新作丨 埂上设计 诗莉莉漫戈塔 · 天榕庄度假村

2022-03-02 23:45
MANGATA is a Swedish word for “the glimmering reflection the moon creates on water”,implying a pure, tranquil and natural vibe.

Creative Ecploration in the New Era of “Social Currency”
Nowadays, with the development of consuming power and times, people have more options for tourist destinations. “Hotel with multiple scenes” has become a new demand in business development. With refined beauty, multiple scenes and photography areas, Insta-famous hotels emerge as the time requires.

由诗莉莉酒店集团与徽州天榕庄匠心合作打造的高端产品 —— 漫戈塔·天榕庄度假村,便是“社交货币”时代下的创新探索。精通酒店与商业设计的埂上设计,在这一探索中担纲室内设计与软装设计的角色,将对场景营销与场景定制、场景美学的思考,结合商业逻辑、运维需求、差异化IP而灵活变通,令度假酒店空间产品超脱于纯粹居住的体验,散发出高于生活的艺术魅力,最终助力客户在竞争激烈的存量市场中,收获高于周边的定价能力以及商业回报率。
Shilily Mangata·Tianrong Courtyard, co-founded by Shi Lily Group and Tianrong Courtyard from Anhui province, emerges as a creative exploration in the new era of “Social Currency”. Being proficiency in hotel and commercial design, GS Design takes on the interior design and soft decoration of this project. The designer integrates commerce, position and art with commercial procedure, considering operation demand and different IP, providing pleasant and unexpected experience for tourists and demonstrating artistic charm. To this end, the project can stand out of the herd and charge a higher price in the region, receiving higher market returns.

Tranquil Space with Poetic Romance
Inheritance and innovation of traditional Hui-Style culture; Integration of traditional Hui-Style elements with modern art.

Rolling mountains and rivers surround this area. Located at the foot of the Yellow Mountain, surrounded by lucid waters and lush mountains, the Qiankou town is born to be a hermitage for ancient writers and poets including Tao Yuanming, a poet in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Sited in this resort, Mangata·Tianrong Courtyard stands as a distinctive holiday destination of leisure and entertainment, ecology and culture, low-carbon development and elegant landscape.

Closing to mountains, waters, and Yifeng Park in the county, Mangata·Tianrong Courtyard can be regarded as a tourist destination with superb natural landscape. Constructed at more than four hundred years ago, the Yifeng Tower has become a landmark of Southern Anhui Province. What’s more, in the surrounding 10km areas, there are about ten national 5A Scenic Areas including Xi Xinan Village, Tangyue Memorial Archway Cluster, Chengkan Village, Fengle Lake and Taiping Lake and Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level.

Poetic Nature, Vigorous Trees
The white wall, black tiles, pavilions, platforms, storied building and colonnade are exquisite and well made. Originated from elegant village of Tang Dynasty, with the idea of “harmony between man and nature”, the designer blends Hui Style and courtyard elements into this project, representing a harmonious and peaceful picture, implying a pure, tranquil and natural vibe.


从学社到庄园再至高端产品漫戈塔,埂上设计与诗莉莉酒店集团已有数次默契合作。面对诗莉莉追求爱与美、浪漫与诗意的品牌基因,以及深度情感化的爆款IP与差异化定制的场景策略,埂上设计深谙如何透过社交场景与艺术美学的共鸣、运营属性与商业价值的交融,实现“目的地型酒店”的独特优势 —— 网红即品牌,空间亦风景,空间场景与自然人文深度交互,人们旅居至此,身处唯美惬境,心归精神高地。
GS Design has cooperated well with Shilily Group on the design of community, estate and high-end product-Mangata. Catering to the Shilily’s pursuance of love and beauty, romantic and poetry, combining hit IP and tailored strategy, GS Design makes full use of the unique advantage of “Composite Hotel” by building an Internet celebrity as a brand and decorating plain space as pleasant scenery, letting spatial scenery echos with natural humanities. Thus, tourists can feel the elegance and beauty of nature.

Tile Shadow, Beauty Trace
“Art comes from life and goes beyond life”, the highest standard of GS Design in evaluating their work, bearing the designer’s core philosophy and pursuit. In this project, the multiple natural landscape and Hui-Style aroma provide great source and inspiration for the designer.



From Nature To Humanity, From Scene To Experience


The shadow of light sprinkles on the quaint latticed windows, presenting unexpected poetic and romantic experience.

The designer classifies the characteristics of different scene according to the expectation and local elements. Following the arrangement of photography area, tourists can travel to the inner space of the courtyard, having candle light dinner, enjoying hot spring or visiting other areas.


Enjoyment of Sojurn Life
Vigorous trees and lucid streams embrace this area. With the concept of tailored service, GS Design realizes the combination between natural landscape and spatial aesthetic, presenting vivid and layered visual experience.





“The main belief we undertake in commercial design can be interpreted as supporting our clients to stand out of the herd and realize high market returns, by taking use of the spatial aesthetic and customers’ spread through social media. On this basis, spatial design should serve to extend the lifespan of commercial operation and improve guests’ experience from various span, influencing the following spread trends on social media. Thus, in this project, the key lies in the combination between natural scenes, Hui-Style humanities and spacial design. Different elements are designed to meet tourist’s needs, which promote customers’ spontaneous spread on social media.” Says the designer on the core idea.



With the combination of spatial aesthetic and commercial procedures, the space demonstrates distinctive charm with the passing of times.




Candles Flicker, Bamboo Swaying
From the hazy candle shadow and languid hours, the designer creates distinctive space through traditional wooden materials and modern fabric furniture, plain and poetic.



Sitting on the chair, people can appreciate the scene through the “void space”---window-frames outside the wooden blinds, creating harmonious atmosphere between nature and humanities.


Oriental Elements, Life Elegance
出于专业的克制,以及对在地条件的尊重,埂上设计不做过度的设计,让简净的色彩、纯粹的材质、舒适的布局,无需多言便建构出唯美的画面 —— 木梁立身,烛台朦影,瓶樽有意,巧与拙、刚与柔、古与今皆是因地制宜。
For professional consideration and local conditions, the designer works to create a beautiful picture through simple color, pure material and comfy layout. Beam, candle, shadow and bottle improve spatial quality and experience, providing a vibe featuring oriental and occidental beauty.


Zen, the original tone of the space. Through traditional beam, wooden material and braiding craftsmanship, the designer expresses the understanding of modern aesthetic and scenes beyond Zen.



Combing the traditional culture and modern elements, the designer explores the tranquil and elegant beauty of culture and nature. The light of the sunrise sprinkles on the door, additionally improving the natural lighting and visual comfortable effect, eliminating the tedious air, enhancing the leisure and fulfillment of holiday.



The nature and culture make the space full of elegant beauty and artful ambience.


With simple design and natural scene, the guest room becomes recognizable through plain form and superb design. After opening the wooden window, guests can appreciate the rolling lush mountains and pure lotus, experiencing cozy and pleasant time.

园林潜行,近塔尖而修心;回廊游转,渐入意境佳处。在酒店设计领域拥有丰富经验的埂上设计,对场景的功能定位与美学营造有独到的策略,基于商业逻辑与体验场景、传播形式的迭新,用差异化的场景设计为品牌IP赋能,将漫戈塔·天榕庄度假村打造为一个趋近自然古迹的“旅游目的地” —— 在这里,千年文脉归于闲逸,万般自然诉诸诗意,徽派重现,酣梦迭起,心安宁静。
Wandering in the courtyard, tourists can train their minds and improve self-cultivation. With abundant experience on hotel design, based on the update of commercial operation procedure, spatial landscape and spreading form, GS Design has distinctive strategy on positioning and spatial aesthetic, building the Courtyard a tourist destination full of natural heritage sites through different scenes. The traditional Chinese culture and reappearance of Hui-Style elements support the area with an artful immersive ambience.

Project Title:Shilily Mangata·Tianrong Courtyard
Location:Qiankou Town, Anhui Province
Site Area:500 sq meters
Date of Completion:2021
Interior and Soft Decoration:GS Design
Designer:Li Liangchao, Huang Yuanman
Project Designer:Li Chao
Photographer:Fei Yu, Xiao Ping











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