
2022-04-28 23:05


A World of Primitiveness and Tranquilness
Quietness prevails in the room and balcony. By the bright window, besides an antique table, good friends sit together, chanting and singing cheerfully, with books in their hands; outside, a fair moon hangs above, and the sounding of whistle echoes among the pine trees. These phrases came from The Story of Tea House, written by Lu Shusheng of Ming Dynasty, who depicted an ideal tea tasting scene he longed to pursue.


Lins’ Tea House, located in Wushan of Fuzhou, intends to create such environment for all tea lovers. Here, you may enjoy perfect tea tasting atmosphere while sipping our high-quality tea. The teahouse is built aiming to provide a quiet resting area for visitors, to give them a chance to reveal their souls in beautiful landscape.


“当你喜欢一些材料并坦诚地去接触它的时候,你会把它用得很好,很温暖亲切。”彼得·卒姆托(Peter Zumthor)曾经说到。木、石、玻璃、粘土等多种材料并置,刚柔相依,古今相融,虚实相连,共同塑造了这一当代茶空间。
If you love a certain type of material, then embrace it honestly, and you may use it well, with warmth and affability. Peter Zumthor once said. Wood, stone, glass, clay and other materials are juxtaposed together, which creates a scene integrating with rigidity and softness, converging ancient days with modern times, and connecting illusion with reality, thus helping shape this contemporary tea space.

To create is to absorb, to invent is to pursue, and to shape is to discover. Through better understanding business type, domain, proximity structures and culture connotations of this project, the designer finally decided to endow this space with a theme — Return - Prospect: by returning to our tea tradition while looking into the future, the fragrance of tea is as the same as it is originally brewed.



The whole tea space takes Nature as the source — painted with the color resembling tea and rock in Mount Wuyi. A large patch of earth tone close to tea as well as the earth is utilized to create a calm and quiet background and to convey a sense of elegance and sobriety.





Use Vs Useless
One may be instantly attracted by this half-closed branch window when first visiting Lins’ Tea House. Laozi once said in his Tao Te Ching: The door and windows are cut out (from the walls) to form an apartment; but it is on the empty space (within), that its use depends. As an “eye” of the tea space, this branch window serves as a channel to reveal the coziness and comfort inside, alluring people to have a deeper look.

The public reception area on the first floor, inspired by the contemporary art space, enables people to have dynamic experience as well as static exhibition. The whole contains independent structures while all independent parts are coherent and integrated as a whole, which vividly provides a new defining of “liquidity” for the contemporary tea space.

On the first floor, the designer skillfully marked off two open tea tasting spaces based on different views. One is called Tea Room of Mountain and Sea, “a pine is placed besides a banquet for decoration, and friends chat together with their future plans widely unfolded for a larger world”.

Selection of materials
A quaint old wooden board is placed in the center, with feet at both ends, one is a square protruded from the ground to support the board, the other triangular transparent glass, implying light vs heavy and bright vs dark — a collision as well as a fusion, reflecting open-mindedness, inclusiveness and innovativeness of Lins’ Tea House.


Face upwards is the ceiling shape of a round arch, which extends to the walls at both ends, which right forming a flying posture, in the middle the dotted star lights twinkle therein, hinting that the star of fortune shines bright.

At another open tea platform, the tea table is connected with a kitchen counter in a staggered mode, and the large stone slabs of the same color system naturally extend, giving it a sense of broadness.

The surface of the rock plate under the water platform is like running water where the scent of orchid floats as the wind flows, the tangible rigidity and the intangible softness, like two melodies, echo each other again to the peak of artistic perfection. A vintage lamp hanging overhead like a bright moon helps add a touch of elegance.

As an expression of morphological art, triangular, rectangular and square niches are inlaid, and the wall body is partially hollowed-out, with grilles making different spaces penetrate each other, which adds a sense of dynamic to their coordination and greatly improves the use efficiency and aesthetic atmosphere of the space.



The transparent glass display cabinet of the standing wall, almost absent like air, fully expands the space. It gives full play to unique transparency and fashion, silently conveying loftiness and confidence.

To Connect Indoors and Outdoors
设计师精细设置一个狭窄的空间上升通道,灵感来至于桃花源记;“初极狭才通人 复行数十步,豁然开朗;”在一层与二层的衔接上,以独特的设计语言再造了一个形态优美且逻辑严谨的艺术走廊空间。在这里,拾阶而上,坐有琴书,颇得闲趣。
The designer finally set up a narrow space ascending channel, inspired by a scene depicted in a famous Chinese essay The Peach Colony; At first the opening was very narrow, barely wide enough for one person to go in. After a dozen steps, it opened into a flood of light. To connect the first floor with the second one, the designer ingeniously recreated an art corridor which is beautiful in structure and coherent in logic. Here, you may go upstairs step by step until come across a fine place where a guqin and books are displayed.



At the turning point of the stairs, a seemingly marginal space pointing to sky appears. The patio, a cultural symbol, is designed here to pay a tribute to traditional Chinese architecture. With it, the skylight can be invited indoors, drawing man and Nature closely together.



Objects Surrounded
On the second floor, with the whistling of wind among pines and the charm of bamboo decorating this graceful place, one may gain a feeling of simplicity and naivete from those seemingly disordered yet ingenious-structured composition. Guests are welcomed by a semi-closed teahouse. When stepping into the space, one will realize that the differences between the present and the past disappear when two souls collide, and friends gather together for sip tea wondering their predestined relationship. Transparent glass is installed at the corner of wall, and skylight are formed at the high corner to invite sunlight into the room, making it possible for the indoors to communicate with the outdoors and to tell a story of purity and innocence.







乔治·斯坦纳写道,“沉默是种选择。在(希腊)城邦里,言辞充满了野蛮和谎言,没有比无言诗(non-written poetry)更有力的言说了。”
George Steiner wrote, Silence is a choice. In the city-state (Greek) where words are full of brutality and lies, there is no more powerful speech than non-written poetry.

项目名称 | 福州乌山林家茶馆
项目地址 | 中国 福州
项目面积 | 200²
完成时间 | 2022.02
主案设计 | 何吴龙吉 | VHD   何吴龙吉设计研究室
协作设计 | 肖彬 林新文 吴晨燿 等





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