2022-03-06 00:50
堪笑兰台公子,未解庄生天籁, 刚道有雌雄,一点浩然气,千里快哉风。 ——【宋】苏轼《水调歌头》 Laughing at The Childe of Lantai, living the sounds of nature, Just a male and female, a little haoran gas, thousands of miles fast zai wind.
承古郡文脉,藏天下玲珑。在中国人心中,似乎没有哪一种色彩,可以像红色一样,嵌入人心,直击灵魂深处,它是一种生生不息的符号,是中国人的文化图腾和精神皈依。 本案将传统历史文化渗入细节融于生活,一株植物、三五矮凳,皆拭以沉寂的中国红,以指向浓重的东方特点。用东方的气质美学营造有意境的空间。空间整体干净宽阔,家具选型简洁流畅,结合现代,巨大的反差冲破时代鸿沟。 韵味 。 营销中心 01 江天一色无纤尘 Jiangtian color without fine dust -
沙盘区整体空间呈现出中式风格的大气沉稳,对称式空间格局和谐有序,给人以落落大方,有条不紊的视觉享受。大量原木材质的采用渲染出空间的古韵古风之气。 The overall space of the sand table area presents the atmospheric calm of Chinese style, and the symmetrical space pattern is harmonious and orderly, giving people the visual enjoyment of being graceful and orderly. A large number of log materials are used to render the space of the ancient charm of the ancient wind. 02 绿蚁新醅酒·红泥小火炉 Red clay stove -
接待区以镂空木色墙体将室外光源引入室内,立于一侧的迎客松被勾勒出自然神韵。壁炉采用轻奢金与摩登黑的搭配,线条穿梭间,盛放的火苗温暖舒适,廓然开朗。 The reception area uses hollow wood wall to introduce outdoor light source into the interior, and the welcoming pine standing on one side is outlined with natural charm. The fireplace adopts the collocation of light luxury gold and modern black. The lines shuttle between, and the flourishing flames are warm and comfortable, and the outline is bright and cheerful.
03 解语何妨片语时 Why not interpret the words -
洽谈区将古典情怀融入空间,享受大自然的馈赠,流淌安逸和空灵的旋律,缔造一个灵净素雅的理想空间。百工以方为矩,以圆为规。金属元素与传统建筑摆件结合巧妙,大气优雅。 Negotiation area will be classical feelings into the space, enjoy the gift of nature, flowing comfortable and empty melody, to create an ideal space of pure and elegant spirit. Baigong square for the moment, to the circle as the gauge. The combination of metal elements and traditional architectural ornaments is ingenious and elegant.
04 花笺茗碗香千载 The flower tea bowl is fragrant for thousands of years -
茶室的古韵古风,宛如悠久绵长的岁月在时光沉淀间缓缓流淌。中式山水屏帘、木饰家具、对称美学的完美呈现,经典纯粹的东方构造,为空间打上隽永深厚的文化烙印。 The ancient style of the teahouse is like a long time flowing slowly between the precipitation of time. The perfect presentation of Chinese landscape screen curtain, wood furniture, symmetrical aesthetics, classical and pure Oriental structure, imprint meaningful and profound cultural brand on the space.
茶文化历经千年,是中华文化中一方不可磨灭的印记。择一雅室,品一香茗,赏一春景,闻一古琴。悠悠千载,酝酿着一份古朴的雅静。 Tea culture, after thousands of years, is an indelible mark in Chinese culture. Choose an elegant room, taste a tea, enjoy a spring scene, smell a guqin. Leisurely thousands of years, brewing a simple elegant quiet.
05 相逢意气为君饮 Meet your spirit to drink -
洽谈室整体风格典雅隽永,古香古色。空间配色低调而富有条理,大气稳重。大面落地窗将室外风景与阳光引入室内,洽谈间拉长思绪,舒适度拉满。 The overall style of the negotiation room is elegant and meaningful. Space color low-key and rich order, stable atmosphere. Large French Windows will introduce outdoor scenery and sunlight into the room, stretching thoughts between negotiations, comfortable pull full. —— 【平面设计图】
文雅 。 样板间 01 黄云万里动风色 Jiangtian color without fine dust -
客厅空间摈弃主灯设计,以室外光景引入,花草树木顷刻间被赋予生命的活力。空间结合现代生活方式,将金属元素运用的恰到好处,既不沉闷,又别具一般风味。静默流淌的山水画极具古韵之风,松与石、青与白,元素的协调搭配打造出视觉上的极致享受。 Sitting room space abandons advocate lamp design, introduce with outdoor scenery, flowers and plants trees are given the vitality of life instantly. The space combines contemporary life style, apply metallic element properly, neither depressing, do not have general flavor again. The silent and flowing landscape painting has the wind of ancient rhyme very much. The coordination and collocation of elements of pine and stone, blue and white create the ultimate enjoyment of vision.
山水墨韵,笔锋由浓转淡,在炊烟袅袅间扬起隔江千万里的大气,提笔而作,一圈一圈沁开来,染透了黑白的山水,纯粹且有旋律的构成全新面貌,向我们诉说着关于“东方美”的故事。 Landscape ink rhyme, brush strokes from thick to light, curling smoke in the atmosphere of thousands of miles across the river, picked up the brush, a circle of oozing, dyed black and white landscape, pure and melodic composition of a new look, telling us about the "Oriental beauty" story. 02 人间有味是清欢 Jiangtian color without fine dust -
餐厅空间在讲究的礼序之中,蕴含着自由洒脱的诗意。深色桌椅规整划一,在方与圆之间塑造出十足的层序感,将和谐与含蓄之美引出。 Dining-room space is in exquisite ritual sequence, accumulate accumulate free and free poetic flavour. Dark-colored tables and chairs are orderly and uniform, creating a full sense of sequence between square and circle, drawing out the beauty of harmony and implication.
03 一声梧叶一声秋 Jiangtian color without fine dust -
理想的居住状态往往承载着一种最适配生活的平衡之美。主卧空间延续静谧内敛而不失高级感的基调,以金属碰撞原木,古今相融,和谐中达到舒适与惬意的悠然时光。 The ideal living condition often carries the beauty of a balance that is best suited to life. The master bedroom space continues the tone of quiet introversion without losing the sense of advanced, with metal collision logs, ancient and modern integration, harmony to achieve comfortable and comfortable leisurely time.
花晨月夕,暗香疏影;一卷诗书,几许闲情。书房旨在营造文雅宁谧的空间氛围。古玩字画,纸墨笔砚,浓厚的东方雅韵于空间流淌,延绵不绝。 Flower morning Yuexi, dark xiangshuying; A volume of poetry, how much leisure. The study aims to create an elegant and tranquil atmosphere. Antique calligraphy and painting, paper, ink, ink and inkstone, strong Oriental elegance flowing in the space, continuous.
04 无边光景一时新 Jiangtian color without fine dust -
女儿房以活泼可爱的粉与蓝塑造空间,精致小巧的摆件,充满童趣的抱枕,都装点着女孩梦想的小世界。阳光透过白纱洒入室内,让空间增添了几分明媚、灵动之气。 Daughter room models a space with lively lovely pink and blue, delicate and cabinet place an article, be full of tong qu embrace pillow, deck is wearing the little world of girl dream. Sunshine asperses through white gauze indoor, let the space added a few minutes bright, clever gas. —— 【平面设计图】
PROJECT INTRODUCTION - 项目名称|鼎联·藏珑 Project Name | Dinglian · Tibet Long 项目类型|售楼空间、样板间 Project Type | Sales space、Model room 软装设计|米洛映象 Soft Decoration Design | Millo Casa 硬装设计|上层设计 Hard Outfit Design | Upper Design 项目地点|湖南桂阳 Project Site | Hunan guiyang 项目面积|548㎡、168㎡ Project Area | 548㎡、168㎡ 完工时间|2021 Completion Time | 2021