URBAN | The Photographer’s 米兰摄影师公寓
2022-03-14 15:22
A young Italian photographer picked up an old apartment in downtown Milan as his private home and studio, which raise an imagination of an exclusive self-land within the most fashionable city. URBAN designers, then, tried to undertake the renovation, creating a home space which can be as cozy as a home, which be so pure that could encourage creation inspiration. 一位年轻的意大利摄影师选择了米兰闹市区的一套旧公寓作为自己的工作室和住所,摩登之都下的一处私人净土,URBAN设计师决定提供一个既有家的舒适氛围,又纯净留白得足以让创作者得以发挥灵感的空间。 Pre-existing Condition 改造前的房子
Pre-existing Layout 原始平面图
Designed Layout 设计平面图
Elevation Sequence 空间序列
After & Before 改造后 与 改造前
White partition has made the interior environment become much brighter. An independent block locates in the middle of the room helps not only separating the kitchen area, but also allowing the natural sunlight penetrating into the heart of the living area. 全屋白色的主色调让房间瞬间明亮了不少,用局部分隔的方式将厨房分隔开,既保留了厨房区域的独立性,也让自然光线渗透到了公寓内部。
he partition between public area and private studio and bedroom is multi-functional. It is only a partition, a display wall, but also a storage with amazing archive capability. It can also become a ever-changing program according to the mood and need of the photographer. 公共区域与私密工作休憩区域的分隔墙不仅具有分隔,展示的作用,同时还是一个容量惊人的储藏空间。 根据摄影师的心情与使用需求,装饰与功能可以达到一种多变的状态。
项目地址 | 意大利米兰 服务内容 | 室内全案托管 项目规模 | 100平方米 设计单位 | RBA | URBAN oject 项目团队 | Ruggero Baldasso,Evelyn Chan 推文排版 | 施星澜,梁祖儿