465㎡纽约白色系轻奢宅邸,尽享云朵般舒适生活 首
2022-05-30 09:44
位于美国纽约的Dart Apartment,是当地的设计工作室Emma Donnersberg,为她在Instagram上的粉丝所设计的私人住宅,这间住宅的规模大小就标志着它不是一个普通的项目。Donnersberg说到,它必须有足够大的空间可以举办一个12人的晚宴。按照纽约市的住宅标准,这算得上是一个宅邸。刚开始时,她与粉丝沟通得非常顺利,所以她很快就拿到了这个约465㎡空间的设计任务,但这对于一个在哥特式和Beaux Arts风格的建筑环境熏陶中长大的巴黎人来说,无疑是眼花缭乱,不知东西。 Resident design studio Emma Donnersbergs Dart Apartment in New York City is a private residence for her Instagram followers, and its size marks it as no ordinary project. Donnersberg said it had to be big enough to hold a dinner party for 12 people, almost a mansion by New York City standards. Initially, her work with fans went so well that she was soon tasked with designing the 465 square meter space, which was dizzying for a Parisian who grew up in Gothic and Beaux Arts style buildings.
起初这间公寓是该粉丝唯一的资产,且它本身并没有什么固有的魅力。它的空间就像是一个封闭的盒子,设计师必须给它增添一点不一样的视觉感官效果。 Initially the apartment was the fans only asset, and it had no inherent charm. Its space is like a box, and the designer had to bring it a little different sensory enjoyment.
为此,Donnersberg在住宅内引入了流畅的女性化线条,比如白色羊毛覆盖的波浪型客厅沙发,就是她委托一位在纽约有一间小型办公室的,最受欢迎的法国室内装潢商制作的。 To this end, Donnersberg introduced smooth feminine lines into the house, such as the white wool-covered wavy living room sofa, which she commissioned from a favorite French decorator with a small Office in New York.
她还在客户的要求下,将丰富的城市景观——随着日光、天气和季节的变化而变化的全景画面——包裹在了一个斑驳的云状色调中。 She also wrapped rich cityscapes -- panoramas that change with daylight, weather and season -- in a mottled, cloud-like hue at the clients request.
厨房以白色为主体色调,以白色金属架座椅、藤编座椅、木制地板上的大地色系来点缀,打造简约、整洁、有序的厨房主体风格。 The kitchen is generally white,equipped with white-seated and golden-footed chairs,ratten chairs and wooden floor to create a simple,clear and well-ordered style.
这个年轻的家庭现在有四个不到10岁的孩子,所以Donnersberg将空间分为了两个部分,让孩子跟父母都有属于自己的空间。卧室采用羊毛织物和亲肤感沙发,内设二座,可观览胜景。 The young family now has four children under the age of 10, so Donnersberg split the space into two parts to give the children and their parents their own space. The bedroom is abpoted with wool-knitted fabric and skin-friendly sofa.There are two seats for enjoying the view.
浴室在不侵犯个人隐私的条件下,尽可能的开放空间来沐浴阳光,览阅城市美景。木制家具被广泛的应用来营造一种和谐温馨的氛围体验。 Surrounded by the warm sunlignt and all-ground scenery of the city,the bathroom is wide and open without worrying about infringing on your privacy.Wooden pieces are widely used to create a warm and hamonious atmosphere.
E Donnersberg Interiors由创始人 EMMA DONNERSBERG 于2008年创立,旨在与两大洲的客户分享她独特的国际化审美风格。因其对美丽和优雅的热情追求,她开启了她的事业征程。她使用的每一件作品都经过精心策划,使得每个项目都独一无二。她还与各自领域中最优秀的精英以及许多复古和当代设计画廊合作。