光与开放 极简生活美

2022-08-11 09:35
“ 任何好的设计都是如此, 你必须亲眼看到它才能真正体验它。 ”
设计师手记 房子古朴的性格 与后方公园的关系 激发了艾玛追求平静和宁静的语言 同时强调整个场地的光线传输 唤起深深的宁静感 公园景观投射出 空灵斑驳的光线 度过美好时光 的绝佳空间
| Light and Open Simple House



由 Selzer 设计工作室对爱德华时代的住宅进行了重大改造,Armadale House 为家庭体验带来了轻盈和通风的品质,向内吸引了邻近公园的景色。
A substantial reworking of an Edwardian residence, Armadale House by Selzer Design Studio brings a light and airy quality to the experience of home, drawing views to the neighbouring parkland inwards.





分层、永恒的材料为当代形式注入活力,而空间则努力最大限度地发挥紧凑场地的潜力。作为建筑师和设计师艾玛·塞尔泽 (Emma Selzer) 和她的丈夫丹·斯沃特 (Dan Swart) 购买的第一套住宅,Armadale House 是这个年轻家庭生活方式的亲密表达 - 也是艾玛在推出她的实践 Selzer 设计工作室时的第一眼。
Layered, timeless materials animate the contemporary forms, while spaces work hard to maximise the potential of the compact site.As the first home purchased by architect and designer Emma Selzer and her husband, Dan Swart, Armadale House is an intimate expression of the young family’s lifestyle – and a first glimpse of Emma’s carefully refined design sensibility as she launches her practice, Selzer Design Studio.




The home’s quaint character and relationship to the rear parkland inspired Emma to pursue a language of calm and repose while emphasising light transmission across the site. “Our home evokes a deep sense of tranquillity. The ethereal dappled light cast from the park’s landscape makes this is a wonderful space to spend time as a family,” she says.








虽然这座建于 1900 年代初期的老房子宜居且充满个性,但 Emma 透露“我们看到了更多潜力,并且一直在思考如何改造这个空间。” 由于计划组建家庭,这对夫妇寻求额外的卧室和浴室,并渴望拥有更大的生活空间和更舒适的设施。在装修之前,艾玛观察了光线是如何穿过空间的。“对我们来说重要的是,新房子在规模上感觉更轻、更宽敞,尽管场地很紧凑。”
While the old home, built in the early 1900s, was liveable and full of character, Emma reveals “we saw more potential and were always thinking about how we could rework the space.” With plans to start a family, the couple sought an additional bedroom and bathroom and craved larger living spaces with greater amenity. Prior to the renovation, Emma observed how light moved through the space. “It was important to us that the new house felt lighter and more generous in scale, even though the site is compact.”



The original home’s Edwardian frontage is carefully preserved in accordance with the site’s heritage overlay. The decorative gable, weatherboard cladding and lacework trims follow a lightened palette that simplifies the building’s ornamentation, while the addition presents a recessive and contemporary counterbalance. “The new architecture is sensitive to the character of the old house,” says Emma.




“它简单而低调,融合了金属、玻璃和白色渲染。” 这些结构虽然风格迥异,但色调相似,巧妙地将新旧统一起来。“重要的是,这两个结构在不竞争的情况下相互交流,”她解释道。
“It’s simple and understated, fusing metal, glass and white render.” The structures, while disparate in style, are similar in tone, subtly unifying old and new. “It was important that the two structures spoke to each other without competing,” she explains.
Internally, the home’s two existing bedrooms are skilfully reconfigured into a generous main bedroom suite. In lieu of typical downlights, ambient lighting embedded in loose furniture expresses the room’s traditional cornices, skirting and architraves, enhancing the character and charm of the heritage home.

Linen drapery, a bespoke boucle-upholstered bedhead and a plush mohair floor rug give a layered and tactile expression, elevating the warmth and moodiness of the spaces. “The style is minimal,” Emma concedes, “but there’s a sense of softness and warmth that is inviting.”In the walk in robe and ensuite, richly veined travertine offers a landscape of neutral tones that ground the space while offering subtle directional cues. Running east to west, the grain of the stone is flanked by subtly textured polished plaster wardrobe doors and a floating vanity set within a recessed niche.




Emma 仔细地将梳妆台详细描述为材料和形式的艺术组合,结合抛光石膏橱柜正面、嵌入的石灰华台面和集成的石灰华盆。拉丝镍水龙头优雅地拱在梳妆台的石灰华立柱上,在不影响实用性的情况下营造出雕刻效果。
Emma carefully detailed the vanity as an artistic composition of materials and forms, combining polished plaster cabinetry fronts, inset travertine benchtops and integrated travertine basins. Brushed nickel tapware gracefully arches over the vanity’s travertine upstand, crafting a sculpted effect without compromising practicality.
A secondary arched opening propels movement to a linear bathing niche, where the travertine flooring extends into a curved shower alcove lit by a skylight incision. “The narrow floor area was once a tiny ad hoc bathroom that sat against a four-metre-high boundary wall,” Emma recalls. “The skylight works with these constraints to draw in natural light and animate the subtle texture of the walls’ polished plaster finish.” A brushed nickel towel rail emphasises the linearity of the volume, while a combination of sharp and rounded elements is playfully intertwined. A small powder room accessed from the entry corridor follows a similar language, merging deep, figured stone with contemporary brushed nickel fixtures and a striking glass-bulb wall light.



Emma 试图利用每一个机会利用空间,同时对细木工应用一种简化的方法,以使设置之间更加清晰。
Passing through the corridor, a change in floor level marks the shift to the new addition – a long, open volume comprising living, kitchen and dining spaces opening onto a shaded rear garden. Full-height glazing lines the south and west elevations, drawing in natural light and landscape. “It’s a serene setting that brings calm to the chaos of young family life,” muses Emma.Given the tight proportions of the space, a skilful approach to planning was essential to maintain a sense of generosity. Emma sought to capitalise on space at every opportunity, while applying a reductive approach to joinery to give clarity between settings.

Following Emma and Dan’s love of entertaining, the kitchen island is designed as a point of focus. Spanning nearly four metres in length, its robust block-like form of vein-cut travertine shrouds the kitchen’s operational properties in a refined and sculptural gesture, creating a gathering place around which daily activities can intuitively occur.



“石灰华的线性与房间的体积相得益彰,”艾玛说。“石头实际上是最后选择完成调色板的材料,这是一个将所有色调和纹理结合在一起的重要决定。” 互补的灰色橡木地板、白漆橱柜和抛光石膏墙营造出柔和的色调效果,她说,“让人感觉平静、永恒和通风。”
“The linearity of the travertine complements the volume of the room,” says Emma. “The stone was actually the last material chosen to complete the palette, and it was such an important decision in tying all of the tones and textures together.” Complementary grey oak floors, white lacquered cabinetry and polished plaster walls create a soft, tonal effect that, she says, “feels calming, timeless and airy.”



厨房的准备空间和巧妙地坐落在楼梯下方的紧凑型洗衣房隐藏在一排优雅的双折门后面。作为厨房岛台的浮动镶板背景,Emma 透露,“细木工是为日常生活精心设计的,但可以很容易地关闭,看起来既美观又整洁。” 通过将厨房垂直于后花园,房子利用了场地的整个宽度,并允许一个宽敞的娱乐区向外延伸到花园。
The kitchen’s preparation spaces and a compact laundry cleverly nestled below the stairs are concealed behind a bank of elegant bi-fold doors. Appearing as a floating, panelled backdrop to the kitchen island bench, Emma reveals, “the joinery is carefully designed for everyday living but can be easily closed to look presentable and uncluttered.” By orientating the kitchen perpendicular to the rear garden, the house capitalises on the full width of the site and allows for a generous entertaining zone that extends outwards to the garden.


Centred on an established Queensland brush box in the neighbouring park, the rear garden benefits from the tree’s broad canopy – a source of privacy and shading for the family. “When looking through the glazing out toward the park, we often feel like we are living amongst the treetops,” says Emma. A small pocket courtyard at the centre of the home brings additional light and vitality to the main living space, where a large mirror on a sliding track thoughtfully conceals the television from view and reflects the rear garden’s lush foliage. Soft-leaved Boston ivy brims the garden’s perimeter, while Japanese maple trees reflect the changing seasons, their deciduous foliage shifting from verdant green to shades of deep autumnal red.


Discretely positioned behind the kitchen wall, the stairs to the upper level are set over a dramatic double-height volume flooded with western light. “It’s one of my favourite moments in the house,” Emma says. The vertical threshold affords privacy to the two kids’ bedrooms, which are thoughtfully positioned to each capture views across the courtyard and garden, the western room extending sightlines to the tree and parkland beyond.

虽然由共用浴室隔开,但两间卧室的对齐允许打开地板以创建一个大游戏室。艾玛解释说,“孩子们喜欢拥有自己的领域,从主要的生活空间来看,游客不一定知道第二层就在那里。”从头到尾,Armadale House 均采用 Emma 精心挑选的家具、艺术品和装饰的质感和色彩。拥有墨尔本 Hali Rugs 的 Dan 与 Emma 合作创作了几件引人注目的定制作品。其中包括主卧室内铺满灰尘的粉红色马海毛豪华地毯,通过融合传统和现代设计向老家致敬的入门跑者,Emma 证明这是她的最爱——“这是一个令人兴奋的机会,可以通过传统风格的地毯。
While separated by a shared bathroom, the alignment of the two bedrooms allows the floor to be opened to create one large playroom. Emma explains that “the kids love having their own domain and from the main living spaces, visitors don’t necessarily know that the second level is there.”Throughout, Armadale House is layered with texture and colour from Emma’s highly curated selection of furniture, art and décor. Dan, who owns Melbourne-based Hali Rugs, collaborated with Emma to create several striking, bespoke pieces. These include the luxurious dusty blush-toned mohair rug in the main bedroom, the entry runner that pays homage to the old home by merging traditional and contemporary design, which Emma attests is her favourite – “it was an exciting opportunity to explore texture though a traditional style rug.


它带来了一种色调均匀的感觉,但仔细观察会非常详细。”精心挑选家具时考虑到舒适性,确保每个空间都能吸引数小时的时间。丹收集的稀有音乐摄影墙在入口处占据了重要位置,是参观者的个人展示和难忘的谈话点。艾玛负责房子的全部范围,从最初的规划到室内和景观设计的最精细细节,艾玛对建成的结果感到非常自豪。“这是一个难得的机会,可以监督每一个元素并仔细研究每一个细节,”她说。Armadale House 的建筑、室内和景观之间的材料连接和无缝关联的分辨率为家庭生活的展开提供了一个诱人而持久的平台——“在我们新装修的房子里住在公园里的生活方式让我们感到非常幸运。”
It brings a sense of tonal uniformity, but on closer inspection is highly detailed.” Furniture was meticulously selected with comfort in mind, ensuring every space was appealing to occupy for hours at a time. A wall of rare music photography collected by Dan takes pride of place in the entry, a personal display and memorable talking point for visitors.Responsible for the full scope of the house from initial planning down to the finest details of the interior and landscape design, Emma is exceptionally proud of the built outcome. “It was an incredible opportunity to oversee every element and pore over every detail,” she says. The resolution of material junctions and seamless correlation between Armadale House’s architecture, interior and landscape crafts an inviting and enduring platform for family life to unfold – “the lifestyle of living on the park in our newly renovated home makes us feel very lucky.”



Times lover 时光


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