
2022-06-23 22:06
“ 侘寂, 是关于对你来说真正重要的事情。 ”
设计师手记 过一种 简单的 有意识 这样的生活 能够与自己和谐的相处 所有其他和谐都会 逐渐出现现代 的方式
sandstone tufo



With already two existing structures in the land, Studio Andrew Trotter designed a courtyard between them, and two staircases on both sides.



Also, the existing properties were extended in order to obtain three self-contained houses. Architecturally, vaulted ceilings and cement floors were used through the whole property.



Architecturally, vaulted ceilings and cement floors were used through the whole property. Local sandstone “tufo” is the main material used for the construction of the structures.






The bespoke and locally made bathroom sinks and kitchen tops were designed by the Studio. The interiors have been furnished and styled with vintage tables, chairs, ceramics and lamps;





以及 Frama、Lumina、Bongio、Tine K、Gervasoni 和当地餐具 Nicola Fasano 等品牌。在室外区域使用了 Studio Andrew Trotter 户外金属壁灯,黑色粉末涂层饰面。
and brands like Frama, Lumina, Bongio, Tine K, Gervasoni and local tableware Nicola Fasano. In the outdoor areas were used the Studio Andrew Trotter outdoor metal wall lamp in black powder coated finish.
Taking notes from wabi-sabi




Sergey Makhno Architects 在乌克兰基辅设计了一套公寓,作为“不完美之美”蓬勃发展的空间。
Sergey Makhno Architects have designed an apartment in Kyiv, Ukraine as a space for “imperfect beauty” to thrive.


乌克兰侘寂萨比。5.0 公寓的设计目的是为更大的家庭大院中的一对年轻夫妇提供单独的巢穴。建筑师们研究了侘寂的原则,但无法提出一个一致的、清晰的想法。
The Ukrainian Wabi Sabi. 5.0 apartment is designed to be a separate nest for a young couple within a bigger family compound. The architects studied the principles of wabi-sabi but were unable to come up with one consistent, articulate idea.


“By the way, not a single Japanese can accurately explain the essence of this concept — it’s in their blood. Another version — they wouldn’t want to as every family has its own understanding, which is kept in secret far from the other families,” the architects wrote.


Their main understanding of wabi-sabi was this: to live a simple, conscious life, in harmony with oneself, with all other harmonies coming in gradually.


Things are concealed in the apartment – the living room conceals a kitchen, the bedroom conceals a wardrobe, the bathroom is concealed behind glass. The architects explained that wabi-sabi entails letting go of “all the shelves with dozens of statuettes, even if one of them is a gift from your granny or your first love.”

他们提出这个想法作为他们隐藏的存储区域的解毒剂,并推动隐藏物品和物品:“如果你真的喜欢那只奶奶的陶瓷猫——应该很荣幸被放在房间的中央,而不是像几十个小雕像一样 . 因为侘寂是关于对你来说真正重要的事情。”
They offered this idea as antidote to their hidden storage areas and drive to conceal objects and items: “And if you really like that granny’s ceramic cat – it should be honored to be placed in the center of the room, not among dozens of statuettes alike. Because wabi-sabi is about the things that really matter to you.”


The walls in the living room are clay while the ceiling is made of clay and wood. Of the four walls, one wall is made up of a 6-meter window to allow a view of a landscape that cycles with life and time, blooming and dying with the passing of the seasons. “Japanese wabi-sabi way of life is a peaceful joy to accept the full life circle,” the architects said.

The main element in the living room is an ample sofa and dining table. A dark blue steel legged table holds up a heavy wood slab with bruises healed with polymer resin. This table is lit with ceramic storm clouds dangling above, designed by Sergey Makhno. The coffee tables are fashioned from old willow stumps.


灰木地板用家里祖母自己的地毯取暖。陶瓷花瓶由 Sergey Makhno 和 Slavko Odarchenko 设计,灵感来自日本艺术家 Shiro Tsujimura,他是日本最著名的陶瓷艺术家之一。厨房被墙上的有色橡木隐藏——同样的有色橡木隐藏了卧室的衣柜。
The ash wood floor is warmed with the family’s grandmother’s own carpets. The ceramic vase was designed by Sergey Makhno and Slavko Odarchenko and inspired by Japanese artist Shiro Tsujimura, one of the most prominent ceramic artists in Japan.
The kitchen is hidden by the tinted oak on the wall – the same tinted oak hides a wardrobe in the bedroom.


On the other hand, the bathroom is not hidden by oak but framed by a glass wall. This gives it a chance to be fully integrated with the space and enjoy the same air circulation, instead of being relegated to a dark, windowless corner as bathrooms often are. The entire space circulates with brightness and gives space for imperfect beauty to take root.
Minimalist and Neutral Tones


西班牙公司 OOAA Arquitectura 以其极简设计和中性色调而闻名,将完成马德里市中心一套公寓的翻新工程;该项目名为“Salud”。
Known for their minimal designs and neutral color palettes, Spanish firm OOAA Arquitectura is to complete the renovation of an apartment in the center of Madrid; the project is titled ‘Salud’.


两房两卫公寓位于一栋经典建筑内,拥有长长的垂直窗户和承重墙。OOAA 的主管 Iker Ochotorena 解释说:“我们面对这个项目的目的不是保留内部,而是继续使用建筑的经典语言。
The two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment is located in a classic building with long, vertical windows, and load-bearing walls. “We faced the project with the aim to not preserve the interior, but to still continue with the classic language of the building,” explains OOAA’s director, Iker Ochotorena.


”公寓的重点是纹理和线条的对比,以平衡他所说的建筑的“经典语言”与公司的现代主义干预。“Salud”的一个显着特点是其带有弯曲边缘的纹理天花板,以及与公寓流行的直线不同的弯曲浴室表面。“我们将曲线设计成对现有建筑的抽象,”Ochotorena 继续说道,“现在它整理了天花板,在窗户和衣柜的尽头创造了一个水平高度。”
The apartment’s emphasis is on the contrast of textures and lines, to balance what he says is the “classic language” of the building with the firm’s modernist intervention. A notable feature of ‘Salud’ is its textured ceiling with curved edges, and the curved bathroom surfaces that are distinct from the apartment’s prevailing straight lines. “We designed the curves to become an abstraction of the preexisting architecture,” continues Ochotorena, “and now it tidies up the ceilings, creating a horizontal height where the window apertures and wardrobes end.”

”该公司与 IGNANT 分享了一系列的房屋渲染图,将于今年晚些时候完成。“在每个项目中,我们都追求一种平静、保护性的氛围,”Ochotorena 解释道。“我们创造几何真空和用高贵材料雕刻的体积,以实现安静、宁静和温暖的建筑。”至于室内装饰,该公司的目标是将它们均匀化为米色调色板,“这样它们就可以在没有帮助的情况下表达它们的纹理,并提供一个平静的室内,光线所在的地方。
The firm has shared with IGNANT a series of renders of the home, that will be completedlater this year. “In every project we pursue a calm, protective atmosphere,” explains Ochotorena. “We create geometric vacuums and volumes carved in noble materials to achieve a silent, serene and warm architecture.”As for the interior finishes, the firm’s aim was to homogenize them in a beige palette, “so that they express their texture with no help, and so that they provide a calm interior, where the light rests.”






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