新作丨璜合设计 • 生命的序曲 首
2022-06-17 09:08
People always have an urgent hope for good things. We care about sunshine, rain, and seasonal scenery. We are concerned that the world is cramped and everything is changing. But only those simple sincerity are rare in the world.This time, we integrated butterfly into new life into the design concept.
Regarding motherhood, we visualize the conceptualized wording:The use of arcs symbolizes feminine femininity; the application of a large number of circular elements more concretely expresses the meaning of pregnancy in October.
In the entrance hall, we reconstructed circular elements in the undulations of a large number of arcs, dividing the plane into three-dimensional;The spiral staircase design sublimates the sense of space, and uses the setting of metal frame and mirror glass to give the space a lively image.
The round frame shape at the top comes into view, and the space shape and lighting atmosphere echo each other, and you will know the beauty in it.The circular lighting installation is used as an embellishment in the space, which fits the theme and increases the interesting experience of being in the aisle.
A large number of arc-shaped elements are filled in the transition space of each functional area, and the overall space is not so tough. It is echoed with the gentle light strips on the wall, and the more soft expression makes it more gentle and decent.
The use of log material and beige paint is integrated in the visual presentation. Multiple isolations are made in the space design. The undulating lines and the space achieve the purpose of harmony and consistency. The arched porch is used as the modeling element to bring a soft and quiet experience.
The light-luxury French design style removes a little monotony on the whole, adding a more detached interest.
Coupled with orange and green furniture and curved furnishings as embellishments, it enhances the freshness of vision and presents an elegant atmosphere as a whole.
项目名称 | 成都悦子嘉国际会所 金融城店
项目地点 | 四川省 成都市 武侯区 城通路300号
项目面积 | 7000㎡
竣工时间 | 2021年10月
工程造价 | 4200万
设计公司 | 璜合设计
主持设计 | 黄壬颀/杨进
设计团队 | 杨进/刘雨洁/杨博/伍燕/康晏侨
灯光设计 | 四川卧羊照明设计有限公司
空间摄影 | 聿空间摄影
2009年,主理人黄任颀创立璜合设计,深耕精品酒店及相关领域10余年,完成项目百余个。 2015年,主理人黄任颀与合伙人共同创立了SFEEL设计师酒店,并组建团队完成了从投资收益分析,设计建造到运营管理的闭环工作。目前S酒店在西南区已发展为拥有20余家门店精品连锁酒店。 璜合秉持理解,创新的设计理念。基于丰富的实战经验,从投资收益、工程建造,运营管理整体产业链为出发点,以更全面的视角审视,为客户定制务实可行的设计方案。