连云港 尚都·玺樾 深山寻馆 首
2022-01-19 10:19
A secret mountain retreat away from the hustle and bustle
“随遇而安因树为屋, 会心不远开门见山”。久居城市的人们内心深处,总是渴望一次山林的回归,一次远离尘嚣的探寻。是时候,寻一方自然天地,找回内心深处对自然的向往,对灵魂深处隐逸理想的遣怀。
项目位于城市道路转角 作为城市展厅功能 为了凸显城市界面的整体强昭示性与良好互动性 我们利用2M水幕与水景高差跌落 打造成一幅动态流水音乐水幕 立体生态,飞涧急流 增加观者的视觉记忆并由此产生 ”闻涧引而观“的自然心里引导
The project is located at the corner of the city road As the city exhibition hall function In order to highlight the overall strong explicit and good interactivity of the urban interface We use 2M water curtain and waterscape height difference fall Create a dynamic water music water curtain Three-dimensional ecology, flying stream rapids Increase the viewers visual memory and thus generate Smell stream lead and view natural heart guidance
松木、飞瀑、梵音 共同催生出一处开放通透 而又相互延伸贯通的禅意之境 细腻雕琢粗犷,残缺勾勒圆满 由此开启闻溪探谷之行
Pine, waterfall, Vatican sound Together to foster an open and transparent And extended to each other through the realm of Zen Delicate carve rough incomplete outline perfect Thus open the wenxi valley exploration trip
行至入口,步入倩影寻松诗意天地 门楼两侧矮墙与植物搭配围合而成 “天圆地方”轴线空间 蕴含独特的东方文化与空间意识 中间迎客松仿照壁功能 营造出幽雅玄秘、清净包容之神韵 于此 一切设计语言化繁为简,溯源本真 勾勒出一处与外围隔离 匠心坦诚、纯粹和谐的心之尘境
Walk to the entrance and step into the poetic world of Qianying Xunpine The low walls on both sides of the gatehouse are enclosed with plants The sky is round and the place axis space Contains unique oriental culture and spatial awareness The middle welcome pine imitates the function of the wall Create the charm of elegance mystery, purity and tolerance here All design languages are simplified and traceable Outline a place isolated from the periphery Ingenuity and honesty pure and harmonious heart dust
转入前厅门廊 透过光线与墙体的交错、渗透、折射、流转 窥探出一种洞察本质、万象和谐的美学意象 点点星灯,松影隐现 刚柔并济间,感性与理性 营造出朦胧虚幻的异世意境 眼前的景象仿若演变为“世界的一部分” 奇松百态瞬间幻化为人形 迸发出强烈的生命诗意,循迹而行
Turn into the vestibule porch Interlace, penetrate, refract, and flow through the light and the wall Spy out an aesthetic image of insight into the essence and harmony of all phenomena Little star lights, pine shadows looming Between hardness and softness sensibility and rationality Create a hazy and illusory otherworldly mood The sight in front of you seems to have evolved into a part of the world Qisong instantly transforms into a human form Burst out a strong poetic life, follow the trail
踽踽而行,探谷幽径 光辉半掩,步入庭院 宛若游走于俳谐连歌的画幅之中 红梅会客对景艺术片岩写意的山泉流水
Walk alone, explore the valley Half full of glory, step into the courtyard It is like wandering in the painting of haiku Red plum receives guest to scenery art schist freehand mountain spring water
峡谷夹道借用夹景手法 与售楼处前水面的豁然开朗之势 形成空间形态的极致对比 松意与黑石山交织 景石与景墙完美咬合 虬枝各异,光影婆娑 目之所及,心为之通
The canyon channel borrows the clip scene method With the sudden openness of the water in front of the sales office Form the ultimate contrast of spatial forms Looseness and Black Rock Mountain are intertwined The stone and the wall are perfectly occluded The branches are different the light and shadow are whirling What the eyes can see, what the heart can do
冥想会客室外洽谈区 赏松吟月,对影星光 静坐此间,素朴清静 一处氤氲着自然、含蓄的美学之境 向观者敞开自我、暴露时光锤炼的本质 洗尽铅华,归于纯粹
Outdoor negotiation area for meditation reception Appreciating the Song of the Pine and the Moon, Facing the Shadow of the Stars Sit quietly here, simple and quiet A place full of natural and subtle aesthetics Open yourself to the viewer and expose the essence of time tempering Wash away the splendor and return to purity
以镜水为纸,以松石为绘 陌上溪行,访潭而至 松木青翠,错落有致 水波、山石、天幕相依相衬 造就空濛山色,东方意美
Using mirror water as paper and turquoise as painting Walking on the river, visiting the lake Green pine wood, patchwork Water waves, rocks and the sky are interdependent Create empty mountains, oriental beauty
于玺樾森活美学之间 目中一世界,心中一世界 意象于此置换 在景观物语与浮华外世间 在溪行与松语间 在静石与神思之间 在畅游的动态与时光的舒展间 让奔波于尘世中的忙碌心灵 享受自然的真实 重获喧嚣后的静谧与自我
Between Xiyues living aesthetics A world in your eyes a world in your heart The imagery is replaced here In the Landscape Story and the Outer Worlds Between the stream and the pine language Between the still stone and the mind In the dynamic of swimming and the stretch of time Let the busy mind running around in the world enjoy the truth of nature Regain the serenity and self after the hustle and bustle
行走于下沉庭院与停车场之间的林间夹道 通过透明的玻璃与树梢 闲暇之余漫步在树林草丛之间 尽头处、转身间、角落里皆是清逸自然 谈笑皆是风雅云间,回味都是林间清幽腔调
Walk on the underpass between the sunken courtyard and the parking lot Through transparent glass and treetops In his spare time, he wandered among the trees and grasses At the end, turn around corner are pure and easy nature Talk and laugh are elegant clouds aftertaste is the forest quiet tone
Ingenious creation, forest living aesthetics
甲方营造团队|王玮 王正 谭晶 林源 王玉敏 隋峰