新作 CKAP X 中海花湾丨世间琳琅,心有所归 首
2022-01-21 23:00
Space and time are the frames with which all reality is associated. We can only conceive of anything real in the context of space and time.
本案位于福建省厦门市 厦门,不止小清新,也有古朴市井气、充满烟火气的老街区、浪漫文艺的鼓浪屿、独特壮观的土楼群。
“舒适高于奢华” 从当代年轻人角度出发,考虑人性关怀,打破常规设定,运用不同的设计语言,打造时尚生活的哲学与美学艺术,将仪式感融合生活场景氛围,演绎出现代都市生活的姿态。 Comfort over Luxury From the point of view of the contemporary young people, considering the human concern, breaking the conventional setting, using different design languages, to create the philosophy and aesthetic art of fashion life, the sense of ritual integration of life scene atmosphere, deduce the posture of modern urban life.
此户型为MUJI风,以原木色和米色营造简洁素雅氛围,全屋没有丝毫俗气。相比其他风格装修,不追求过度奢华,但对生活品质不妥协,对自然环保高度认同。这样的居家环境更让人亲睐。 This house model is MUJI , build concise simple but elegant atmosphere with wood color and cream-colored, whole house does not have the slightest tacky. Compared with other styles of decoration, we do not pursue excessive luxury, but we do not compromise the quality of life and highly identify with nature and environmental protection. Such home environment more let a person pro gaze.
运用新型理念LDKB的概念,将整个客餐阳台及玄关空间联动起来,成为家人之间最好的互动场所。 柜体由玄关延伸至客厅,末端可以放置一架钢琴,小空间也不能够阻碍艺术细胞的释放。 Using the concept of new concept LDKB, the whole guest balcony and porch space linkage, become the best interaction between family. Ark body extends to the sitting room by porch, terminal can place a piano, little space also cannot hinder the release of artistic cell.
充分利用边角的空间 小户型利用好角落空间尤为重要,不仅能节省出许多存储空间,也能打造出一个特别的生活场景。 Make full use of the corner space It is particularly important to make good use of corner space in small apartments, which can not only save a lot of storage space, but also create a special living scene.
我们在本案中给厨房保留超大U型操作台,白色瓷砖与原木色橱柜结合,扩大视觉空间同时又平添了一份自然气息,简洁而舒适。利用各种五金置物架,将厨房用品收纳规整,保持操作台的宽松整洁。 We reserve large U-type work station to the kitchen in this case, white ceramic tile and original wood color ambry are united in union, enlarge visual space at the same time smooth added a natural breath, concise and comfortable. Use all sorts of hardware buy content to wear, receive kitchen things orderly, maintain those who work station is loose and neat.
卧室空间比较紧凑,将床体统一靠窗放置,提高空间利用率,满足日常睡觉和收纳需求,空间也不会过于拥挤。 The bedroom space is relatively compact, and the bed body is placed by the window to improve the space utilization rate, meet the daily sleeping and storage needs, and the space will not be too crowded.
空间自由最大化,打破常规结构,增加自由活动变形空间。同时注重收纳与展示的重新配比,本着七分藏、三分露的比例原则,考虑生活情境的所有的可能性。 Maximize space freedom, break the conventional structure, increase free movement deformation space. At the same time, pay attention to the re-matching of storage and display, in line with the proportion principle of seven points hidden, three points exposed, consider all the possibilities of life situation.
电竞是当代大多年轻人的业余爱好,近几年来,随着国家政策及地方政府支持等利好因素,国内电竞产业获得持续性、爆发性增长。本案以电竞风为主题,打造时尚前卫、年轻的居住环境。 在2021英雄联盟全球总决赛中,中国战队EDG卫冕冠军,这场比赛意义重大,是中国在世界上的又一次荣耀,老一辈“打游戏没有出息”的老旧观念不攻自破。 E-sports is a hobby of most young people. In recent years, with favorable factors such as national policies and local government support, the domestic e-sports industry has achieved sustained and explosive growth. This case to the e-sports wind as the theme, to create fashion avant-garde, young living environment. In the 2021 League of Legends Global Finals, Chinese team EDG has defended its title. This match is of great significance and is another glory for China in the world. The old concept of playing games is worthless has been destroyed by the old generation
超大面宽的客厅让我们在有限的空间里将视野扩大到极致,空间以黑白灰为主,跳以蓝色,从容不迫的布局,简约不落时尚感。 超大空间满足了高频次活动:家庭聚会、亲子互动,将生活爱好场景化。 The large and wide living room allows us to expand our vision to the extreme in the limited space. The space is given priority to with black, white and gray, and the jump is blue. The layout is leisurely and simple, and the fashion sense is not falling. Large space to meet high frequency activities: family gatherings, parent-child interaction, the life of the hobby scene.
极小户型也能拥有超大厨房操作空间,清晨的阳光照进厨房,煮一杯咖啡,感受清晨的慵懒和清新,在光影交错中开启美好的一天。 Even the smallest apartment can have a large kitchen operation space, the morning sunlight into the kitchen, make a cup of coffee, feel the lazy and fresh morning, in the light and shadow crisscrossed start a beautiful day.
百叶窗切割过的光泽肌理,赋予空间隽永的美感,温柔缱绻不及岁月眨眼的光芒。在“光”与“透”的空间里,享受一刻的岁月悠长。 The gloss texture of the shutters gives the space a meaningful aesthetic feeling, which is tender and tender as the blinking light of the years. In the light and transparent space, enjoy a moment of time is long.
男孩房延续电竞元素,经典蓝搭配少量亮眼的棕色与黄色,形成强烈明暗艺术对比,增强空间趣味性。 Boys room continues the e-sports elements, classic blue with a small amount of bright brown and yellow, forming a strong artistic contrast between light and shade, enhancing the space interest.
洗衣机和浴室柜一体化,极小户型也能够拥有小型家政空间。超大的镜面不仅能够倒映空间,也能反射更多光线,在视觉上起到扩充视野的效果。 Washing machine and bathroom cabinet integration, small apartment can also have small housekeeping space. The large mirror can not only reflect the space, but also reflect more light, which expands the visual field.
时代的高速发展,为城市注入年轻、新鲜的活力,同时也给人们带来更多的规则、环境限制或是精神束缚。心底仍旧不灭追逐自由的火,才能绽放更绚烂的光彩。 The rapid development of The Times, inject young, fresh vitality into the city, but also bring more rules, environmental restrictions or spiritual constraints to people. The bottom of my heart is still not extinguished to pursue the fire of freedom, in order to blossom more brilliant brilliance.
项目名称: 厦门中海万锦熙岸 设计公司: 深圳创库设计顾问有限公司 位 置: 福建省 厦门市 材 料: 石材、墙布、木饰面、拉丝不锈钢、树脂版、皮革 分 类: 创意样板间 特别鸣谢: 中海集团厦门分公司 甲方团队:戴梧桐、蒋泽旭、吴经纶、程秦、刘瑜、宁李佳莉
CKAP坚持以 “设计创造价值”为核心的服务理念。在实践中,深感设计不应只是设计师孤芳自赏的艺术品,而应结合客户和市场的商业要求,强调专案本身的美观性、实用性、可持续性和文化背景的丰富性,创造出叫好又叫座的设计作品。