细致与克制 家庭的叙述

2022-10-18 09:17
“ 细致与克制, 家庭的叙述。 ”
设计师手记 灵感来自于干净的 单色建筑形式与家庭沉浸其中的 自然环境之间的对比 是对光和物质的游戏 结合了细致 而克制的方法 表达了一个被茂密植被 环绕的平静和精心策划的居所
Control and consideration



The family sees a monochromatic palette and a familiar sense of order and formality used as the basis for the constituent elements.


Mosman 位于悉尼的巴尔莫勒尔海滩(Balmoral Beach),从其精心设计的开口向外眺望广阔的海洋,提供了一个安静且受保护的避风港,不受各种因素的影响。
Located in Sydney’s Balmoral Beach, Mosman looks out from its carefully considered apertures to the vast ocean beyond, offering a quiet and protected place to escape, protected from the elements.


As an expression of contrasts, the strong and linear nature of the architectural and interior response sits in thoughtful opposition to the home’s setting and its connection to the natural. Highlighting this difference, the resulting home sees a monochromatic palette and a familiar sense of order and formality used as the foundations of the comprising elements.
自然光与雕刻的开口和远景之间的重要性和交叉点允许在一天中发生预期的互动,因为空间被光线照亮。Mathieson Architects 通过对克制和细节的共同理解,通过 FREE-MAN 的室内设计和定制家具设计和策展,营造出一种故意最小化的建筑响应。
The importance and intersection between natural light and the carved openings and vistas allows an intended interaction to occur throughout the day, as the spaces become illuminated with light. Mathieson Architects conjures a deliberately minimal architectural response with a shared understanding of restraint and detail that is complemented by interiors and custom furniture design and curation by FREE-MAN.


白色的广泛使用及其对纹理的诠释欢迎参观者来到其不间断的线条和简洁的三层故事,立即赋予平静感。家体现了一种退却的感觉,因为每个元素都说明了它的目的。Mosman 坐在一个很深的斜坡上,看似轻松地轻轻地导航它,它沉浸在一个自然发生的环境中,进一步强调了家庭的清脆。
The extensive use of white and its textural interpretations welcomes the visitor to its three stories of uninterrupted linework and simplicity, immediately endowing a sense of calm. The home embodies a retreat feel as each element speaks to it purpose. Sitting on a deeply sloping terrain, Mosman gently navigates it site with seeming ease, and its immersion within a naturally occurring setting further emphasises the home’s crispness.


在 Dangar Barin Smith 的景观中,建筑与自然之间的对比创造了自己的平衡,通过它们的差异表达了对方。一个主要是混凝土结构然后通过一系列门户打开自己,这些门户将内部与其令人羡慕的景色和位置连接起来,同时创造一种受控的节奏感。
With landscapes by Dangar Barin Smith, the contrast between the built and the natural creates its own counterbalance, expressing the other through their difference. A mostly concrete structure then opens itself through a series of portals that connect the interior with its enviable views and location, while creating a sense of controlled rhythm.

在内部,相同的秩序感贯穿每个空间,进入每个策划和设计的元素,完成了画面。FREE-MAN 汇集了一百多件艺术品和家具,将外部建筑语言向内延伸,重新诠释并增添了丰富的层次。
Internally, the same sense of order is carried through each of the spaces and into each curated and designed element, completing the picture. FREE-MAN brings together over one hundred pieces of art and furniture that extend the external architectural language inward, re-interpreting it and adding layers of richness.


Through close collaborations with local craftspeople and artisans, custom designed elements are dotted throughout, adding to the narrative of the home as an expression of its owner. Each piece embodies its own story as every finish is selected for its textural nuance.


Mosman 是一个以家庭为理想的住宅,作为一个逃避和平静的地方,每个贡献元素都因其简单和精致而被选中。Mathieson Architects 和 FREE-MAN 的组合方法既支持又加强了有意的极简主义和克制,从而形成了一个独特的反光之家。
Mosman is a home build on ideals of the home as a place of escape and calm, where each contributing element has been selected for its simplicity and refinement. Mathieson Architects and FREE-MAN’s combined approach both supports and reinforces the intentional minimalism and restraint, resulting in a uniquely reflective home.
Modern minimalist residence



Fredericia Furniture 是丹麦领先的设计公司之一,在光线充足的哥本哈根陈列室中展示了他们的全新作品和传统丹麦现代家具系列。
One of Denmark’s leading design companies, Fredericia Furniture showcases their collection of both brand new pieces and heritage Danish Modern furniture in their light-filled Copenhagen showroom.



哥本哈根市中心一条色彩缤纷的鹅卵石街道位于市中心,距离主要购物街 Strøget 仅有数米之遥,坐落着这座城市历史悠久的前皇家邮政大楼。
On a colourful, cobblestone street in central Copenhagen—so central, the main shopping street Strøget is just meters away—lies the city’s historic former Royal Mail House.


走进去,乘电梯到顶楼,按门铃,进入令人惊叹的展示厅和 Frederica Furniture 的世界。2017 年,这个传统品牌开设了占地 1,100 平方米的两层新空间。凭借宏伟而迷人的氛围,他们邀请游客花时间体验 Børge Mogensen、Hans J. Wegner 和 Nanna Ditzel 等人的历史设计,以及 Cecilie Manz 和 Space Copenhagen 等当代家具设计
Walk in, take the elevator to the top floor, ring the doorbell, and enter the stunning showroom and universe of Frederica Furniture. In 2017, the heritage brand opened their new space spread across two floors and 1,100 square metres. With a grandiose yet inviting atmosphere, they invite visitors to take their time and experience both the historic designs from the likes of Børge Mogensen, Hans J. Wegner and Nanna Ditzel, as well as contemporary furniture designs by names such as Cecilie Manz and Space Copenhagen.


老建筑的四楼欢迎客人光临,其特点是光线充足、宽敞的开放式房间装饰着精致的灰泥、高高的天花板和硬木地板。在石灰石 Space Copenhagen 咖啡桌周围,摆放着两把 Børge Mogensen 经典的黑色皮革西班牙椅子和 Jens Risom 的灰色皮革大型 3 座沙发。
Guests are welcomed on the fourth floor of the old building characterized by a light-filled, spacious open room adorned with elaborate stucco, high ceilings, and hardwood flooring. Around a limestone Space Copenhagen coffee table sits two of Børge Mogensen’s classic Spanish Chairs in black leather and the large 3-seater sofa by Jens Risom in grey leather.


离这个休息区不远的是一个用餐区,装饰着 Jasper Morrison 实心橡木的 Taro 桌子,还有几把 Børge Mogensen 的黑色橡木 Søborg 椅子,所有这些都营造出一种令人钦佩的客厅的感觉,既古典又舒适。
Not far from this lounge area is a dining area decorated with Jasper Morrison’s Taro table in solid oak, with a couple of Søborg chairs from Børge Mogensen in black oak, all of them creating a feeling of an admirable living room equally parts classical and cosy.


在 Fredericia 陈列室的屋顶楼层,您不仅可以欣赏到哥本哈根市中心色彩缤纷的建筑顶部的壮丽景色,还可以看到原始而深色的混凝土地板、落地窗和精选的品牌新设计系列。
On the rooftop floor of Fredericia’s showroom awaits not only a spectacular view of central Copenhagen’s colorful building tops, but also a raw and darker setting of concrete flooring, floor-to-ceiling windows and a curated collection of the brand’s newer designs.


这层楼体现了该品牌今天的地位——不仅是丹麦现代传统的联合创始人,而且与当今丹麦和世界各地的设计场景高度相关。其愿景与 1911 年这家家族企业成立时的愿景相同——纯正的材料、独创性和为全球受众设计的相关产品。
This floor manifests the brand’s position today—not only as co-founders of the Danish Modern tradition, but also as highly relevant on today’s design scene here in Denmark and worldwide. The vision remains the same as when the family-owned company was established in 1911—honest materials, originality, and relevant products designed for a global audience.

今天的弗雷德里西亚不仅仅是在 1920 年代丹麦现代时代闻名的“经典”、非常简单的木制设计。他们与丹麦设计大师一起在哥本哈根最美丽的展厅之一展出,邀请游客踏上丹麦设计历史和现在的旅程。欢迎大家来到旧邮局的四楼和五楼,无论您是打算购买一件可以用一辈子的东西(为子孙后代带来欢乐),还是只想在光线充足的地方闲逛 房间充满了令人惊叹的设计。
Fredericia today is much more than the ‘classic’, quite simple wooden designs made famous in the 1920ies Danish Modern era. Together with the grand masters of Danish design, they are showcased in what is perhaps one of the most beautiful showrooms in Copenhagen, inviting visitors on a journey through Danish design history and present. Everyone is welcome on the fourth and fifth floor of the old mail house, whether you are contemplating a purchase to last a lifetime (and bring both your children and grandchildren joy for generations to come), or just wish to wander around the light-filled rooms filled with stunning designs.



summer gone


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