安定案例 | 归(室内效果)
2021-12-15 17:29
项目地点 | 福州 项目名称 | 归 项目面积 | 500㎡ 设计师 | 李敏 设计团队 | 福建安定空间设计有限公司
设计师在设计过程中运用到的木材、石头、藤的灵感均取自山间 The wood and stone used in the design process are inspired by the mountains 木材与墙面的留白壁挂相映成趣 It contrasts with the white wall hanging on the wall
设计师从国外留学归来,运用国外纯天然的想法将藤编椅、颜似土壤的石材,跟中国手法融合一起。 The designer returned from studying abroad and used the natural ideas of foreign countries to integrate the rattan chair and the soil-like stone with Chinese techniques.
看似悬吊的楼梯其实结实的很。 The seemingly suspended staircase is actually very strong.
设计师运用现代的元素,融合当代的艺术作品,整体感觉既不会太园林又很有时尚感。 The designer uses modern elements and integrates contemporary works of art, which is neither too gardeny but also very fashionable.
一种自然的感觉,坚持少即是多的理念,干净利落的外观与内部表里如一,通过天然材料,如木材、石材和绿植,所表达出来。 A natural feeling, insisting on the idea that less is more, the clean appearance is the same as the inside, expressed through natural materials such as wood, stone and green plants.
客餐厅功能明确,既要考虑全家人的休闲时光,也要兼顾用餐的实际需求。如何将两者和谐统一地融合起来?几盏简洁的筒灯,几盏米白色吊灯。 The function of the guest restaurant is clear. It is necessary to consider the leisure time of the whole family and the actual needs of meals. How to integrate the two harmoniously? A few simple downlights and a few beige chandeliers.
除了运用大自然赋予的材料,设计师还采用大面积的玻璃幕墙设计,将自然光引入室内减少主灯设计,不仅简约大方更注重环保的理念。 In addition to using materials endowed by nature, the designer also adopted a large-area glass curtain wall design to introduce natural light into the interior to reduce the design of the main light, which is not only simple and generous, but also environmentally friendly.
下沉式卡座上方开了一扇窗,天气晴朗的时候邀请朋友看星星赏月亮,远离城市的喧嚣,静静感受蝈蝈的叫声,生活不过如此。 A window is opened above the sunken deck. When the weather is fine, you can invite friends to watch the stars and admire the moon, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and quietly feel the grasshoppers calls. Life is nothing more than that.