极简禅意遇上温柔奶油风,碰撞出250㎡宁静之所 Daytrip Studio 首
2022-05-08 12:11
Clapton是东伦敦地区经常受到关注的地区之一,其精神既轻松又大胆,它的一半禅宗、一半活泼的特点引起了伦敦一个家庭的注意。在选中一座不起眼的维多利亚式排屋后,他们很快找到Daytrip Studio的Iwan Halstead和Emily Potter合作,将家变成了他们梦寐以求的禅宗圣地。 Clapton is one of those East London districts that often goes under the radar, with a spirit that straddles breezy and bold. Its part-zen, part-zappy character was what caught the attention of one London family. Having set their hearts on an unassuming Victorian terraced property, they quickly roped in Iwan Halstead and Emily Potter of Daytrip Studio to turn the home into the zen sanctuary they’d dreamed up in their heads.
这座房子结合了英国极简主义和日式元素,设计师精心挑选中世纪的意大利作品和当代日本设计师的作品。以这种温和的方式向传统维多利亚式住宅致敬。而极具设计感的雕塑艺术品又为房间带来了一种俏皮、年轻的氛围。 The house combines English minimalism with Japanese influences. A considered selection of mid-century Italian pieces, and pieces from contemporary Japanese designers were chosen. It mildly reference the home’s traditional Victorian heritage. Unexpected sculptural artworks give the rooms a playful, youthful vibe.
设计师让混凝土空隙保持原状,天花板暴露在外,“以强调施工过程”。但并非都是赤裸裸的,闪闪发光的抛光混凝土地板抵消了天花板的质朴。 The designers left the concrete voids raw and the ceilings exposed, “to emphasise the construction process”. But it’s not all bare-boned around here: Gleaming polished concrete floors counterbalance the rusticity of the ceilings.
对设计师来说,改造就是为了找到光明,因此他们仔细改造了这个排屋的内外部,通过采光井的方式最大限度地利用日光。 For Iwan and Emily, the remodel was all about finding the light. Interventions to the architectural shell were executed to maximise the daylight through light wells.
厨房通向一个令人惊叹的分层混凝土花园,设计师巧妙地结合了纹理种植和景观美化。一棵白桦树在圆形鹅卵石井中占据了一席之地。 Luckily, the kitchen opens out into a tiered concrete garden so stunning, Lauren Finch of Tyler Goldfinch used a subtle mix of textured planting and landscaping to complement our vision. An ethereal silver birch tree takes pride of place in a circular well of pebbles.
浴室同样处处散发着时代的气息,铺着英式石灰石地板和手工完成的tadelakt墙壁。 The bathrooms are similarly old-world, with English limestone floors and hand-finished tadelakt walls.
由于扩建了一个精巧的小阁楼,上层的设计风格更加现代,整个房间沐浴在金色的阳光下。 More contemporary in style and spirit, the upper floors are steeped in golden sunlight.
Daytrip Studio 由Iwan Halstead和Emily Potter创立,是一家位于伦敦的设计工作室,专门从事建筑和室内设计。通过对现有建筑和当代设计的深刻理解,创造出经过深思熟虑和可识别的空间,通过明智地使用材料、关注细节和对风格的认识,每个项目对其客户和目的都是独一无二的。