新作丨SHD山禾设计 保利云上:打造“一直有温度的家”

2022-06-22 09:05


当设计,成为生活态度的一种表达。奢华不再是浮于表面,而是更为本质的触摸得到的优雅;或许是为清晨那缕阳光的惊喜,或许是某一种质感在抚触的瞬间便动人心弦。 本案以打造“一直有温度的家”,让生活的美好与爱意自在生长为设计主旨,把设计交还他们的生活。设计中的“奢”不止来源于材质奢华,更是洞察生活的本质,为居住者呈现了一处现代奢居的理想范本,将品质感和高级感深入每一个细节。
Living Room

客餐厅是整套户型灵魂所在,不仅承载着休闲、娱乐、社交等功能,也传达出主人的品味和个性,软装设计以浓郁的优雅隐奢来强调,体现都市精英的社交性格。 The guest restaurant is the soul of the whole house type. It not only carries the functions of leisure, entertainment and social intercourse, but also conveys the taste and personality of the host. The soft decoration design emphasizes the rich elegance and luxury, reflecting the social character of the urban elite.


Here, beauty is diverse and not restricted by style or space. The soft decoration design adopts modern and high-quality models, with light gray as the main color, combined with high-grade and fashionable warm coffee color, supplemented by elegant marble, exquisite and luxurious metal details, soft fur, and the collision between various materials and textures, making the fashion rhythm of the space play quietly.


Dining Room


餐厅以奢雅、高级的空间氛围,打造精致的用餐环境,浅灰色的皮质餐椅,赋予视觉上的温润感受,与硬朗的大理石金属餐桌形成对比,在克制中尽显优雅,在光影之间感受居家的温暖。 The restaurant creates an exquisite dining environment with a luxurious, elegant and high-grade space atmosphere. The light gray leather dining chairs give a visual sense of warmth. In contrast to the hard marble metal dining table, they show elegance in restraint and feel the warmth of home between light and shadow.


餐桌之意,不在于食物之味,更多地是来自于人与人的情感交融,共同叙写关于家的灵感,更是朋友相聚于此,交流的核心场所,一个可以和朋友共同完成一顿大餐的灵魂之地。 The meaning of the dining table is not the taste of food, but more from the emotional blending of people. It is not only the inspiration to write about home together, but also the core place for friends to gather here and communicate, and a place for the soul to complete a big meal with friends.
Master Bedroom

The master bedroom has no complicated decoration, nor does it have a dazzling sense of oppression. There is a vague sense of low-key luxury belonging to slow life. The master bedroom gives the space a quiet, deep and comfortable feeling with brown hue. The afternoon sun shines into the space through the gauze, which is warm but not dazzling. It ensures privacy and feels the changes of the four seasons at the same time.


主卧的细节关乎每一个真实的自我放松状态,当回归到亲密而真实的状态里,依然需要保留一些自我的独立空间。在主卧设计了专属的迷你吧,酒是妙物,几杯落肚,酒酣耳热,便觉得苦闷烦恼皆可忘却。酩酊大醉是失态误事,而微醺则刚刚好。 The details of the master bedroom are related to every real self relaxation state. When returning to the intimate and real state, it is still necessary to reserve some independent space of self. In the master bedroom, an exclusive mini bar is designed. Wine is a wonderful thing. After a few cups of wine, you will feel that you can forget all your troubles. Getting drunk is a faux pas, but getting slightly drunk is just fine.

Parents room

父母房,以木质色调营造出舒适放松的氛围,点滴的绿意为空间注入活力,在此享受时光,流去的是时光,沉淀的是静谧与美好。 The parents room creates a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere with wood tones, and a little bit of green injects vitality into the space. Here, you can enjoy the time. What flows away is time, and what precipitates is tranquility and beauty.

Childrens room


男孩房以极具个性的深蓝色打造一个酷帅的篮球少年,在空间中融入了运动的风格,充分展现出年轻无极限的朝气与蓬勃。房间中随意安放着备受宠爱的篮球主题摆件,凸显小男主人对篮球的热爱。 The boys room creates a cool and handsome basketball teenager with a very personalized dark blue, and integrates the sports style into the space, fully showing the unlimited vitality and vigor of youth. The favorite basketball themed ornaments are randomly placed in the room, highlighting the little hosts love for basketball.


有品位的家,绝不是统一模板。生活的美好,是设计用了心。视觉所看到的都是美好生活的模样,轻奢生活,格调艺术品质,离你如此之近。归属与精致并存,生活才能宜心宜意。 A tasteful home is by no means a unified template. The beauty of life is the design with heart. What you can see visually is the appearance of a better life, light luxury life, style and artistic quality, so close to you. Belonging and refinement coexist, life can be suitable for heart and mind.
郭红梅 彭礼 史慧 徐春回



北京山禾金缘艺术设计股份有限公司(SHD山禾设计) 2009年成立于北京。企业致力于追求回归生活本质的空间设计,为精英阶层定制独有的高端空间体验。SHD山禾设计集合了品牌、空间、艺术、媒体、陈设等优质资源,是一家以高质高效设计服务为核心竞争力,专注于高端设计定制服务的设计服务型企业。
Beijing Shanhe Jinyuan Art Design Co. , Ltd. (SHD shanhe design) was established in Beijing in 2009. The company is committed to the pursuit of return to the essence of life space design, customized for the elite class unique high-end space experience. SHD shanhe design is a high-quality design service company with high-quality and high-efficiency design service as its core competence, focusing on high-end design custom service.
SHD shanhe design provides quality space design services for various types of projects. Including real estate projects, medical projects, health care, feature towns and so on. Since its establishment, Shanhe Jinyuan has established long-term good cooperative relations with Shimao Group, China Jinmao Group, Taihe Group, Zhonghai real estate, Yangguangcheng Group, Longhu District real estate, Zhujiang real estate, Hesheng Chuangzhan, Taikang group, Zhongjiao real estate, Huaxia happiness, etc. , for customers to create a number of well-known classic works. Shanhe design is also the first high-end custom-made design service enterprise in China which puts forward the concept of returning to the essence of life .











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