奢华住宅 永恒的品质和设计 首
2022-07-08 09:34
“ 设计希望提供休闲和慰藉的空间,提供新鲜体验的永无止境的热情。 ”
设计师手记 住宅在几何形状和造型上都非常隆重, 是奢华生活的胶囊模型。 优质材料与坚定的线性形式相结合, 塑造了它的空间和环境, 同时也创造了一种门户效应, 创造一种从一个房间到另一个房间的旅行般的体验。
The Armadale Residences are two proud houses made of bold and rectilinear features, the design team built a minimalist home with references to classical architecture, making the concept of living in this residence classy and stylish the concept of.
Unlike the surrounding buildings, the newly constructed residence facade is a rectilinear form made of limestone, the linear volume is extracted to reveal the pattern of the door frames, adding depth to the façade.
Limestone complements the ebony steel for garage doors, window frames, planter boxes and railings of varying thicknesses, further accentuating Conrad Architectures signature residential silhouette.
Internally, the house consists of three levels:one with a spacious basement serving as a garage, ground floor plaza and first floor, all interconnected by a white ribbon spiral staircase.
入口从一条走廊开始,引导游客从相对私密的区域走向开放式厨房和后面的餐厅,欣赏 Paul Bangay 花园设计的景观。
The entrance begins with a corridor that guides visitors from a relatively private area to the open kitchen and dining room at the rear, with views of the Paul Bangay Gardens design.
The rooms are proportioned to ensure the placement of windows, skylights will provide the best light, at the same time, rest areas are reserved for the upper level, which leads to a spacious balcony with large operable shutters, which can be opened or closed at will.
内部与外部一样奢华,深色的染色木材托盘、深色人字形木地板、Versilia 大理石与抛光的白色石膏平衡,流血并延伸到共享的公共区域。
The interior is as luxurious as the exterior, with dark stained timber pallets, dark herringbone wood floors, Versilia marble balanced with polished white plaster, bleeds and extends into the shared common areas.
The black frame and bronze taps are clearly visible on the edges of the joinery to sharpen the geometric pattern throughout. The bathing space is sculpted from cinder marble, while the master suite is surrounded by burnt caramel textiles and complements a milk chocolate wood walk-in closet on one side of the bedroom.
Taking advantage of natural lighting, additional signposts for public and private spaces are made clear by a darker material palette. The study and master suite feature different textures of black and grey with a touch of bronze warmth.
The designers transformation of this luxurious, understated heritage not only reflects the original character of the home, but the heritage also inspired the new building. Balance and restraint are hallmarks of the design, reimagined through creative space planning, and the addition of the second floor adds a first floor of quiet luxury conveyed through craftsmanship and materiality.
巨大圆形吊坠悬挂在头顶,增添了一种空灵的逃离感。毗邻的套间浴室和 Poliform 的步入式长袍彰显了奢华的布置,拱形入口通道穿过青铜玻璃衣柜门,通往奢华的大理石沐浴设施。
A giant round pendant hangs overhead, adding an ethereal sense of escape. The adjoining ensuite bathroom and Poliforms walk-in robes highlight the lavish setting, with an arched entryway through bronze glass wardrobe doors leading to a luxurious marble bath.
With a seamless connection between old and new, the house accommodates a growing family in three bedrooms, formal and informal living, kitchen with pantry, laundry, study and rear garage with studio.
Throughout the new building, the design reimagines original features such as vaulted ceiling cornices, hallway arches and feature window frames as contemporary interpretations. When stepping over the restored inlaid tile and exterior pointed brick sills, a view through the house opens up, revealing layers from old to new.
Grey wood herringbone floors add to the seamless transition between the two. At the front of the house, a grand vaulted doorway reveals a sanctuary-like master suite with dramatic vaulted ceilings.
At the midpoint of the house stands a sculptural staircase that marks the juncture between old and new. Its poetic curves harmonize with the flow of the sculpted ceiling above, as if the two were sculpted in one quick motion. This sense of movement is enhanced by strips of light from the adjacent central courtyard, which is itself a device that provides a connection between indoor and outdoor.