一屋一世界,折衷主义的现代演绎 首
2022-05-24 23:17
Breivo studio是由俄罗斯室内设计师Ksenia Breivo创立的同名工作室。Ksenia Breivo将折衷主义发挥得淋漓尽致,和谐一直是她追求的关键和目标。Ksenia Breivo具备较高审美素养,拥有自己独特的色彩搭配理念,在她的软装设计作品中,喜欢把各种软装元素混合搭配在一起,运用轻古典元素和灯光效果,创造出独特的空间。
在做这个项目的时候,Ksenia Breivo经常飞往第比利斯,她问过许多当地朋友一个同样的问题:这座城市是什么颜色的?最常见的答案是蓝色。建筑看起来大多是灰褐色的,但对人们来说,这座城市是蓝色的......蔚蓝的天空清澈得令人难以置信,到了晚上它就变成了深蓝色,其他的一切都黯然失色。
— While doing this project, Ksenia Breivo often flew to Tbilisi, and she asked many local friends the same question: what color is the city? The most common answer is blue. Buildings look mostly taupe, but to people, the city is blue...the blue sky is unbelievably clear, at night it turns a deep blue, and the rest Everything was overshadowed.
公寓以浅色色调为基底,辅以原木色。客厅壁炉的褶皱肌理增添了空间层次和质感。白色绒毛沙发椅的柔软轻盈与石材家具和饰面的厚重感达到平衡。 The apartment is based on light tones, complemented by wood tones. The pleated texture of the living room fireplace adds dimension and texture to the space. The soft lightness of the white plush sofa chair is balanced by the heaviness of the stone furniture and finishes.
粉色墙壁和黑色长凳圈出一个阅读区域。半圆弧原木书架既美观又满足了实用功能。 Pink walls and black benches enclose a reading area. The semi-circular arc log bookshelf is both beautiful and functional.
蓝丝绒沙发成为整个空间的主角,散发出神秘优雅的气质。这种面料的家具兼备时尚与古典魅力,有着其它材质模仿不来的浪漫气息。搭配简易的小石桌作为茶几,大胆且迷人。 The blue velvet sofa becomes the protagonist of the whole space, exuding a mysterious and elegant temperament. The furniture of this fabric combines fashion and classic charm, with a romantic atmosphere that cannot be imitated by other materials. Paired with a simple small stone table as a coffee table, it is bold and charming.
开放式餐厅和厨房以耐看的白色、原木色为基调。岛台旁的高脚凳形似巨型高脚杯,与黑色橱柜和岛台相得益彰,简约优雅。 The open-plan dining room and kitchen are based on attractive white and wood tones. The high stool next to the island is shaped like a giant goblet and complements the black cabinets and island for a simple and elegant look.
卧房内部家具、饰面、布艺的手工质感使整个空间和谐统一。定制床头板的拼接印花图案流露出一丝民族风情。蓝色沙发再次点睛,提亮了整个空间。 The handmade texture of furniture, finishes and fabrics in the bedroom makes the whole space harmonious and unified. A patchwork print pattern on the custom headboard exudes a touch of ethnicity. The blue sofa is once again the finishing touch, brightening the whole space.
定制家具同样出现在另一间卧室里,木质书架与客厅书架同款,简易书桌可用作办公。 Custom-made furniture also appears in another bedroom, the wooden bookshelf is the same as the living room bookshelf, and the simple desk can be used as an office.
浴室里,暖色调的家居配饰削弱了混凝土墙壁的冷硬感。 In the bathroom, warm-toned home accessories soften the coolness of the concrete walls.
考虑到Villa Kurkli的位置和周围环境,设计师最初的概念是想让外部成为内部的一部分,并以一种复杂的方式将它与景观融合在一起。因此,设计师从大地、山脉、天空中汲取灵感,打造了一个宁静的与世隔绝的空间。
— Considering the location and surroundings of Villa Kurkli, the designers initial concept was to make the exterior part of the interior and to integrate it with the landscape in a sophisticated way. Therefore, the designer drew inspiration from the earth, mountains and sky to create a serene and secluded space.
三个粉色圆锥形摆件在客厅区分散放置着,地板、墙壁和家具均用大地色系着色,结合低矮的吊顶,好似三座高耸的山峰拔地而起,直插云霄。 Three pink cone-shaped ornaments are scattered in the living room area. The floor, walls and furniture are colored with earth tones. Combined with the low ceiling, it looks like three towering peaks are rising straight into the sky.
整个公共空间呈开放式,拱形落地门窗将自然景观引入室内,室内放置了两个盆栽,内外呼应,生机勃勃。 The entire public space is open, and the arched floor-to-ceiling doors and windows introduce the natural landscape into the interior. Two potted plants are placed in the interior, which echoes the inside and outside and is full of vitality.
设计师Ksenia Breivo尽可能多地使用了当地的材料。卧室房梁采用当地木材,裸露的屋顶使空间更显质朴纯粹。手工制品的质感和纹理,独特而又细腻。 Designer Ksenia Breivo used as many local materials as possible. The bedroom beams are made of local wood, and the exposed roof makes the space more rustic and pure. The texture and texture of handmade products, unique and delicate.
卧室的主基调为米色,地面通铺粉色地毯,搭配精心挑选的棕色木质家具,空间显得不过于轻柔。 The main tone of the bedroom is beige, the floor is covered with pink carpet, and with carefully selected brown wood furniture, the space does not appear too soft.
浴室延续卧室的米色基调,空间中没有过多的修饰,但又兼具功能性与设计感,将极简与侘寂拿捏得恰到好处。 The bathroom continues the beige tone of the bedroom. There are not too many decorations in the space, but it has both functionality and design, and the minimalism and wabi-sabi are just right.
这套公寓位于莫斯科市中心的一座20世纪初的建筑中。设计师Ksenia Breivo以营造和谐气氛为主要设计目标,对公寓进行改造。改造后的公寓以灰色为主基调,无处不散发着一种冷静优雅的气质,满足了公寓新主人对具有传统“阳刚”美学的房子的憧憬。
— The apartment is located in an early 20th century building in the center of Moscow. Designer Ksenia Breivo renovated the apartment with the main design goal of creating a harmonious atmosphere. The renovated apartment is dominated by gray, exuding a calm and elegant temperament everywhere, which satisfies the new owners longing for a house with traditional masculine aesthetics.
客厅壁炉前,蓝灰色皮质沙发与驼色咖啡桌相得益彰,散发出迷人的光泽。 In front of the fireplace, a blue-grey leather sofa complements a camel coffee table, giving off a charming sheen.
一套双联画挂在定制沙发的上方,蓝灰色调与空间基调一致,营造了一种和谐的空间氛围。 Above the custom-made sofa is a diptych by Georgiy Totibadze. Its blue-gray tone is consistent with the tone of the space, creating a harmonious space atmosphere.
设计师将原有的踢脚板和门框保留了下来,并将它们涂成灰色,在白色墙壁的衬托下显得格外醒目。人字型地板经典再现,搭配复古餐椅,进一步强调了建筑的历史韵味。 The designers kept the original skirting boards and door frames and painted them grey to stand out against the white walls. The classic reproduction of the herringbone floor, paired with retro dining chairs, further emphasizes the historical charm of the building.
卧室由不同材质不同深浅的灰色构成,床头的红色挂画为空间增添一份灵动却又没有破坏整体的和谐氛围。 The bedroom is composed of different shades of gray with different materials, and the red paintings on the head of the bed add a lively atmosphere to the space without destroying the overall harmonious atmosphere.
设计师为公寓增加了一个更衣室,通顶衣柜由当地工匠定制而成,体现出公寓主人对高品质生活的追求。 The designer added a dressing room to the apartment, and the full-top wardrobe was customized by local craftsmen, reflecting the apartment owners pursuit of high-quality life.
浴室是纯粹的极简主义。设计师Ksenia Breivo表示,浴室应该是实用且简洁的。 According to Ksenia Breivos design concept, the bathroom is pure minimalism, the bathroom should be functional and simple.