
2022-02-07 15:10

以下视频来源于 MatrixDesign矩陣縱橫

當元宇宙可能成就數字經濟的下一個進階,即由VR、AR等技術支持的虛擬現實,它給我們現有的生活帶來了新的機遇和挑戰。面對新興技術,我們如何去更好地擁抱並吸收,如何將其應用到公共空間,以使得現有空間獲得更多元更豐富的表達和呈現,這種互嵌的方式值得我們學習和思考。 When the Metaverse may achieve the next advancement of the digital economy, that is, virtual reality supported by technologies such as VR and AR, it brings new opportunities and challenges to our existing lives. In the face of emerging technologies, how to better embrace and absorb them, and how to apply them to public spaces, so that the existing spaces can be expressed and presented in a more diverse and richer way, this inter-embedded approach is worth learning and thinking about.

在本案中,設計團隊根據“光輝之城”的發展特質來規劃空間,從島的元素出發,將“元宇宙”的數字空間嵌入至設計中,科技與空間碰撞成一個個相連的圓形島嶼,並用抽象化的設計手法在空間中表現出來。藝術感和商業化的並置,主張以“江與島/海之光”與“未來島嶼“的形式來表達未來自然的藝術美感,打造新時代的標杆。 In this case, the design team planned the space according to the development characteristics of City of Glory. Starting from the elements of the island, the digital space of the metaverse was embedded into the design, and technology and space collided into circular islands connected one by one. , and express it in space with abstract design techniques. The juxtaposition of artistic sense and commercialization advocates expressing the artistic beauty of future nature in the form of river and island/sea light and future island, and creates a benchmark for the new era.


星河滾燙,皓月清涼。 我們見過的所有美好,好像都和月亮有關。 The galaxy is hot, and the bright moon is cool. All the good things we have seen seem to be related to the moon.





星河滾燙,皓月清涼,我們見過的所有美好,好像都和月亮有關,在高闊的空間條件下,設計師以陣列式圓盤裝置引導空間的重心,以此勾勒出一條神秘的“月光隧道,將月亮帶回地球,點亮美好。” The stars are hot and the moon is cool. All the beauty we have seen seems to be related to the moon. Under the condition of high and wide space, the designer guides the center of gravity of the space with an array-type disc device to outline a mysterious moonlight tunnel. , bring the moon back to earth and light up the beauty.


前臺兩側的臺燈,用精緻獨特的設計,增加空間的儀式感和藝術感,金屬與光的碰撞賦予前廳豐富的層次變化,寧靜卻不失華麗,為觀者帶來沉浸式的觀賞體驗,對現有空間進行完善和補充。 The table lamps on both sides of the front desk use exquisite and unique designs to increase the sense of ritual and art in the space. The collision of metal and light endows the front hall with rich layer changes, which are quiet but gorgeous, bringing immersive viewing experience to the audience. , to improve and supplement the existing space.




沙盤區利用弧線和光使城市的建築多了一絲空靈、靜謐自由的情境氛圍,半圍合式的空間結構既區分了不同空間的功能屬性,也帶來家的歸屬感和親切感。 The sand table area uses arcs and light to add an ethereal, quiet and free situational atmosphere to the citys buildings. The semi-enclosed space structure not only distinguishes the functional attributes of different spaces, but also brings a sense of belonging and intimacy to the home.




以旭輝小熊作為IP為主人公構建的未來科技感藝術裝置,借用“元宇宙”的新概念去獲得實時的現場體驗,從而順理成章地成為洽談空間的聚焦點。 The future technology-sensing art installation with Xuhui Bear as the protagonist uses the new concept of metaverse to obtain real-time on-site experience, thus becoming the focus of the negotiation space.


絢麗多彩的畫面夢幻且高級,簡潔流暢的立面線條與絢麗的色彩相輔相成,使空間呈現出別樣的精緻與時尚格調。 The colorful pictures are dreamy and advanced, and the simple and smooth facade lines complement each other with brilliant colors, making the space present a different kind of exquisite and fashionable style.


中心以太空小熊融入時空,透過通透的亞克力與時空元素重疊,所有的能量從地面和頂面向小熊延伸,感受猶如海之光的能量場,暢想未來新領域。 In the center, space bears are integrated into time and space. Through the transparent acrylic and the elements of time and space overlap, all the energy extends from the ground and the top to the bears. Feel the energy field like the light of the sea, and imagine the new future.






水吧區以暖黃光色營造空間的高光色,在略顯昏暗的場景氛圍中營造出時空交疊感,使客戶能自由愜意的穿梭其中,享受生活的美妙。 The water bar area uses warm yellow light color to create the highlight color of the space, creating a sense of time and space overlap in the slightly dim atmosphere, so that customers can travel freely and comfortably and enjoy the beauty of life.



半包裹式的座位佈局,清晰劃分出一個獨立又開放的書吧區,圓柱形多媒體牆在給予空間柔和照明的同時,與軟裝傢俱相互呼應,整體簡潔又現代,未來感十足。 The semi-wrapped seating layout clearly defines an independent and open book bar area. The cylindrical multimedia wall not only provides soft lighting to the space, but also echoes the soft furnishings.


倚靠的坐墊與提取江河元素再設計,融入剛柔並濟的東方理念,在金屬與軟包上加入精緻的細節勾勒,在座椅處猶如一幅畫卷,別有一番風趣。 The seat cushion for leaning on is redesigned by extracting the elements of rivers and rivers, incorporating the oriental concept of combining rigidity and softness, and adding delicate details to the metal and soft bags.





化妝室設計簡潔明朗,科幻未來感十足,頂部天花如同夜色下的滿天星辰,溫柔又具詩意的揮灑下淡淡光芒,給予真切的感受到這人間錯落煙火。 The design of the dressing room is simple and clear, full of sci-fi futuristic feeling. The ceiling at the top is like a sky full of stars in the night, and the gentle and poetic sway of the faint light gives a real feeling of the scattered fireworks in this world.



初升的陽光為新的一天啟示,透過窗戶散落在遠處陽光,由淡黃變為緋紅,緊接著金光四射。 The rising sun is the revelation of a new day. Through the window, the sun is scattered in the distance, changing from pale yellow to crimson, followed by golden light.






光輝之城,以“元宇宙”世界的虛與實,拓展實際的應用場景,創造著一個與現實世界相平行的鏡像世界,相互連通,精彩紛呈。 Glory City expands practical application scenarios with the virtuality and reality of the metaverse world, and creates a mirror world parallel to the real world, which is interconnected and splendid.







兒童區曼妙著夢幻的童話味道,暖暖的色調散發著與自然、生命和諧共處的味道,大塊面透明玻璃將陽光帶入開放式結構空間,回應著空間的靈動氣息。 The childrens area has a wonderful and dreamy fairy tale flavor. The warm colors exude the taste of harmonious coexistence with nature and life. The large transparent glass brings sunlight into the open structure space, responding to the agile atmosphere of the space.


項目名稱 | 光輝之城 項目位置 | 雁輝路與甌石路交叉口(溫州市洞頭區) 業主單位 | 旭輝地產、龍光地產 硬裝設計 | 矩陣縱橫 軟裝設計 | 矩陣鳴翠 傢俱飾品|MATRIX original 藝術顧問|BananaJam 項目攝影 | 釋象萬合 設計面積 | 880㎡ 主要材料 | 白色烤漆板,藝術玻璃,黑色鏡面不銹鋼,黑色瓷磚,古銅不銹鋼,水紋不銹鋼,牆布,水磨石,亞克力,吸音板

矩阵纵横(Matrix Design)为2010年成立的以提供高端设计服务为目的的设计品牌。经过近10年的发展,Matrix Design已成长为兼具业界影响力和当代代表性的中国设计品牌,积极回应可持续发展的人类需求,针对资源、文化、城市、居住、商业和市场等要素贡献前瞻性地解析,用智慧和责任展示设计的魅力,在以“回归东方”为团队使命的前提下力求实现环境、社会、文化及经济效益的设计增值。















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