浓情焦糖色公寓,叙写法式浪漫 La Folie Studio 首
2022-05-10 22:07
Blends Period Details with Modernist Touches Warsaw Apartment
受一对年轻夫妇的委托,在华沙一座历史悠久的建筑中改造一套紧凑型公寓,室内设计工作室La Folie巧妙地结合现代主义和法国古典元素,专门为该项目设计了一系列定制件以及精心挑选的古董和当地艺术家的壁画,别具一格。 Commissioned by a young couple to revamp a compact apartment in a historic building in Warsaw, interior design studio La Folie artfully complemented the property’s period heritage with modernist and classical French elements. Eclectically furnished with a range of custom-made pieces that the team specially designed for the project, as well as several handpicked vintage finds and a site-specific mural by a local artist.
公寓的一面拥有三扇高大的窗户,高高的天花板和粉刷成白色的墙壁,使得整个空间明亮通风,但也充满了温暖,这得益于棕色、焦糖色和棕褐色以及杜松绿色的完美搭配。 Featuring three tall windows, high ceilings and white-painted walls, the apartment is bright and airy but is also imbued in warmth, courtesy of an earthy palette of brown, caramel and tan hues, and splashes of juniper green.
由于地面空间有限,设计师Natalia Malarska采用开放式布局,容纳了客厅、用餐区、厨房以及带有小书房和浴室的卧室。 Having to contend with limited floorspace, the lead designer Natalia Malarska went with an open-plan layout with a primary space housing the living and dining area, kitchen and bedroom with a small study and bathroom.
修复后的人字形拼花地板和华丽的石膏线吊顶,传达了古典优雅的感觉。 Restored herringbone parquet flooring and ornate stucco cornices faithfully convey a sense of classical elegance.
为了与公寓的古典风格相得益彰,定制的厨房岛台采用圆形造型,增添了装饰风格。黄铜家具搭配绿粉色调的拉丝花岗岩台面,体现了设计师的古典主义风格审美和对细节的拿捏。而定制的踢脚板、门和厨柜都涂上了杜松绿色,添加了现代主义风格。 Designed to complement the apartment’s classical sensibility, the rounded form of the bespoke kitchen island adds decorative flair – elegantly clad in wood, fabric and rattan, with brass details and a brushed granite top in green and pink shades, also embodies the Studio’s classicism-inspired aesthetic and eye for detail. Custom-made skirting boards, doors and kitchen cabinets, all painted in a juniper green, add modernist touches.
在书房中,设计师考虑到紧凑的空间而设计了定制折叠桌,与日本主题壁纸搭配使用。 In the study, a bespoke folding desk designed in response to the compact space is paired with a Japanese-themed wallpaper, also by Pierre Frey.
卧室的床是定制的,它采用装饰艺术风格的床头板,并且饰有法国品牌Pierre Frey的手工编织面料。拱形背景墙与公寓里多次出现的圆弧元素相呼应,饱含异国风情的壁画由当地艺术家绘制而成。床的两侧悬挂的一对灯笼,与异国情调的主题相得益彰,进一步吸引了人们对壁画的关注。 The custom-made bed features an Art Deco-inspired headboard upholstered with a hand-woven fabric by French brand Pierre Frey. Echoing the rounded forms of both the headboard and metal portal. A pair of original Taiwanese lanterns hanging on either side playfully complement the exotic theme and further draw attention to the mural.
无窗浴室采用了一面瓦楞玻璃窗,既能保护隐私又可以引入自然光。 while the windowless bathroom has been granted natural light with the introduction of an opening fitted with fluted glass for privacy.
La Folie Studio是一家室内设计工作室,Natalia Malarska是其首席室内设计师。工作室的主要目标是创造人们感到放松的空间、人们感到舒适的生活空间、人们感到宾至如归的公共空间。La Folie以非常尊重历史的方式创造空间,运用古典主义为室内设计创造了一种新的语言。La Folie相信细节是最重要的,认为细节是创造令人着迷的空间的关键。La Folie工作室不惧怕大胆致力于设计独特的作品,创造具有创造性、凝聚力和独特性的室内设计。