光与黑暗 注入岛上火山般的灵魂和黑色调

2022-09-06 09:22
“ 没有黑暗就没有光, 没有黑色就没有白色。 ”
设计师手记 从用于地板和墙壁 的深灰色 Marmorino 灰泥 到部分浴室的釉面玄武岩瓷砖 再到染成黑色的木材家具和 重达 3 吨的火山岩接待台 暗色调与周围的 玄武岩悬崖相呼应 突出白色色调






WHITE 于 2017 年在亚速尔群岛圣米格尔岛南部海岸开业时,它不仅因其单色配色方案而脱颖而出,还因其量身定制的款待——九间套房和一间别墅精品酒店已成为被称为群岛豪华旅行的先驱。去年冬天,夫妻酒店经营者 Catarina 和 João Reis 不满足于固步自封,他们决定是时候对酒店进行改造了。
When WHITE opened its doors in 2017 on the southern coast of São Miguel island in the Azores, it stood out not just for its monochromatic colour scheme but also for its tailor-made hospitality—the nine suites and one villa boutique hotel has come to be known as a pioneer in luxury travel in the archipelago. Not satisfied with resting on their laurels, last winter husband and wife hoteliers Catarina and João Reis decided it was time to give the hotel a makeover.





Quiet Studios 的西班牙室内设计师兼创意总监 Daniela Franceschini 从 WHITE 的明信片位置(度假村坐落在俯瞰大海的玄武岩悬崖顶)中汲取灵感,将原始的全白色调色板与灰色相得益彰,为度假村注入岛上火山般的灵魂和黑色调。
Enter Spanish interior designer and creative director at Quiet Studios, Daniela Franceschini who drew inspiration from WHITE’s postcard location—the resort sits atop a basalt cliff overlooking the ocean—imbuing the resort with the island’s volcanic soulfulness by complementing the original all-white palette with grey and black tones.





Cardume 餐厅的新任主厨 William Blake 承诺将在亚速尔群岛带来难忘的美食之旅,新的海滨户外健康区,加上 SINGULAR PROPERTIES 标志性的平静和量身定制的服务,WHITE 独特的热情好客品牌已经不一定会改变,但整体体验现在更加适应岛上的火山性质和文化遗产。
With William Blake, the new Chef at the helm of Cardume restaurant, promising an unforgettable culinary journey across the Azores, and a new ocean-side outdoor wellness area, plus SINGULAR PROPERTIES’ signature calmness and tailor made services, WHITE’s unique brand of hospitality hasn’t necessarily changed but the overall experience is now more attuned to the island’s volcanic nature and cultural heritage.





It was during a hike that Catarina and João Reis came across the ruins of an old manor house near the town of Lagoa on São Miguel’s southern coast. As part of a wine production property, the house enjoyed a soothing tranquillity and magnificent ocean views.



热衷于创造独特的地方——他们两年前的第一次尝试,圣巴巴拉,是亚速尔群岛的第一个生态海滩度假村——他们决定将这座古老的建筑改造成一家独特的精品酒店,关键是在不抹杀其乡土建筑的情况下,他们做得很好 影响。
Passionate about creating unique places—their first endeavour two years earlier, Santa Bárbara, is Azores’ first eco-beach resort—they decided to transform the ancient building into an exclusive boutique hotel, crucially without effacing its vernacular architecture, which they did to great effect.





Five years and one renovation later, the hotel’s sense of place has been deepened. “One of the most important things for a hotel such as this one is the feeling of place”, Franceschini explains, “guests want to feel they’re in the Azores”.





While the hotel’s original all-white colour scheme evoked soothing calmness, it lacked a strong connection with the land, something that Franceschini has rectified by introducing tones of black that reflect the volcanic rock that the property is built on.




从用于地板和墙壁的深灰色 Marmorino 灰泥,到部分浴室的釉面玄武岩瓷砖,再到染成黑色的木材家具和重达 3 吨的火山岩接待台,暗色调不仅与周围的玄武岩悬崖相呼应,而且 也突出了酒店的白色色调,用 Franceschini 的话来说,“没有黑暗就没有光,没有黑色就没有白色”。
From the dark grey Marmorino stucco used for floors and walls, to the glazed basalt tiles in some of the bathrooms, to the black-stained timber furnishings and three-ton volcanic rock reception counter, the dark accents not only echo the surrounding basalt cliffs but also accentuate the hotel’s white hues, “as there is no light without darkness or white without black” in Franceschini’s words.





以苦行优雅的极简主义美学为基础,弗朗切斯基尼摆脱了任何“次要”的东西,小心地保留了庄园的所有原始元素,例如由玄武岩制成的石砌墙壁,框架的石拱门 旧酒窖的天花板和旧厨房的壁炉。
Underpinned by a minimalist aesthetic of ascetic elegance, Franceschini got rid of anything that was of “secondary importance” being careful to preserve all of the original elements of the manor house such as the stone-built walls made of basalt, the stone arches that frame the ceiling of the old wine cellar, and the old kitchen’s fireplace.



与精简的空间相辅相成的是,由柳杉(一种在亚速尔群岛广泛种植的亚洲常青树)制成的定制家具、手工制作的陶瓷,包括由 Franceschini 设计的一系列陶瓷珊瑚,以及使用传统篮筐技术制成的柳条灯,增强了 该方案将乡土与现代和谐地结合在一起,并讲述了 WHITE 的可持续发展精神。结合温暖、朴实色调的天然织物和地毯,酒店经过翻新的内饰优雅、温馨、轻松。
Complementing the pared down spaces, bespoke furniture made out of cryptomeria, an evergreen tree from Asia that is widely cultivated in the Azores, hand-crafted ceramics, including a series of ceramic corals designed by Franceschini, and wicker lamps made using traditional basketry techniques enhance the scheme’s harmonious mix of vernacular and contemporary, as well as speak of WHITE’s sustainability ethos. Combined with natural fabrics and carpets in warm, earthy hues, the hotel’s renovated interiors are elegant, welcoming and relaxed.




The hotel’s renovation extends to its outdoor spaces which include different patios and levels, a fire pit and a heated saltwater infinity pool which has been revamped with a black bottom that evokes the island’s volcanic beaches. An old pergola was transformed into a sheltered lounge area, where guests can enjoy an al fresco breakfast, lunch or dinner even when the weather is questionable, while a freestanding pavilion offers guests the chance to enjoy a range of wellness treatments and rituals in a secluded setting above the ocean.




基于从农场到餐桌的理念,现场 Cardume 餐厅精心编辑的菜单是厨师 William Blake 的作品,他的年轻经历掩盖了他的经验——Blake 曾与 White 的前任厨师以及几位米其林一起工作- 明星名字,例如 Dieter Koschina 和 Vincent Farges。
Based on a farm-to-table philosophy, the well-edited menu at the on-site Cardume restaurant is the work of Chef William Blake whose young age belies his experience—Blake has previously worked alongside White’s previous chef, as well as several Michelin-star names such as Dieter Koschina and Vincent Farges.





当地捕获的新鲜鱼类、牧场饲养的亚速尔群岛肉类以及来自酒店有机农场的新鲜香草、水果和蔬菜为丰盛的菜肴奠定了基础,这些菜肴在餐厅的全白色内饰中无论是色彩的活力还是味道的浓郁都脱颖而出。再加上陶瓷餐具的诱人香气和触感愉悦,与简陋的环境和轻松的氛围形成对比,或因为它的简陋环境和轻松的氛围,您将获得一种纯粹的、全感官的体验——一种美丽的事态。很多总结了 WHITE 的热情好客的主张。
Locally caught fresh fish, pasture-raised Azorean meat, and fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables from the hotel’s organic farm set the stage for hearty dishes that stand out amid the restaurant’s all-white interior both in their vibrancy of colour and intensity of flavour. Add in the seductive aromas and the tactile pleasure of the ceramic tableware, and you have a pure, all-sensory experience made all the more sublime in contrast to, or because of, the humble setting and relaxed atmosphere—a state of affairs that pretty much sums ups WHITE’s hospitality proposition.





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