
2022-06-17 23:23
During the Renaissance, Florence was at the forefront of nurturing artistic creativity, boasting a prestigious roster of home-grown talent like Brunelleschi, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo who bequeathed the city with an unrivalled cultural heritage, not to mention revolutionized the arts. Repeating such a historic accomplishment may be a tall order but one has to start from somewhere. In the case of entrepreneur Martino di Napoli Rampolla’s case, that ‘somewhere’ is number 20 on via dei Pandolfini in Florence’s historic centre, where a 16th century palazzo has been transformed into an art residency space. Taking its name from its address, Numeroventi combines co-living and co-working spaces for local and international artists with exhibition spaces along with a boutique hotel with a mission to bring together artists from around the world. Launched in 2016 in collaboration with Alessandro Modestino Ricciardelli, the multi-disciplinary project stands out not just for its ambitious program but for its unique ambience. Working with architect Gianni Emiliani and interior designer and Openhouse Magazine director Andrew Trotter, Rampolla has created a peaceful retreat artfully mixing Renaissance splendour with Scandinavian minimalism. Evocatively bridging past and present, Numeroventi offers an inspiring and contemplative environment for artists and designers to “rediscover” as he says “the essence of their profession”, as well as a haven for weary travellers to pause and reflect.  Work sharing on RUSHI platform was prohibited from being reposted for business

在文艺复兴时期,佛罗伦萨处于培养艺术创造力的前沿,拥有着名的本土人才,如布鲁内莱斯基、达芬奇和米开朗基罗,他们为这座城市留下了无与伦比的文化遗产,更不用说彻底改变了艺术。重复这样的历史性成就可能是一项艰巨的任务,但必须从某个地方开始。在企业家 Martino di Napoli Rampolla 的案例中,“某处”位于佛罗伦萨历史中心 via dei Pandolfini 的 20 号,一座 16 世纪的宫殿已被改造成艺术居住空间。 Numeroventi 以其地址命名,将本地和国际艺术家的共同生活和共同工作空间与展览空间以及一家精品酒店相结合,其使命是将来自世界各地的艺术家聚集在一起。这个多学科项目于 2016 年与 Alessandro Modestino Ricciardelli 合作推出,不仅因其雄心勃勃的计划,而且因其独特的氛围而脱颖而出。 Rampolla 与建筑师 Gianni Emiliani 和室内设计师兼 Openhouse 杂志主任 Andrew Trotter 合作,创造了一个宁静的度假胜地,巧妙地将文艺复兴时期的辉煌与斯堪的纳维亚极简主义融为一体。 Numeroventi 令人回味地连接了过去和现在,为艺术家和设计师提供了一个鼓舞人心和沉思的环境,让他能够“重新发现”他所说的“他们职业的本质”,同时也是疲惫的旅行者停下来思考的避风港。  -如-  -室 网 作 品 分 享    禁 止 转 载 商 用

Photography by Salva Lopez

Photography by Salva Lopez

Photography by Salva Lopez

Photography by Salva Lopez

Photography by Salva Lopez

Photography by Salva Lopez

Photography by Salva Lopez

Photography by Salva Lopez

Photography by Salva Lopez

Photography by Salva Lopez

Photography by Salva Lopez
Fittingly for an artistic residence, Numeroventi’s home, Palazzo Tassi Galli, reflects Florence’s cultural heritage; built in 1510 by merging several 14th century merchant houses, it was later extended and embellished with paintings, frescoes and sculptures by 17th century Baroque masters Fabrizio Boschi, Ottavio Vannini and Francesco Furini, as well as a grand neoclassical staircase. Having served throughout the centuries as the governors palace, a ministry, and even a syrup factory, the palazzo evidently reflects the city’s storied history. It also holds a special place in Rampollas heart: his grandmother’s uncle, entrepreneur and theatrical impresario Girolamo Pagliano, bought the building in the 19th century turning parts of it into a production facility for a medicinal syrup he had invented – Rampolla’s grandmother also lived here when he was growing up just as he did briefly when he was a university student.  Work sharing on RUSHI platform was prohibited from being reposted for business
Numeroventi 的住宅 Palazzo Tassi Galli 非常适合作为艺术住宅,反映了佛罗伦萨的文化遗产;它建于 1510 年,由几座 14 世纪的商厦合并而成,后来被 17 世纪巴洛克大师 Fabrizio Boschi、Ottavio Vannini 和 Francesco Furini 的绘画、壁画和雕塑以及一个宏伟的新古典主义楼梯进行了扩建和装饰。几个世纪以来,这座宫殿曾作为总督府、政府部门甚至糖浆厂服务,显然反映了这座城市的传奇历史。它在 Rampollas 心中也占有特殊的位置:他祖母的叔叔、企业家和戏剧经理 Girolamo Pagliano 在 19 世纪买下了这栋建筑,将其中的一部分变成了他发明的药用糖浆的生产设施——Rampolla 的祖母也住在这里他的成长就像他在大学时一样短暂地成长。 - 如 -  -室  网 作 品 分 享    禁 止 转 载 商 用

Photography by Renèe Kemps

Photography by Renèe Kemps

Photography by Renèe Kemps

Photography by Renèe Kemps

Photography by Renèe Kemps

Photography by Renèe Kemps

Photography by Renèe Kemps

Photography by Renèe Kemps

Photography by Renèe Kemps

Photography by Renèe Kemps
Numeroventi’s heart beats in the palazzo’s central courtyard; once a historical market square, as the medieval octagonal pillars attest, it now functions as a serene outdoor lounge, meeting place and event space under the watchful eye of Hercules and Iole, a 17th century marble statue by Florentine sculptor Domenico Pieratti. An imposing neoclassical staircase leads to three loft apartments imbued with stillness and lightness. Swathed in muted colours and natural finishes, and sparsely furnished with vintage mid-century furniture which Trotter has sourced from all over Europe, the sunlit lofts are a showcase of minimalist soulfulness. Taking advantage of the five-metre-high ceilings, mezzanine levels were added in order to provide separate sleeping quarters without diminishing the main living area, a gesture that also allows guests to admire the building’s centuries-old ceiling frescos from up close.  Work sharing on RUSHI platform was prohibited from being reposted for business

Numeroventi 的心脏在宫殿的中央庭院中跳动;正如中世纪的八角柱所证明的那样,它曾经是一个历史悠久的集市广场,现在在赫拉克勒斯和伊奥勒的注视下成为一个宁静的户外休息室、会议场所和活动空间,这是一座由佛罗伦萨雕塑家多梅尼科皮拉蒂 (Domenico Pieratti) 创作的 17 世纪大理石雕像。一个壮观的新古典主义楼梯通向三间充满宁静和轻盈的阁楼公寓。笼罩在柔和的色彩和自然的饰面中,稀疏的陈设着 Trotter 从欧洲各地采购的老式中世纪家具,阳光照射的阁楼展示了极简主义的灵魂。利用 5 米高的天花板,增加了夹层,以便在不减少主要生活区域的情况下提供独立的睡眠区,这一姿态也让客人可以近距离欣赏建筑具有数百年历史的天花板壁画。  - 如 -  -室  网 作 品 分 享    禁 止 转 载 商 用

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Salva Lopez

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Pia Riverola
More frescos can be found on the top floor housing two suites, a guestroom and a lounge and exhibition space. Espousing the same Scandinavian minimalist aesthetic as the second-floor apartments, these spaces nevertheless feel lyrical thanks to the fading colours of the frescos and the rich textures of the crumbling plasterwork, purposefully preserved in their weathered state in order to evocatively capture the building’s storied past as well as convey the bittersweet beauty of the passage of time. Through welcoming established and emerging artists, fostering collaborations, organizing workshops and exhibitions, and hosting receptions and dinners, courtesy of a roster of international chefs in residence, ultimately Numeroventi celebrates contemporary creativity and cultural exchanges in what can only be described as overwhelmingly Renaissance-like style.  Work sharing on RUSHI platform was prohibited from being reposted for business

顶层有更多的壁画,有两间套房、一间客房、一间休息室和展览空间。这些空间与二楼的公寓一样拥护斯堪的纳维亚极简主义美学,但由于壁画的褪色和摇摇欲坠的灰泥的丰富纹理,这些空间仍然感觉抒情,这些空间有目的地保持风化状态,以唤起人们回忆建筑的传奇历史也传达了时光流逝的苦乐参半之美。通过欢迎知名和新兴艺术家、促进合作、组织研讨会和展览、举办招待会和晚宴,由国际驻场厨师名册提供,Numeroventi 最终庆祝当代创造力和文化交流,这只能被描述为极具文艺复兴风格风格    - 如 -  -室  网 作 品 分 享    禁 止 转 载 商 用

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Pia Riverola

Photography by Pia Riverola


keywords:Travel Hotels Design Interior Design

关键词:旅游 酒店设计 室内设计

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