晥晚|介間 . 实景 首
2022-01-02 12:01
三面目之所及皆是窗明几净,明媚的光线自然引入,舒缓平和的气质在这个空间里随风氤氲。设计动线与氛围关系起承转合为空间赋能,设计指引着生活方式的转变。步履匆匆的都市族群,在这个心灵空间里沉淀自我,淬炼一颗懂得捕捉生活意趣的心。 Light is introduced naturally, the relationship between the design moving line and atmosphere is empowered for the space, and the design guides the transformation of lifestyle. In this space precipitation self, have a heart to understand the life interest.
每一个单色调的夜晚,都被城市的霓虹灯添上情绪。走进城市中独属于你的心灵异想世界,透明茶几上的这一抹新绿与米白色的家私相辅相成,如别在柔软毛衣上的胸针,给主打素色的秋冬平添几分恰到好处的活力与朝气。拨开世界的云雾,让身心归顺于空间情绪,找回生活本来的宁和温馨。 Every single night is infused with mood by the city's neon lights. Transparent tea table and the furniture photograph of rice white supplement each other, make the same score to qiu dong add a few minutes proper vigor and spark. Let the body and mind return to the space mood, find the original peace and warmth of life.
城市是几百万人一起探寻生活本真的地方,夜晚在沉淀空间里内观自省,黎明在街区公园里晨跑追逐光芒。一盏灯、一张沙发、一面白墙,每一个细节里都隐藏着安静的力量。设计语言的铺陈让时间转化为空间,又让空间温柔叙述着岁月的故事。生活的美好来源于我们的内心,时光清浅,张弛有度。 Cities are places where millions of people come together to discover the true nature of life. A lamp, a piece of sofa, one side white wall, quiet power is hidden in every detail. The presentation of design language turns time into space, and space narrates the years. The beauty of life comes from our hearts, time is shallow, relaxation degree.
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由点至面,延伸而又重复。几何图形的切割,丰富了简素的空间,平凡中透着张力。坐在窗前办公,窗外霓虹闪烁恍如明丽的烟花划破城市寂寥的夜空,浪漫与热情的韵律舞动于繁华人间。 From point to surface, extending and repeating. In the cutting of geometric figures, there is tension in the ordinariness. Sitting in front of the window, the rhythm of romance and enthusiasm is dancing in the world.
最长的路也有尽头,最黑暗的夜也会迎接清晨。在每个晨光的熹微里,拉开白色纱幔,让和煦暖阳轻吻你惺忪的睡眼。转身在黑色皮质沙发里落座,杯中的咖啡香气扑鼻而来,映入眼帘的黑、白、灰、木,调和出一副质朴、惬意、慵懒的文艺生活画卷。 The longest road has an end, even the darkest night meets the morning. In every morning light, let the sun kiss your sleepy eyes. Turn around to sit down in black coriaceous sofa, the black that greet, white, ash, wood, harmonic gives picture scroll of life of a pair of literature and art.
空间从内而外带给人舒适愉悦的感觉,才能令人卸下内心的扰囔,于此感受光阴流转,探寻生活方式的无限可能,捕获人心最返璞归真的告白。恍如床头这一盏夜灯,给简约的卧室空间增添一抹暖意。 The space from inside and outside brings a person comfortable and cheerful feeling, ability makes a person unload the disturbance of the heart, be like the head of a bed this night light, add a warm meaning to contracted bedroom space.
项目坐标:无锡 中粮壹号院 项目面积:126㎡ 设计时间:2020.04 拍摄时间:2021.09 设计公司:介间建筑设计 施工单位:欧伦建筑施工 设计总监:郭恒博 苏阳 设计主管:陈凌燕 空间摄影:徐义稳