OneSpan 办公室 蒙特利尔,加拿大

2022-08-18 09:35
大胆而明亮:OneSpan 办公室突出照明与周到设计的共生关系
Bold and bright: OneSpan office highlights the symbiotic relationship between lighting and thoughtful design

魁北克最大的照明机构 LumiGroup 自豪地宣布与蒙特利尔市中心 OneSpan 办公室的设计师 inside Studio 合作。位于历史悠久的温莎车站范围内,55,000 平方英尺的空间融合了灵感建筑和大胆的室内设计,室内工作室的独特视角、序列和发现被加拿大室内设计公司评为加拿大最佳奖得主办公类。
LumiGroup, Quebec’s largest lighting agency, is proud to unveil its collaboration with inside Studio, designers of the OneSpan office in downtown Montreal. Located within the confines of historic Windsor station, the 55,000 sq. ft. space is a melding of inspired architecture and bold interior design, with inside Studio’s unique perspectives, sequences, and discoveries being recognized by Canadian Interiors as a Best of Canada Award winner in the office category.

inside Studio 的任务是将公司总部迁至城市的更中心位置,最初的空间研究导致温莎车站的历史壮丽,该车站是加拿大太平洋铁路的前市中心客运站。除了在可用空间、流量和建筑服务方面检查所有框外,独特的设置为设计师提供了一块空白画布,在其上直观地捕捉 OneSpan 的新身份和品牌精神——大胆。安全。
inside Studio was tasked with relocating the company’s head office to a more central setting of the city, and an initial space study led to the historic grandeur of Windsor Station, the former downtown passenger depot of the Canadian Pacific Railway. In addition to checking all of the boxes in terms of available space, flow, and building services, the unique setting provided the designers with a blank canvas upon which to visually capture OneSpan’s new identity and branding ethos – Be Bold. Be Secure.

“客户的精神从一开始就融入了我们的设计理念,以及他们对在集群和循环中工作的团队的要求,”Inside Studio 的首席设计师和创始人 Susie Silveri 说。“建筑决定了空间的流动,这座美丽的建筑为在 OneSpan 的运营中导航提供了理想的可能性。”
“The client’s ethos was incorporated into our design concept from the outset, as well as their requirements for groups working in clusters and loops,” says Susie Silveri, Principal Designer and founder of inside Studio. “Architecture dictates the flow of a space, and this beautiful building offered ideal possibilities for navigating through OneSpan’s operations.”

The client immediately embraced the vision, recognizing the potential of a space already adorned with expansive windows, poured terrazzo floors, and sections of exposed original brick. However, the core design elements of the space still reflected their original purpose, so inside Studio embarked on a lengthy demolition process to strip it down to its bare essentials. As if entering a time warp, that process led to a plethora of intriguing discoveries, including additional original brick, arches, fireplaces, and original wood panelling.

这座建筑拥有如此多的特色和历史,还散发出一种让人想起时尚 SoHo 阁楼公寓的氛围。牢记客户的精神,设计师着手将大胆的品牌概念与建筑的原始元素结合起来。对比人物的协调包括引入某些 SoHo 元素,例如在墙壁上战略性地放置波普艺术,以及对整体不拘一格的外观和感觉的关注。该公司还在空间中注入了一定程度的“异想天开”元素,包括为办公室公共空间选择的家具。他们还决定为办公室的会议室保留一些原有建筑的华丽门,通过“大胆”的色彩和现代玻璃框架的应用,将过去和现在的结合密封起来,使门充满生机。
With so much character and history, the building also exuded a vibe reminiscent of a trendy SoHo loft apartment. With the client’s ethos firmly in mind, the designers set out to marry the bold branding concept with the original elements of the building. The harmonization of contrasting characters included the introduction of certain SoHo elements, such as the strategic placement of pop art on the walls, and a focus on an overall eclectic look and feel. The firm also infused a degree of ‘whimsical’ elements into the space, including its choice of furnishings for the office’s common spaces. They also decided to retain some of the original building’s ornate doors for the office’s conference rooms, which sealed the marriage between past and present with an application of ‘bold’ colours and modern glass framing that brings the doors to vivid life.

“我们希望整体空间保持相当中性,但大胆的冲击力突出并明确定义某些区域和功能,”工作室 OneSpan 项目的首席设计师 Tina Rahaniotis 解释道。
“We wanted the overall space to remain fairly neutral, but with punches of boldness that stand out and clearly define certain areas and functions,” explains Tina Rahaniotis, inside Studio’s Lead Designer for the OneSpan project. “The meeting rooms are also appointed with equally bold textured carpeting, and those elements collectively distinguish the space.”

抵达 OneSpan 办公室后,原始的砖墙和拱门构成了广阔的接待区。相邻的走廊铺有白橡木地板,以 OneSpan 紫色和丁香色为界,通向 L 形平面图的中心。在使用比例时,该公司选择了悬挂在悬挂装置上的大型可旋转圆盘灯,成功地为走廊设置了动画并提供了形状和大小。
Upon arrival at the OneSpan office, original brick walls and archways frame the expansive reception area. An adjacent corridor, floored in white oak and bordered by accents of OneSpan purple and lilac, lead into the heart of the L-shaped floorplan. In playing with scale, the firm selected large, pivoting disc lights that hang from suspended fixtures, which succeeds in animating and providing shape and size to the corridor.

照明在 Studio 的 OneSpan 办公室设计中发挥了重要作用,为非常特定的功能选择了十几种照明产品。该项目的照明包括设计师预先选择的有趣、大胆和异想天开的选择,以及通过与代表全球制造商的照明机构 LumiGroup 密切协商制定的一般照明方案。
Lighting played a large role in inside Studio’s design of the OneSpan office, with more than a dozen lighting products selected for very specific functions. The project’s lighting consists of a combination of fun, bold, and whimsical choices pre-selected by the designers, as well as general lighting schemes hashed out through close consultations with LumiGroup, a lighting agency representing a global array of manufacturers.

“与了解您在数量、强度、颜色和设计方面的愿景的照明顾问合作非常重要,十多年来,每当我们遇到照明挑战或特定规格时,我们都会求助于 LumiGroup,”Ms 女士指出.Rahaniotis。“照明是 OneSpan 项目的关键部分,特别是考虑到空间的画廊般的氛围。”
“It’s so important to work with a lighting consultant that understands your vision in terms of quantity, intensity, colour and design, and we have turned to LumiGroup for more than a decade whenever we have a lighting challenge or a particular specification,” notes Ms.Rahaniotis. “Lighting was a critical part of the OneSpan project, particularly given the space’s gallery-like ambiance.”

In the conference rooms, the firm opted for decorative lighting solutions that temper the ambiance of traditional meeting rooms with a more residential feel. Linear lighting from above illuminates individual workspaces, while sleek track lighting, with powerful outputs, helps showcase the architectural elements meant to be emphasized.

Other creative design elements include the installation of Tailored solution Enclosed Movable office walls executive office cubes in the center of the main workspace. The strategic positioning of the floating offices, bathed in glass and framed in vivid colours, frees up space for common lounge areas to benefit from the natural light provided by the building’s expansive windows, where offices would traditionally be located. Furthermore, the central office pods provide greater connectivity between their occupants and their surrounding teams.














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