简奢复式,演绎高级艺术美感 Smac Studio 首
2022-05-12 10:46
Mirror Image是一座位于悉尼多佛高地的两层复式住宅。Smac Studio建筑师Shona McElroy受到委托对该住宅进行设计装修。 This project, a two-storey duplex home in Dover Heights, Sydney, marks the fourth time the pair of Sydney-based residential developers have commissioned Smac Studio architect Shona McElroy to oversee an interior renovation.
住宅采用非传统但引人注目的材料混合。深红色天鹅绒倒映在抛光青铜上。 The house invited an unconventional yet striking blend of materials. The burnished bronze sits against crimson velvet.
厨房橱柜上刻有矩形镜子,营造出更大空间的错觉,并将从朝北的窗户进来的光线投射到室内。 The kitchen cupboards are scored with rectangular mirrors that create the illusion of a larger space and cast light from the home’s north-facing windows back into the space.
厨房里的深棕色、柔和的白色和海泡蓝的色调给空间营造了一点欧式的感觉。 Shona wanted the home to feel slightly European. A colour palette of dark brown, soft white, and seafoam blue in the kitchen helps achieve this.
冰蓝色大理石靠在纹理石膏墙边,黑色餐桌与金色吊灯搭配得当,抛光木吧凳与深色橡木地板相得益彰。 Ice-blue marble sits against textured plaster walls. A mat-black dining table is paired with a gold pendant light, while polished timber bar stools rest upon dark oak floors.
冰蓝色大理石地面自然过渡到白色大理石螺旋楼梯,营造出一种平静的氛围。 A helical marble staircase invites you into the home and provides a snapshot of what is yet to come.
花纹大理石和镜面元素延续到了浴室。 Patterned marble and mirrored elements carry over to the bathroom.
Smac Studio是一家室内设计工作室,专门从事高端住宅项目。Shona McElroy担任工作室的首席室内设计师,擅长巧妙的空间规划。凭借出色的创造力和出人意料的设计细节,Shona获得了2022年澳大利亚室内设计奖的提名,其项目多次出现在国内外的出版物上。