傅厚民新作 丨 重新构想日本传统美学 首
2022-04-03 16:43
”——André Fu
“We’re living in an era where people are constantly traveling between different places, and we’re bombarded by different cultures. What my design is trying to do is embrace cultural nuances and incorporate them into the unique context of the project.”--André Fu
近日,André Fu设计了位于日本静冈县东部一栋豪华的海滨别墅,同时这是他设计的第一个具有标志性意义的住宅项目。坐落在沿海郁郁葱葱的山坡上,这里原为一座火山,别墅有着绝佳的景观视线,可俯瞰茂盛的山林和远处的Sagami海湾。植根于当地传统文化与历史背景,该项目引发了André Fu对日本美学的深层次思考,并从中汲取了丰富的灵感。
André Fu has d
esigned a luxury beach house in eastern Shizuoka prefecture, Japan, and it is his first landmark residential project. Located on a lush coastal hillside that was once a volcano, the villa has an excellent view of the lush mountain forest and Sagami Bay in the distance. Rooted in the local traditional culture and historical background, the project inspired André Fu to think deeply about Japanese aesthetics.
对于André Fu来说,住宅设计和酒店设计具有截然不同的设计体验。因为酒店只是短暂的入住,住宅则是长期的居住场所。酒店设计通常需要考虑概念性和体验性的兼备,从而营造整体的豪奢体验;住宅则有所不同,空间塑造以满足业主多年的居住需求为主要目的。无论是酒店还是住宅,在世界各地,André Fu都希望能创造一种家的归属感,帮助人们实现一种独特的、亲密的精致生活方式。
As for André Fu, design hotel and design residence are totally different experience. Because hotels are generally used for very short-term stays, and Residences are of course designed to be a long-term sanctuary. André Fu’s designs for hotels are often conceptual and experiential - offering holistic luxury experiences. As a result, the design process must differ, looking to create unique spaces that will respond to residents’ needs over many years. Whether its a hotel or a residence, Andre Fu wants to create a sense of home anywhere in the world, helping people achieve a unique and intimate luxury lifestyle.
André Fu独特的设计理念和方法,为项目创造了在地性的文化背景、潜在的附加值和家的精神高度。室内开放式的起居和用餐空间与自然融为一体,推窗出去,庭院绿地和一个可以俯瞰海湾的无边游泳池,令人心醉神迷。项目中André Fu借鉴了众多的日本传统元素,比如engawa风格的橡木地板,极具标志性风格的日式榻榻米,还有温泉浴室及Aji-ishi大理石桌等,其部分灵感来源于André Fu参观传统日式旅馆和花园时受到的启发。
Andre Fus unique design philosophy and approach creates a local cultural context, potential added value and a spiritual height of home for the project. The home features open-plan living and dining Spaces that blend in with nature, with Windows that roll out to courtyards and an infinity pool overlooking the bay. In the project, Andre Fu borrowed many traditional Japanese elements, such as engawa style oak flooring, iconic style tatami, hot spring bath and Aji-ishi marble table, which were partly inspired by Andre Fus visits to traditional Japanese inns and gardens.
在过去的15年设计经验里,André Fu尝试将在地文化与对生活的敏感度、现代奢侈品、艺术和工艺等完美地结合。他的作品暗合了西方的美学准则,同时借鉴了东方的雅致、传统和现代。André Fu一直主张“轻松奢华”的理念,从而创造出引人入胜的环境,反映自然的协调、美丽和温暖,充满低调的复杂性。
For the past decade and a half, André Fu’s vision has been defined by a seamless alignment of cultural and design sensibilities, modern luxury, art and craftsmanship. His work draws as naturally on European principles of beauty as from Eastern qualities, traditions and modernity. André Fu’s personal design ethos is deeply rooted in his world of relaxed luxury, his ability to craft compelling settings that embrace and reflect harmony, beauty and warmth, and which are imbued with understated sophistication.