
2022-01-19 22:27
“ 耐人寻味的公寓,色彩搭配的确不是件简单的事情。 ”
设计师手记 高饱和度色彩 让人感觉放松和兴奋 跳跃色搭配拿捏非常漂亮 祖母绿的色彩耐人寻味 溢满阳光的缤纷房子 审美也富有趣味
| Color Sense Paris Apartment





巴黎公寓空间这种色彩缤纷,让人们爱上色彩和自然光品质。这座 120 平方米公寓,营造开放、光线充足、时尚空间,反映对现代艺术的热情,。当您拥有与巴黎天空视觉连接的优势时,您需要充分利用它。这里打破资产阶级巴黎公寓 想法和形象,更倾向于度假屋,人们可以从中走出去太阳和天空。公寓倾向于艺术陈述的东西,而不仅仅是历史陈述。通过使用颜色、雕刻体积,呈现一种矛盾和多样性的氛围。
This colourful palette of Parisian apartment spaces makes people fall in love with the colour and the quality of natural light. Reflecting a passion for modern art, this 120 sqm apartment creates an open, light-filled, stylish space. When you have the advantage of a visual connection to the Paris sky, you need to take full advantage of it. The idea and image of the bourgeois Parisian apartment is broken here, leaning more towards holiday homes, from which one can step out to the sun and sky. The apartment leans towards something that is an artistic statement, not just a historical statement. Through the use of colour, sculpted volumes, an atmosphere of contradiction and diversity is presented.






Two main features in the apartment: the east-west perspective, and the fact that it occupies the space below the buildings roofline. In addition to creating free-flowing, light-filled spaces, the under the roof aspect of the project had to be at its best. Existing double-height windows on the east and west facades raise the ceiling level in the main room area. The space is designed with a mezzanine level that houses a guest room and leads to the void through a window. The kitchen end also opens upwards, providing an important relief of space, and can be used almost as a light well during the day.


The apartment entrance is a dark wood paneled foyer inspired by historic cabinetry. Pictures of curious, masked anthropologists and pairs of decorative women hang on the walls. Intimacy and comfort are glimpsed in the distance, with the main room composed of cascading ceilings, located between the kitchen, dining and lounge areas. There is a clear flow of spaces, each defined by its use of color and substance. The low ceiling in the dining area is conducive to intimacy, and the relatively low ceiling is released towards the higher ceiling.



The kitchen, designed for easy conviviality and sharing, uses seamless travertine on the island, designed to move fluidly. Travertine surfaces define the kitchen perimeter. In the dining area, the signature oval marble-shaped tulip table and deep, comfortable Vik chairs form a warm invitation, surrounded by waist-high shelving for thematic themed books and memorabilia. Striking portraits line the walls, paintings and photographs of various styles and eras have a common theme of women.





波洛克黄,“太阳的颜色”,确保任何一天的光线质量,整个公寓都受到黄色墙壁折射的光线的影响。台阶粉红色灵感与业主特别喜欢颜色相同,杏仁绿直接参考从夹层窗下种植箱中倾泻而下的植物 ,这三种颜色搭配得很好。在整个室内保持一种紧张感、一种惊喜感和对比。
Pollock Yellow, the color of the sun, ensures the quality of light on any given day, and the entire apartment is affected by the light refracted by the yellow walls. The step pink inspiration is the same color the owners particularly like, and the almond green is a direct reference to the plants pouring down from the planter box under the mezzanine window, and the three colors work well together. Maintain a sense of tension, a sense of surprise and contrast throughout the interior.
| Sophisticated Aesthetics





公寓开发项目打造一个“工作 生活”的样板空间,以解构的方式打破传统的空间格局,创造出一个体验与功能完美融合的现代空间。城市更新背景下的新空间,让人眼前一亮。
The apartment development project creates a work   life model space, breaks the traditional spatial pattern in a deconstructed way, and creates a modern space that perfectly integrates experience and function. The new space under the background of urban renewal is eye-catching.






In the context of urban renewal, the old city is driving real estate with culture, and improving commercial facilities to promote functional upgrades. In view of the huge development potential of this area, the project is based on differentiated positioning and presents innovative space. For young entrepreneurs and urbanites, explore and create a new life model that combines business logic and social value.






The space is arranged on the first floor, where there are some pre-existing columns. An unexpected large-scale sense is created in the limited space. The overall space consists of a shared office area and a model room, both of which are used for display. The co-working space is open-plan and can accommodate book bars, conversation areas, fitness and leisure areas, creative artworks, mobile workstations and independent offices to meet diverse work needs.




The model room is exquisite, and the details are meticulously combined. The introduction of metaphorical visual symbols echoes the local cultural context and carries the memory of the city. In the foyer, the bird-shaped art installation outlines the terracotta warriors abstract artwork with ropes, which is modern and interesting. Mirror and metal lamps complement each other, both functional and artistic. The spatial design balances solidity and lightness well, evoking the user’s emotions and giving them a sense of vitality.





作为公寓楼中“工作 生活”空间的典范,低成本的彩绘丰富室内表面,营造出轻松氛围和美观的视觉效果。在营造舒适环境,包豪斯风格元素融入空间。天花板铜镜、散发光点青铜灯饰、鸟形台灯,以及放在架子上现代装饰品,共同产生独特效果。
A model for a work   live space in an apartment building, low-cost painted paint enriches interior surfaces, creating a relaxed atmosphere and aesthetically pleasing visuals. In creating a comfortable environment, Bauhaus style elements are integrated into the space. Bronze ceiling mirrors, radiant bronze lighting, bird-shaped table lamps, and modern accessories on the shelves work together to create a unique effect.






Storytelling elements and symbols run through the space and imbue it with imagination. Creativity is manifested in materials and colour palettes that highlight the inspiring character of the space.Space should serve people. The project integrates functionality, aesthetics, cultural context and creativity, and uses a humanized design language in a natural and simple way to present an exemplary lifestyle space to young urbanites.






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