2022-06-06 22:30
Paul Clemence近日公布了其对BIG纽约新作“螺旋塔”近况的摄影照片。该项目位于纽约的哈德逊广场,并已于今年2月正式封顶,预计将在2022年完工开放。该塔楼共计66层楼,累计高度超过300米,由一系列阶梯式景观露台螺旋环绕组成。
Paul Clemence recently released his latest photography photos of BIG New Yorks Spiral Tower. The project, located in New Yorks Hudson Yards, was officially topped out in February this year and is expected to be completed and opened in 2022. The tower has a total of 66 floors with a cumulative height of more than 300 meters, and consists of a series of stepped landscaped terraces spiraling around.
这栋66层的“螺旋塔楼”建成后将拥有超过26万平方米的办公空间和底层零售区。塔楼采用开放式的楼层平面布局,使得内部使用者可纵览曼哈顿金融区及周围的城市景观。BIG创始人Bjarke Ingels表示:“螺旋塔楼的设计结合了前现代摩天大楼的经典之字型塔楼轮廓与现代高层建筑的细长比例和高效布局。”建筑意在通过一些列相连的室内中庭设计,给使用者提供一个健康高效的室内工作环境。
When completed, the 66-story spiral tower will have more than 260,000 square meters of office space and ground-floor retail. The towers open floor plan allows interior users to enjoy sweeping views of Manhattans financial district and surrounding cityscape. The design of the Spiral Tower combines the classic zigzag tower profile of a pre-modern skyscraper with the slender proportions and efficient layout of a modern high-rise, said BIG founder Bjarke Ingels. The building is intended to be designed through a series of connected interior atriums, Provide users with a healthy and efficient indoor working environment.
Debevoise - Plimpton LLP和Alliance Bernstein也将租下三层半的室内楼层用于办公所需。
With the open floor plan of the tower, more than 50% of the area has been pre-leased to the outside world under the overall investment of the developer. One of the main tenants of the project will be the biopharmaceutical company Pfizer. As a co-developer of the first Covid-19 vaccine in the United States, it will build a new headquarters in the space above the 14th floor of the tower. In addition, law firms Debevoise - Plimpton LLP and Alliance Bernstein will rent three and a half interior floors for office use.
Bjarke Ingels explains the plan
Located at the intersection of the High Line and the newly developed Hudson Boulevard Park on Manhattan’s new western frontier, THE SPIRAL extends the green space of the former train tracks in a spiraling motion towards the sky – from High Line to the skyline.
The 1005 ft high-rise is a unique hybrid that intertwines a continuous green pathway with workspaces on every level. The chain of amenity spaces and terraces originates at THE SPIRAL’s main entrance on 34th street and Hudson Boulevard. The spiral wraps around the tower, which becomes gradually slimmer towards the top. This creates unique floor configurations that will cater to a diverse community of tenants making the building a lively place for businesses of different scales – giving tenants a stake in the buildings iconic skyline presence.
Inside, every terrace becomes a double height atrium with impressive views over Manhattan, offering a more informal setting for meetings, events and recreational activities. These spaces connect multiple levels in the building, offering an alternative to elevators to encourage physical activity and interaction amongst colleagues.
Raising the Bar for Workplace Hospitality
The Spiral 的设施规模惊人,布置精美并精心设计以满足现今工作场所的需求,这些配套本身都是是一种很棒的体验。
Stunning in scale, beautifully appointed, and thoughtfully designed to meet the demands of today’s modern workforce, amenities at The Spiral are an experience unto themselves.
ZO 俱乐部位于大厦顶层. 是一个休闲吧,团队可以在这里聚集、交流并在精致的环境中重新焕发活力,并享有纽约一览无余的美景。
Perched on the top floor of The Spiral, ZO. Clubhouse is a lounge where your team can gather, connect, and re-energize in a sophisticated setting with sweeping views of NYC.
Open-air terrace at the southeast corner of the 66th floor
Breathtaking panoramic city views
Beautifully furnished lounge
All day grab-and-go food and beverage options - happy hour offerings
Special programs and events
在 Studio Gather 举办各种活动,从小型工作会议到全体会议,这是一个布置精美、先进的会议中心
Host everything from smaller worksessions to all-hands meetings at Studio Gather, a beautifully appointed, state-of-the-art conference center
An array of casual workspaces, boardrooms, and additional expansive spaces perfect for everything from focused worksessions to large gatherings
Robust technology infrastructure with integrated A/V and videoconferencing
专门的 Studio Gather 服务团队确保无缝体验
A dedicated Studio Gather service team to ensure a seamless experience
Studio Private 使租户能够设计一种入住策略,将传统的 15 年租约与较短期限(5、7 和 10 年)的私人租用、完全建造和服务的办公设施相结合,以实现最大的入住灵活性。
Studio Private enables tenants to design an occupancy strategy combining a traditional 15 year lease with shorter term (5, 7, and 10 year) privately demised, fully constructed and serviced office facilities for ultimate occupancy flexibility.
The Spiral 将提供来自该市最具创新性的运营商提供的多样化餐饮组合,包括优质咖啡和早餐、午餐和晚餐由厨师主导的精致餐饮,以及下班后供应小盘子和葡萄酒的私密场所。
The Spiral will provide a diverse mix of food and beverage offerings from the city’s most innovative operators, including premium coffee and breakfast, chef-driven fine dining for lunches and dinners, and intimate venues for small plates and wine after work.
Spiral tenants will also enjoy a range of additional amenities designed to support the needs of a modern workforce
方便、有遮蔽的现场停车场,有 30 个停车位可供公司领导层和 C-Suite 高管使用。 包括电动汽车充电站。
Convenient, sheltered on-site parking with 30 spaces available for company leadership and C-Suite executives. Includes charging stations for electric cars.
A fully appointed bicycle room complete with private showers and changing rooms to serve the needs of a healthier, more eco-conscious workforce.
Project Status : nearing completion
Tishman Speyer is a leading owner, developer, operator and fund manager of first-class real estate around the world.
BIG 是一个分别在哥本哈根、纽约、伦敦、巴塞罗那和深圳的由建筑师、设计师、城市规划师、景观专业人士、室内和产品设计师、研究人员和发明家组成的团队。该事务所目前参与了遍布欧洲、北美、亚洲和中东的大量项目。BIG 的建筑源于对当代生活如何不断发展和变化的仔细分析。尤其是由于多元文化交流、全球经济流动和通信技术的影响,所有这些都需要新的建筑和城市组织方式。我们相信,为了应对当今的挑战,建筑可以有利地进入一个基本上未被探索的领域。一种实用的乌托邦式建筑,它避开了无聊盒子的石化实用主义和数字形式主义的幼稚乌托邦思想。就像一种程序化炼金术一样,我们通过混合生活、休闲、工作、停车和购物等传统成分来创造建筑。通过触及实用主义和乌托邦之间的肥沃重叠,我们建筑师再次找到了改变我们星球表面的自由,以更好地适应当代生命形式。
BIG is a Copenhagen, New York, London, Barcelona and Shenzhen based group of architects, designers, urbanists, landscape professionals, interior and product designers, researchers and inventors. The office is currently involved in a large number of projects throughout Europe, North America, Asia and the Middle East. BIG’s architecture emerges out of a careful analysis of how contemporary life constantly evolves and changes. Not least due to the influence from multicultural exchange, global economical flows and communication technologies, that all together require new ways of architectural and urban organization. We believe that in order to deal with today’s challenges, architecture can profitably move into a field that has been largely unexplored. A pragmatic utopian architecture that steers clear of the petrifying pragmatism of boring boxes and the naïve utopian ideas of digital formalism. Like a form of programmatic alchemy, we create architecture by mixing conventional ingredients such as living, leisure, working, parking and shopping. By hitting the fertile overlap between pragmatic and utopia, we architects once again find the freedom to change the surface of our planet, to better fit contemporary life forms.
Bjarke Ingels 在 2001 年共同创立 PLOT Architects 并在鹿特丹的 OMA 工作后,于 2005 年创立了 BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group。Bjarke 将建筑定义为确保我们的城市和建筑符合我们想要的生活方式的艺术和科学。通过仔细分析从当地文化和气候、不断变化的当代生活模式到全球经济的潮起潮落的各种参数,Bjarke 相信信息驱动设计的理念是他设计过程的驱动力。Bjarke 于 2016 年被《时代》杂志评为全球 100 位最具影响力人物之一,他在全球范围内设计并完成了屡获殊荣的建筑。
Bjarke Ingels founded BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group in 2005 after co-founding PLOT Architects in 2001 and working at OMA in Rotterdam. Bjarke defines architecture as the art and science of making sure our cities and buildings fit with the way we want to live our lives. Through careful analysis of various parameters from local culture and climate, ever-changing patterns of contemporary life, to the ebbs and flows of the global economy, Bjarke believes in the idea of information-driven-design as the driving force for his design process. Named one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World by TIME Magazine in 2016, Bjarke has designed and completed award-winning buildings globally.
负责合伙人:Bjarke Ingels、Daniel Sundlin、Thomas Christoffersen
Partners-in-Charge: Bjarke Ingels, Daniel Sundlin, Thomas Christoffersen
Project Leader: Carolien Schippers
Technical Director: Douglass Alligood
Project Process Discipline Photography:Paul Clemence