirit of Song Yun in a new contemporary context, which is feedback from another dimension.
项目委托方: 新华智云科技有限公司
主创设计:方润武 / 王明皓
植田·田之间建筑(Ray&Emilio Studio)是由新锐的海归建筑师组成,公司创办人及合伙人王明皓、方润武分别毕业于马德里理工大学及伦敦艺术学院,在建筑空间设计的理念上,具有很强建筑空间学术性及系统性。工作室总体方向集中于建筑及空间改造,强调设计与研究并重。田之间建筑的每个项目的开始都是从深刻的研究和理解开始的,设计中强调多方位看待设计问题的方式,通过多角度观察既有空间、环境,并灵活地抓取场所特征,提出有建设性的场所策略。设计中强调“环境”这一总体化概念,模糊建筑、室内、景观的边界,每一个被感知到的空间都是环境的一部分,不放弃对任何一个空间交流的关注。植田·田之间建筑注重设计实践的同时兼顾建筑学教育,力求思辨与实践并重。工作室致力于发觉空间与环境在学院语境下的多重属性,在教学实践中既强调传统建筑学教育的根基,同时也试图融入艺术与环境的理念,强调空间的艺术性表达,强调环境的总体化意识。作为有着时代精神的创新设计工作室,在时代语境下,强调将建筑、空间、环境作为一种全新的开放性媒介。设计主张跨界融合,主张建筑空间设计与当代新媒体艺术、装置艺术、绘画艺术等学科广泛交流,保持开放思考、开放交流的能力。