众睦设计新作丨 融创莫干溪谷·竹霖里

2022-03-02 10:47
作为融创乡村文旅开篇之作,融创·莫干溪谷依托约4000亩原生土地,在既有的江南古朴村落美学和田园诗意中塑造当代生活方式,符合当代城市人追求的国际现代生活场景。 As the opening work of Sunac rural cultural tour, Sunac · Mogan Valley, relying on about 4000 mu of original land, creates a contemporary lifestyle in the existing ancient village aesthetics and idyllic spirit of jiangnan, which is in line with the international modern life scene pursued by contemporary urban people.





融创莫干溪谷-竹霖里 溪涧流经窗边,淙淙蜿蜒,揽尽山景 竹下清影,对窗呈对景,光影漫游 家具、器物的纹理中刻有岁月印痕 Sunchuang Mogan Valley - Zhulin Li Stream flows past the window, winding and sweeping the mountain scenery Bamboo qing shadow, the window was opposite, light and shadow roaming furniture, utensils in the texture of the imprint of the years

Symbiosis with natural forces, guided by original ecology, illustrated by artistic sense, harmony design is based on the harmony between people, between people and nature, between people and space, and between people and life. It is a pure power that is not confined to specific paradigms or thinking. Therefore, the positioning of harmony design on the cafe is not only the starting point of poetry, but also the point of return of life.






Cafe covers water bar, restaurant, negotiation area, terrace and other dynamic zones, as an artistic foothold of daily life of residents and has infinite possibilities.




The flower branch that collects in the mountain, the moss that the tree picks, the low stool that grinds out by old wood, cane plaits screen, bamboo plaits single chair, the carpet that linen feels a sense and embrace pillow...... The dynamic current scene and rich past background are blended with light and shadow, and the quiet field atmosphere is rendered.





The harmony of nature, the power of humanity and the light of life are all the pure language of harmony design to create space and scene. In the hands of designers, the structure is not only the structure itself, and the utensils are not just the embodiment of aesthetics. The composition of the structure and utensils realizes the transition of nature from outside to inside, as well as the transformation and meaning of natural materials.



In the images of nature, freeze and freeze, elapsing and returning are a group of contrast aesthetic modifications. In the highly changeable scenes and pictures, the interdependence between man and nature sets off the pleasure and slow thinking of life to some extent.

The reed flowers in the mountains are fluffy and gentle, and the fluffy catkins are as light as snow. They are the perfect carrier of poetic dialogue between light and shadow, and become the finishing touch of the designer in the restaurant. A large amount of transparent glass continuously widens the scale of the landscape view, and then abundant light and shadow enters the scene. The contrast of the boundless natural scene is also added. The unique style of soft and warm space is released slowly and lingering.

Floor plan of Shanye Cafe

在众睦设计的理解中, 自然主义是一种设计笔法,
In the understanding of mass design, naturalism is a kind of design style,
It is also a spiritual pursuit. Raw and natural, artificial and delicate,
Towards a balance of quality of life.


In the 120-unit nature House, the prototype of the residence advocates exquisite naturalism, pursues high quality life, places their preferences in the quiet forest, and often invites several friends to spend weekends together, listening to vinyl music, enjoying cigars and fine whisky...... In this apartment type
Looking at the beautiful forms and unique colors of autumn mountains, the designer extracted warm gray as the main color, and interspersed dark orange as the jumping color, injecting a warm, delicate and textured style into the space.


“秋的图景常常是丰收的喜悦,漫山遍野都是自然的惊喜。在第二居所的概念下,我们希望以空间内的秋色,陪伴户外四时风景的轮换,塑造一个新型的自然度假载体,让‘诗意栖居’这件事真实发生在居者的日常生活中 —— 无论是使用场景、自然背景还是生活情境,都能满足居者对品质的预期。”设计师如是道。
Autumn scenery is often the joy of harvest, the mountains and fields are full of natural surprises. Under the concept of second homes, we hope to space in the autumn, with 4 outdoor landscape rotation, shape a new natural resort carrier, let poetic habitation this really happen in residents daily life - whether its usage scenarios, the natural background and life situation, can meet the residents expectations of quality. Said the designer.




丰富的器物细节,充实着空间主人丰饶的生活图卷和精神世界 —— 皮质指向精致,艺术画作隐喻品位,暖枫、墨黑和棕咖色调渲染摩登气质,取材自然的花枝标本则是生活于此间的痕迹。光影漫入,朦朦胧胧弥散开来,循着家具与摆件的造型而勾勒明暗关系,以一种趋近于无声无形的过渡,重构雅痞生活的戏剧性和恰到好处的体验感。
The rich details of utensils enrich the rich life chart and spiritual world of the space owner -- cortical pointing is delicate, the artistic paintings are metaphorical taste, warm maple, black and brown coffee colors render modern temperament, and the natural flower specimens are traces of life here. Diffuse light and shadow enter, hazy diffuse come, follow furniture and the modelling that place and draw the outline of light and shade relation, with a kind of close close at silent invisible transition, reconstruct the drama that elegant ruffian lives and proper experience feels.




In the quality treasure Canon of the person that live in, black glue music and cigar occupy ratio especially heavy, stylist makes regular study to listen to music, taste cigar, good friend to get together easily just place especially, bear the burden of the leisurely interest of the person that live in and love.






From the tonal point of view, the space quite has the flavor of cigar fermenting in time, while the square wall print of dark gray block splicing light coffee block, germinates interest in contrast with vinyl record player and retro radio. A leisure lounge chair, one side of the natural scenery, an elegant ditty, moment after moment of beauty reside here.



The large viewfinder frame in the master bedroom, from morning to evening, freezes the track of light and shadow and the beautiful interaction of space objects. The irregular woodwork texture still exists, and the structure is like the undulating head of the mountain, and the disorderly braided tassel pendant is a new structure with a very individual artistic picture. The sculpture ornaments in the corner, along with the flags and dead branches in the crock, are bathed in the light and shadow under the setting sun, and the poetry is gradually dyed.




Floor plan of nature House 120 units

项目名称 | 融创莫干溪谷·竹霖里
The project name | melt and in the dry valleys, bamboo lam
项目地址 | 浙江省 湖州市
| project address, huzhou city, zhejiang province
业主单位 | 融创东南集团
Owner unit | melt and southeast group
设计面积 | 山野咖啡厅260㎡,自然之家120㎡,
Design to the cafe 260 ㎡ area | mountains, the natural home of 120 ㎡,
软装设计 | 众睦设计
Soft outfit design | the superior design
设计团队 | 潘贤挺、陈俊、梁玉玲、周雅慧、刘贝琪、熊萍萍
The design team | Pan Xianting, Mr James tien pei-chun, yu-ling liang, Zhou Yahui, Liu Beiqi, ping-ping xiong
硬装设计 | 万境设计
Hard outfit design | environmental design
特别鸣谢 | 甲方团队:张悦悦、李一萌
Special thanks to | party a team: Zhang Yueyue, Li Yimeng
摄影团队 | bmStudio 彦铭
Photography team | bmStudio YanMing

「众睦设计」2010年创办于上海,为业界领先的酒店集团和地产公司提供空间设计、软装设计、家具设计制造与整体饰品采购一体化的专业服务,业务涵盖精品酒店、售楼会所、别墅、样板房的设计与实现。 “与生活和融相处”是「众睦设计」核心的设计理念,10余年来始终秉承创新精神,在都市地产与文旅地产领域开拓深耕,以严谨的设计逻辑及专业整合能力助力合作伙伴,确定产品定位、设计策划及实施,提供优秀的设计解决方案。在设计中,我们探索自然、人文与生活的关系,以当代设计语言创造独特的空间体验,呈现生活之美。








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