CCS世纪精剪旗舰店 MojoDesign 首
2022-05-01 10:55
Project Details:
Location: 成都市桐梓林北路5号附7号
Interior Chief Designer: Mojo Wang | 邱天
CAD Designer: 熊锐
Graphic Designer: 鲍Bao
Lighting: 克瑞思曼照明设计 / Charisma Lighting
Interior Photography: 形在建筑空间摄影-贺川
Graphic Photography: 邱天
Year: 2022.01
▼ 平面图Floor Plan
▼ 入口翻页机械装置唤起顾客对经典的记忆。 The entrance page-turning mechanism evokes the memory of classic.
▼ 中国传统月门 Traditional Chinese Moon Gate ©图片来自网络
▼ 卡洛斯卡帕Tomba Brion ©图片来自网络
▼ 门洞 Threshold
▼ 从经典出发的门洞是对“Threshold”最为具像化的呈现。
The doorway starting from the classic is the most iconic presentation of Threshold.
▼ 门洞上方的灯箱为动线提供更为明确的指引。
The lightbox above the door provides clearer guidance for customers.
▼ 烫染区 Hairdressing Area
▼ 矩阵中的镜子从天花向下延伸,柔和衔接边界。
The mirror in the matrix extends down from the ceiling, gently connecting the boundary.
▼ 故意裸露的稳定构件和天然的石材形成视觉碰撞。
The intentional exposure of stable elements and natural stone creates a visual collision.